Right Justified

VINDICATING TRUMP TRAILER/New Dinesh D’Souza Movie [Watch]

It’ll be in select theaters Sept. 27. That suggests to me that anyone inclined to pay to see it has already made up their mind.

Plenty of choices for watching tonight’s debate…

I’ve made up my mind there, too, and primarily want to watch in case there’s a train wreck, and of course, to note the lies…

In the Kapu Tradition

Honolulu shooting leaves 4 dead, 2 injured … Police have not yet identified any of the victims or the two men who exchanged gunfire. [More]

Maybe because the Hawaii Free Press says they’re “Two Politically Connected Waianae Families“…?

In other Trouble in Paradise news, scroll down to “Stand your ground here and get 40 hours of lockup.”

For the Low-Information Voter in Your Life

Newsom’s California Gun Control Laws Show Results, While Kemp’s Georgia Control Laws Fail [More]

MSN offers a clickbait slide show to trick idiots into believing recognizing rights gives license to abuse them replete with the old rate/numbers swindle along with blaming an entire state for crimes committed in Democrat districts.

I wonder if Cynthia Talbot realizes how replaceable by AI she and her fellow narrative parroters really are.

[Via Dan Gifford]

To Themselves and Their Posterity

Springfield, Ohio, resident tells mayor that she “can’t take it anymore” as Haitian migrants squat on her lawn, litter in her yard and harass her and elderly husband daily. [More]


Who in office made this locating decision? Who in office did not loudly fight it before it became reality?

How is this happening in a supposedly “Republican” state?

They really are counting on “law-abiding citizens” (aka “the greatest threat”) just taking it and taking it and taking it…

And Alabama’s “red state,” too

[Via Michael G]

If This Were Important, It’d be on CNN

ELECTION INTERFERENCE: DOJ Chief Caught Admitting in Undercover Footage That Trump Indictments Are Politically Motivated — Exposes Plot to Make Trump a ‘Convicted Felon’ and ‘Affect His Candidacy’ [More]

Prosecutions starting in 3…2… what? No prosecutions…?

[Via bondmen]

Trump L’oeil

CTH archives are full of the evidence for the “illusion of choice,” including the splitter strategy that Weinstein describes. It’s the primary reason for our early and unwavering support of Donald J Trump. There never has been any alternative. [More]

I’ve always been careful to distinguish between supporting the man and supporting the policies he campaigned on. And the point on illusion is well taken and well known to longtime WoG readers.

[Via bondmen]

Blast from the Past

From George Gramlich, Editor of the Sangre de Cristo Sentinel, via email:


I don’t know if you remember but Mike’s last Smuggler’s episode was him going up to NY or Conn with a bunch of 30 rounders and give them out at a rally. Well, he got too sick to do that and he called me up (or email, I can’t remember) and asked me if I had any options.

This was before July 4 so I said mail them to me and we will give them out at our 2nd Amendment section before the parade (with a little speech about where they came from. Everybody remembered when he marched with us a few years before). That give away was Mike’s last official action.To make the mags special, I asked him to write something on each one and he did.

Each mag read, first line, “MBV III” with the 2nd line saying, “Smuggler Prod. Co.”. In white magic marker.

I grabbed three that day. I have one at the office and one in my man cave but just found the third one yesterday. I had forgotten about it.

I want it to go to somebody who would value it.

Though you might want it. If so, please send your USPS address and I will ship it out shortly.

The wife just came in with the mail. Guess what I got:

Thanks, George! You’re the best!

What We’ve Been Told To Tell You To Believe

Dallas County attorney won’t release Perry school shooting report to public. Here’s why: [More]

No, “Here’s what she claimed.”

There’s a difference.

Not that I’d expect “real reporters” to grok the difference…

[Via Michael G]

Turn in Your Firearms Or Be Destroyed!

Top Kamala Surrogate Raphael Warnock Signals Support for Push for Harris Passing Mandatory Gun Confiscation [More]

Of course.

You’ll note no one fleshes out what they’ll do if millions tell them “No.”

Funny, how reports of “Reverend” Warnock being arrested for hindering a child abuse investigation just kind of went away, and we never did find out what kind of abuse…

[Via Dan Gifford]

Feel the Vibrancy

Animal sacrifices on the rise in Queens with chickens, pigs being tortured in ‘twisted’ rituals [More]


Curious who we’re not hearing any outraged demands to stop from, right, PETA, Humane Society, Center for Biological Diversity…?

It’s almost like proponents of a subversive leftist “cause”, whatever it is, know to keep quiet when agitating would conflict with the overall agenda…

[Via WiscoDave]

Hanging Chad

Alvarado-Gil allegedly “had her pants pulled down” when Condit came back from the bathroom and told him, “‘I want you to kiss it and prove your loyalty,’” according to the affidavit. “Alvarado-Gil appeared to enjoy her power and demanded this show of ‘loyalty’ on several occasions.” [More]

I’m sorry, but this doesn’t pass the smell test in more ways than one. While she was allegedly getting face time from him, he was telling people this?

Maybe it’s because I’ve never known a man who would put up with this at work, but admittedly, I don’t hang out with any Democrat apparatchik males.

This seems more like a hit job motivated by her changing parties and personal revenge.

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Crashing Enough

A state trooper is accused of killing a cheerleader who was about to graduate… [More]

Yeah, well, accidents do happen. What makes this “Only Ones”-worthy?

A review of Roper’s disciplinary record found he was involved in four prior crashes while driving his Minnesota State Patrol squad car “either due to inattentive driving or excessive speed,” according to the criminal complaint.

See, they know about these guys and set them loose on us anyway, and when the inevitable happens, management utters some weasel words and circles the wagons.

[Via Jess]

Selective Outrage

After viewing footage of Trump speaking on a panel about female entrepreneurship, Watters commented, “So I don’t really get what’s going on here, but I really liked how she was speaking into that microphone,” as he parodied holding the microphone as a phallic symbol. [More]

Whereas if he’d been Gavin Newsom:

Facts of Life

But you’ll notice all the Democrats, gun grab groups, and DSM, but I repeat myself, parroting the lie, and idiot followers swallowing it whole.

If it had been up to Kamala, the death toll would have been higher.

Just Like the Framers Intended

For places that are newer, Defendants must point to regulations that are analogous to the regulations cited by the Supreme Court, taking into account that it is illogical to expect a government to regulate a place before it existed in its modern form. [More]

So, any building, parcel, street, city, territory, or state developed after ratification…?

What other articles in the Bill of Rights does this apply to?

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