Giving the Devil His Due

“I would like to know what they did that was illegal. I would like to know what they did, in detail if folks would like to share, what they did that was wrong, that infringed on another person’s right. Holding a rally, and even holding a rally with guns, is not illegal.” [More]

Democrats believe in denying rights to those they don’t like. Speaking as the type of person they categorize as a dangerous fascist and hater, it’s curious that I defended the rights of the Stone Mountain commie racists — as long as they didn’t cross the line.

Post this quote to the Twitter account of every opportunistic Democrat rabble rouser condemning Rep. Libby:

“Yes, I’d give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety’s sake!”

Two Wolves and a Sheep

If you live in a “democracy” where everyone routinely votes to censor and imprison one another, you still live in a police state. [More]

I don’t initiate force and consider myself the most peaceable of men, but every time I hear some stupid Republican politician use the term “our democracy,” I envision grabbing him by the lapels and head-butting some sense into his face.

[Via Michael G]

The Fuddy Professor

Can students get their tuition back?

I wonder if anyone still has a copy of the course syllabuses, assignments, and tests to establish the depth of his Second Amendment focus…

[Via bondmen]

Through His Teeth

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas says it is “preposterous” to suggest that President Joe Biden is importing millions of migrants to the United States to inflate political power in favor of Democrats. [More]

Yeah, what kind of loon would think that?

On the plus side, it’s nice to see the Biden administraiotn agreeing with all the major gun groups for a change.

[Via bondmen]

On We Sweep with Threshing Oar, Our Only Goal Will Be the Western Shore

Are you VDARE?

[Via WiscoDave]

Playing with Fire

Report shows Jackson County jail failed recent fire inspection [More]

Way to give the inmates some ideas.

Speaking of state institutions with compulsory attendance, it’s funny how “we” spend billions on sprinkler and alarm systems for schools where there was only one civilian death from 2014-2018 in the whole country, but Democrats and teacher’s union Marxist erupt in screaming fits if you mention the one thing that could make them less attractive targets.

[Via Steve T]

Minding the Fauxtoshop

Was Humiliating Navy Rifle Photo Actually Photoshopped? [More]

This one.

If so, by whom, and why did the Navy put it up in the first place?

Others with more knowledge of such things than me (I’m a rights guy, not a hardware guy) are also pointing out disparities in rail spacing and the like.

I may look into doing a FOIA request.

It worked with the Air Force to get Sutherland Springs shooter court martial records, although I did have to sue them…

The Blind Men and the Elephant

I’ve talked before about and its repository of gun “studies,” primarily to marvel that research papers would cite someone who never let school get in the way of his education. Anyway, I get daily email update notifications of uploaded papers, and they just did one from 2020 titled “Evaluating the Impact of Gun Involved Violence Elimination (GIVE) Initiative within the City of Rochester.”

Me, my eyes glaze over with eggheadspeak and charts (sorry, Dr. Lott, the ADD kicks in and I go into daydream mode), so I always skip to the conclusion, where we find, totally unsurprisingly (and I could have saved this guy a lot of work and just told him) “call-in meetings, custom notification, and GIVE orientation meetings” don’t address the real problem of Democrat collectivist policies creating a crime culture petri dish.

He admits as much, though tries to save face and convince his evaluators he’s still a team player:

While this quasi-experiment might not have been definitive in answering the question of if the program had a particular influence on gun violence incidents based on strategies and activities implemented, the evidence still leads to possible benefits of the GIVE initiative within the city of Rochester.

Homicides dropping from 73 to 57 in one year do not a trend make, and unless and until the whole elephant in the room is addressed, claiming credit for fluctuations is a game played by fools and frauds.

Memories of Tru… O.J.


Yeah, a “typographical error”… somebody accidentally hit the wrong keys five times.

I was living in L.A. at the time of the whole $h!+show and had my weekend plans delayed by the Bronco chase.

It was a Friday night, and done with work we had a 200 mile drive to get up to a mountain cabin up the road from Kernville for the weekend. My wife and I had the van packed and were getting ready to load the cubs and head out when the phone rang– it was my older brother in Ohio who told me to turn on the TV.

There it was, heading up and blocking the 405, the freeway we had to take to head north. There was nothing to do but watch events unfold and wait for things to clear out.

When we finally did we could see the helicopters circling in the sky above his Brentwood digs as we headed up the freeway with four hours still to go…

We’re Back to Pre-Fast and Furious, Aren’t We?

During an interview with Univision that took place last Wednesday and aired on Tuesday, President Joe Biden stated that he would consider taking further executive action on guns and criticized 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump because Trump “famously told the NRA that, don’t worry, no one’s going to touch your guns” if Trump won. [More]

I just wish I could believe him.

[Via bondmen]

Speaking of Serious Questions…

Deadly Chicago traffic stop where police fired 96 shots raises serious questions about use of force [More]

Like why did someone on pretrial release on a felony gun charge open fire first?

Who else is buying “Georgina Floyd’s” “Elizabeth!” act?

And why AP and the rest of the DSM are stoking race war fires…?

[Via bondmen]

Look On Our Works, Ye Mighty, and Despair

And Admiral Levine worked so hard to gain their respect…

[Via WiscoDave]

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