I Thought the Object was to DRAIN the Swamp…

Trump encourages Daines to jump into Senate GOP leader race [More]

When I was a kid, if I came home with a 66, I had some ‘splainin’ to do. Is this representative of the transcripts he’d accept to hire someone? If so, no wonder he’s so good at firing them.

And 72 ain’t no great shakes, either.

Republicans grades as a whole pretty much explain the strength of the Vichycon movement.

Rand Paul does well.

The Best and the Brightest

A new complaint accuses Alade McKen, Columbia University Medical School’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) chief, of plagiarizing his dissertation, including material from Wikipedia. [More]

That’s because, according to a survey of race-hustling bellyachers with an axe to grind, he had to cheat twice as hard.

I guess that diminishes what my wife and I had to go through with all those minimum wage service and labor jobs in high school and college.

[Via Michael G]

Planned Powderkeg

The protests are now havens for foreign students, especially those from Arab and Muslim countries, with their own set of nationalist and tribal grievances against Israel and the United States. In some cases, such foreign students appear to lead the protests in their pro-terrorism chants—some of which are in Arabic, or translations of Arabic slogans. [More]


What do you want to bet after a terrorist massacre, government traitors counting on this come down with more “Patriot Act”-restrictions on us, “the greatest threat”? Especially if “assault weapons” are used!

[Via Michael G]


Earlier this week, the firearms community was rocked by news of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) eForms system shutdown, raising alarms among gun shops and National Firearms Act (NFA) applicants alike. The system, crucial for processing applications for silencers, short-barrel rifles, and other NFA items, reportedly closed due to Congressional budgeting concerns, leaving many to question the timing and reasoning behind the decision. [More]

So, it was a revenge move…?

I have an immediate, cost-free solution, but the government won’t allow it.

[Via Jess]

Yeah, Gun Safety, That’s the Ticket…

Each of the plaintiffs had their conviction vacated, set aside, or dismissed, and their right to possess firearms restored, by the jurisdiction in which they were convicted … Even so, California has acted to permanently deny Linton, Stewart, and Jones the right to possess or own firearms, solely on the basis of their original convictions… Summary judgment is granted in favor of plaintiffs on the Second Amendment claim. [More]

They meet all MY criteria.

What a d!ck Rob Bonta is.

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Unresourceful Enough

Around 264,000 criminal cases, including more than 4,000 sex assault cases, have been suspended by the Houston Police Department (HPD) since 2016, citing a “lack of personnel” code, according to Houston Police Chief Troy Finner. [More]

Priorities, you know

[Via bondmen]

Proof Positive?

Tucker Carlson: The 2020 Election Was ‘100 Percent Stolen’ From President Trump [More]

Which would not only make the J6 “insurrectionists” right, but would also make resitance to tyrants obedience to God.

So… we’ve had our share of Krakens. When will we have guilt proven in a court of law– since we’re talking major crime here– beyond a reasonable doubt?

And if we won’t, why not?

And what’s to stop it from happening again?

[Via bondmen]

Typical Excuse-Making Democrat Sow

Democrat torched for ‘disgusting’ response to Laken Riley’s death [Watch]

Doesn’t “gun sense candidate” Katie Porter have some potato violence to commit or something?

On the flip side, I don’t watch this Fox News program so don’t know the name of the “conservative” black woman, but when she asserts and asks “THEY DON’T ENJOY OUR RIGHTS, THEY ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS. DO WE SAY THEY ARE INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY?” the first thought that comes to mind is Sir Thomas More’s “devil himself” rejoinder from A Man for All Seasons.

I saw some of that “law and order über alles” enthusiasm displayed at the NRA Trump speech, and my first thought there was from “For Whom the Bell Tolls.”

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Taking It Off, Taking It All Off Enough

Pennsylvania Police Settle Lawsuit With Woman Forced to Undergo ‘Humiliating’ Strip-Search [More]

They ought to carry a collapsible pole in their trunk, and plenty of dollar bills…. maybe play a club mix over the PA…

Or “The Weight of the Badge“…

[Via Michael G]

Fudging the Numbers to Minimize the Threat

While accusing @CIS_org of “double-counting” illegal alien convictions, @AlexNowrasteh never asked @TxDPS directly if the data represented a double-count – he just thinks it did, except DPS say it does NOT. But that fact would undermine Alex’s claims. Your move @CatoInstitute [More]

Details here.

Don’t feel bad, fellas.

They won’t answer my challenge, either.

The Kids Nobody Likes

Republicans for Joe Biden [More]

Spreading their loathsomeness on X…

With “Republican” followers like “Ex: National Finance Chair of Draft Biden; LI Campaign Chair for Barack Obama; Majority Leader of Suffolk County Legislature. Gay dad of five kids. Duke alum” and “Occupy Democrats,” how can they lose — especially when they’ve also got a handful of medium-profile Vichycon useful idiots proud to be exploited?

The heartbreak of Kristol meth…

The Good Fists People

The latest attempt by ruling Democrats at the Legislature to curb Colorado gun owners comes with crocodile tears. It’s a bill requiring liability insurance for law-abiding citizens exercising their right to keep arms. HB24-1270’s mandate applies even if firearms are under lock and key in the safety of one’s home — and even if kept to protect that home. [More]

And it won’t, of course, apply to the very people who are the problem, that is, Democrat constituents.

Hey, how come when it’s voluntary and market based the bedwetting commies call it “murder insurance“?

[Via Jess]

That Nasty ‘C’ Word

Both the House and the Senate have passed a bill that would enact what is known as “permitless carry” or “constitutional carry” across South Carolina. But their versions of the legislation are different, so they need to settle on a compromise before they can send this bill to the governor. [More]

So someone else mandating a compromise on your entitlement isn’t an infringement?

Speaking of Seditious Conspiracies…

An Illinois state judge on Wednesday barred Donald Trump from appearing on the Illinois’ Republican presidential primary ballot because of his role in the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol… [More]

Oh, so he’s been convicted of insurrection…? What, no, he hasn’t even been charged with it…?

So Cook County Circuit Judge Tracie Porter is a Democrat apparatchik who belongs behind bars with the rest of her Democrat/DSM co-conspirators for election interference?

[Via Jess]

ATF Whistleblower’s Book Gives Unique Insights into Fast and Furious ‘Gunwalking’

In The Deadly Path, Forcelli reintroduces us to many of the other characters and scenarios we covered in our attempts to get corporate media and Congress to investigate for themselves. [More]

The guilty want this to be forgotten. This book can be a tool to renew interest in dragging their lethal actions back into the light– but only if you use it.

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