A Working Class Hero is Something to Be

Left-wing anarchist made plan to kill 50 politicians – Student Jacob Graham, who said he wanted ‘to stand up for working classes’, is convicted of preparing terrorist acts [More]

Something tells me young Jacob never worked a day in his life.

So was to too much Lenin or too much Lennon?

[Via Steve T]


I just remembered a line that made me laugh from Family Guy:

John Lennon said love is the answer. He also said “No
thanks, every hot woman, I’ll take this woman crawling out of the well from ‘The Ring’ who none of my friends like.”

The Company They Keep

Rapper Skilla Baby teams with Brady group for Detroit gun buyback event [More]

Talk about a positive influence! (NSFW)

Here he is exemplifying peaceable conduct by punching and running:

[Via Jess]

A Way to Make It Harder

Dettelbach, in the AP interview, declined to comment on the specifics of Card’s case, which an independent commission in Maine is investigating. But he said it is clear that the nation needs to make it harder for people “that everyone agrees should not have firearms, who the law says are not entitled to have firearms, to get them because it’s too easy to get them now.” [More]

But we already know a way.

It’s just that there’s this “due process” thing those who would rule us don’t want to have to follow…

[Via Jess]

Related UPDATE

Herer’s a first step in the right direction, but as long as they’ve got to be let out before they can be declared safe with certainty, expect plenty of lapses.

[Via Edmund M]

Speaking of Fast and Loose…

The Justices Are Bad Gun Historians – The Supreme Court’s recent rulings on gun rights play fast and loose with the country’s traditions of owning and regulating firearms [More]

Either that or Jack Rakove wants to challenge Saul Cornell to be the Slippin’ Jimmy of revisionsist history…

Shall we see where he goes wrong?

[Via Jess]

Speaking of Cults…

Bob Costas draws fire for branding Trump supporters as ‘toxic cult’ [More]

I have never understood why any man who cares about freedom would waste a minute of his life on bread and circuses participated in by overprivileged criminals and hosted by worm-tongued subversive tools who advocate enslaving them.

[Via Michael G]

Transformation with Representation

Much has been written analyzing the issues regarding the Biden Border Crisis. One aspect, however, that has not been adequately covered should be deeply troubling to all honest Americans: The impact of 8-10 million illegal residents on the future make-up of Congress as a result of the allotment of congressional districts. [More]

The danger hasn’t been lost on all of us.

Just the ones who ask for money from millions of followers.

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Tyrannical Enough

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is initiating Project Tyr, an effort in its infancy to employ Amazon’s artificial intelligence-driven Rekognition cloud service to identify firearms—among other things—and the people associated with them. [More]

Seems about right.

They figure we know their intentions well enough by now to where they don’t need to add the “ant” at the end.

[Via Andy M]

12 on Whose Side?

Community calls Communists call for stricter gun laws from Governor Youngkin [More]

There, I fixed it for ya.

How much “violence” have these hive insects “prevented,” and what are Shantell Rock’s qualifications for being a quotable “gun safety” authority aside from making promises she is incapable of keeping to useful idiots who force their feelings on the rest of us?

F***ing “real reporters”… most really are too ignorant to get why.

[Via Mack H]

Dog Bites Man!

[Via WiscoDave]

Dire Straits?

Tennessee Gun Owners Face Full-On Attack On Rights [More]

Yeah, but:

The 113th General Assembly Senate is composed of 27 Republicans and 6 Democrats, elected to four-year terms. The 113th General Assembly House of Representatives is composed of 75 Republicans and 24 Democrats, elected in even-numbered years to two-year terms.

[Via Jess]

Billy for You

Defendant Attorney General Rob Bonta, and his officers, agents, servants, employees, and attorneys, and those persons in active concert or participation with him, and those duly sworn state peace officers and federal law enforcement officers who gain knowledge of this injunction order or know of the existence of this injunction order, are enjoined from implementing or enforcing California Penal Code § 22210 as it applies to a billy. [More]

Bastards don’t even want you to have a club…

Now look for the Ninth Cicuit to screw it up.

[Via Jess]

Hawaii’s Butterfly Knife Decision and ‘Spirit of Aloha’ Both Offensive to Freedom

We have two citizen disarmament cases wending their way through two courts, but they both rely on essentially the same thing: superstition relying on ancient barbaric belief systems that say the people exist to serve rulers rather than the government exists to serve the people. [More]

We are supposed to be beyond rule by kapu, where offenders are severely punished for offending the gods, which judges and politicians increasingly portray themselves to be when they presume to deny unalienable rights.

Special Circumstances Necessitate Saturday Post

I typically don’t post here on weekends because I’m working on articles, behind-the-scenes sausage-making, and spending time in pursuit of happiness with my family, but something came up I thought I need to address immediately, plus the LaPierre story broke after I’d knocked off work yesterday.

Danger, Will Robinson?

I’ve talked before about how this blog and advocacy media are really the only ways I have of sharing links to my articles (aside from asking readers, which has for the most part been historically unreliable). I hope regulars here will agree they get information and insights you won’t get from the “real reporters” who dominate public perceptions (otherwise, why keep coming back?). So I was surprised (and more than a little p!$$ed) to see this reply to my X announcement about my latest AmmoLand article on California Democrat gun-grabbers harassing the “law-abiding” while their criminal constituents get another pass:

Like the man asked, WTF?

I use both Malwarebytes and Webroot, and have never had a problem with AmmoLand (albeit some readers who haven’t figured out ad blockers are prone to grouse about the price of “free”). So I clicked the Bitly link to see what the grievance was, and the only thing that makes “sense” is:

The link may have been reported to Bitly by a member of the public.

That’s it? And I don’t suppose you’re going to tell us who snitched? It’s not like I haven’t had stuff suppressed based on troll complaints before.

Without defining an issue and proving it, URL shortening service and link management platform Bitly is willing to disparage reputations and cast suspicion and fear about visiting websites just on some anonymous person with an unknown agenda’s say-so…?

So is AmmoLand a risky place to go? Not according to Google’s Safe Browsing check (WoG comes up clean as well):

And drive away business? That seems actionable.

So what might be relevant to know about Bitly in trying to untangle this attack suppressing my work? Maybe it’s not about ideology at all?

The link they’re deeming unsafe, with the link shortener beginning “go.shr.lc,” uses Shareaholic (“300,000+ forward-thinking businesses of all sizes rely on our software”), a COMPETITOR of Bitly.

And this may or may not mean something, but the Bitly CEO Toby Gabriner is based in San Francisco. Open Secrets shows he has donated to two candidates over the years, Josh Harder and Catherine Cortez Masto, both Democrats, and if you look at their links, both extremist gun-grabbers advancing Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown agenda.

Now it’s back to X to try to undo the damage.


We are working with Bitly to get these linked unblocked ASAP. [More]

I hope that means you’re going to sue their @$$es if they don’t issue a public apology for reputation damages and compensate for any monetary damages you can determine they’ve caused you and your 300,00 customers by scaring readers away from their content.

Wayne’s World

Former NRA chief Wayne LaPierre misspent gun rights group’s money and owes more than $4M, jury finds [More]

Some are saying being able to put all the blame on Wayne will now work in the Association’s favor in terms of all being forgiven and people coming back.

Not until the rubber stamp board and complicit top officers are replaced.

I’ve been asked to endorse the four “bullet vote” candidates. My response:

Only if they answer my questionnaire correctly.

Crickets. That was two-and-a-half weeks ago.

And this was long before that.

We’re the Only Ones Rocket Scientists Enough

Police search a car and find cocaine, plus a US Army rocket launcher [More]

This old scam depends on an equal mix of fraud, ignorance and hysteria, which are evidently in good supply consideirng how often and how long it’s been pulled.

[Via Steve T]

Servants Freak Out Over Masters Not Needing Their Permission

Pro-gun permitless carry law closer to passage in Louisiana [More]

So naturally, Democrats and the porcine prevaricators at the FOP are resurrecting the old “blood in the streets” hysteria that reality never bears out.

[Via bondmen]

Apples And Oranges

Maine lawmakers call on Cabela’s, Kittery Trading Post to stop selling ‘assault rifles’ [More]

Well, yeah, because “gunman, Robert Card, bought one of his weapons, a handgun, at the Cabela’s in Scarborough.”

Don’t worry– the grabbers’ll come back to their initial goal in due time:

[Enlarge in new tab]

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Fauxnly Ones Waffling Enough

Woman accused of impersonating FBI agent, attempting to close down Waffle House [More]

I liked the bit about the notebook.

As always, be aware of The Fauxnly Ones Files, because the day may come when you’ll need an “I did not believe they were real cops” defense.

[Via Steve T]

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