Make It Happen

Grassroots activists want an ATF chief who adheres to the Second Amendment, and who “can tell the difference between the good guys and genuine bad guys. [More]

Well, as the most prominent name mentioned so far in “Gun Owners for Trump,” you’re in a unique position to influence that:

Gun rights leaders and legal scholars could be identified and nominated to analyze and prioritize bills, lawsuits, regulations, opportunities, and threats, to advise on judicial and other federal nominees, and to help educate the public. The Office would provide a way for the public to express their concerns and to offer ideas and suggestions, meaning gun owners would have a conduit.


Funny, still nothing on the news about this…

We’re the Only Ones Timely Enough

“We have a lot of things that are legal, but is it the right thing to do? We have to rise above that. And sometimes it requires an evolution of our thinking. What was written in 1789 may not be appropriate for 2022 unless we’re okay with kids being killed.” [More]

So, after Obama’s “What works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne” pronouncement, the totalitarians now claim control of all space-time. As if it works in Chicago…

Still, I have some questions for this jackass:

And to those who feel this is too dangerous, that it is uncalled for, that it is unneeded because we have the vote, or the right to speak, that we have evolved beyond such crude reminders of our barbaric past, I must ask where in history is any civilization guaranteed stasis? Has not despotism and mass destruction plagued every civilization that preceded ours? Is it not, in fact, still commonplace throughout the globe? By what suspension of reality, by what denial of the observable and the probable, by what art, device or magic are we sheltered few immune from catastrophe? Are we certain, from our brief and privileged vantage point, that such things will ever remain headline curiosities? Is it not just plain stupid to proclaim that our familiar way of life will forever be the norm, when everything that has gone before us shows we are, instead, the extremely lucky beneficiaries of a rare and fortunate convergence of circumstances; and one, by the way, that has only been preserved under force of arms?

This badged stooge will work out great in Seattle.

According to His Nature

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms says California Gov. Gavin Newsom is a hypocrite for signing a law barring local governments from requiring voter identification, while still expecting gun buyers to provide ID before exercising their Second Amendment rights. [More]

Same question I asked here

So… does this mean they’re reconsidering…?

How Much of an Issue?

The revelation that Washington State, for the first time in history, has more than 700,000 active concealed pistol licenses is proof the public is concerned about personal and community safety, and will be an issue in this year’s statewide elections, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is predicting. [More]

Anybody expecting armed Dems to change their vote?

An Idea Whose Time Hasn’t Come

Following Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy’s push for more gun control under the guise of declaring “gun violence” a “public health crisis,” the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms announced its support for the proposed Protecting the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Act, sponsored by U.S. Senator Mike Braun (R-IN). [More]

Only one problem:

Prognosis 0% chance of being enacted

Revisit this after November and see if the numbers have changed.

Bump in the Pols

Stop the U.S. Senate from Banning Bump Stocks – According to The Hill, Senator Chuck Schumer plans to bring a ban on bump stocks to a vote in the Senate this week! [More]

What, he’s taking a break from showing us he doesn’t have the first idea how to grill while pretending he’s a normal American?

The Senate can’t by themselves, and the House isn’t likely to pass anything unless a Reichstag shooting makes the “moderates” run for the hills.

Still, if your Senator(s) is/are the approachable kind, it won’t hurt to let them know you care.

In my case, Sherrod Brown’s a waste of time as well as oxygen, but JD Vance has been making the right noises (of late).

Sensitivity Session

The brutal stabbing of a man in New York City’s Times Square Thursday underscores the futility of public disarmament, which affects only law-abiding citizens, and proves the proponents of so-called “sensitive zones” are clueless, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said. [More]

Predators are sensitive to vulnerability because their success at bringing down prey depends on it.

Take Action Now?

This brazen move toward confiscation of your firearms by the state must not be taken lightly. Act today to let the California Senate know just what you think of this attack on your liberty. [More]

Why? Do you want to give all those anti-gun Democrats in safe seats a good chuckle, or just burn out activist supporters on fruitless missions to nowhere?

It’s awful tough when you refuse to even consider the reason CA turned from Republican to unchallengeably Democrat. If gun groups hadn’t been deliberately indifferent to that for decades with their “single issue” evasion, they might not have to keep hitting up members for lawsuit money to fight edicts passed by Democrat-dominated legislatures that their disinterest ensured.

History Lesson

“Our brief is really a look at history,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “We have detailed gun regulation in this country dating back to before the Revolutionary War, and our brief explains how the state has failed to provide a single Founding-era restriction on firearms commerce. [More]

The prohibitionist have been dodging that challenge for a long time.

More Guns, Less Crime

Data posted at the Gun Violence Archive website shows 2023 produced fewer homicides, suicides, and gun-related injuries than in 2022, which indicates expansion of permitless carry laws, allowing more people to carry firearms for personal protection, did not result in more bloodshed as anti-gunners predicted. [More]

Someone ought to write a book with that title…

Enforce Existing Intolerable Acts!

“Rasmussen did this survey after the Maine tragedy,” noted CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “so it was definitely on everyone’s mind when they responded to the survey. We’ve maintained for decades that if existing gun laws were enforced, we wouldn’t need a constant stream of new laws, with additional restrictions on law-abiding citizens, which have really not prevented such events, as gun control proponents invariably promise when they push their latest schemes. [More]

So this wasn’t someone new at JPFO posting an NRA email before the adults had a look at it? It was top-down policy from the mothership…?

Good grief, Alan.


“We need every gun owner in New Mexico to vote in every election, and remember this outrage when they do,” said CCRKBA Managing Director Andrew Gottlieb. [More]

Here’s the problem with that as a political strategy:

Every gun owner, especially the new ones, is not necessarily a Republican, and not necessarily a 2A supporter over other issues like abortion.

Voter party demographics ensure Republicans are hopelessly outnumbered.

New Mexico Democrats understand how “pathway to citizenship” advocacy will only solidify and widen the gap and are organized and working continuously to make that happen.

And all credible polling and real-world experience tell us that will result in Democrat supermajorities that can pass and uphold any “law” they like. Why else does anyone think Chuck Schumer is pushing this for 30+M illegals?

Not to put too fine a point on things, but last time you weighed in on this, your position was:

“SAF and CCRKBA only deal with the issue of gun rights. While I personally oppose amnesty and a pathway to citizenship for people here illegally, immigration policy and issues like abortion, global warming, health care and others are not part of our mission statement, articles of incorporation or approval for our non-profit tax status.”

Yeah? If that has not changed, why not take the challenge…?

An Attack on One is an Attack on All

Gun Group’s Financial Dealings With Founder Spark State Investigation [More]

And now, the rest of the story… and I include this link because I want you to read it.

This “investigation” is a pretty naked lawfare/smear attempt to go ad hominem on someone at the forefront of effective Second Amendment legal defense cases to try and derail and harm them. It’s also meant to cause divisions and suspicions within the “gun community” over finances and relationships with other Gottlieb holdings for marketing, rent, and other services, which have never been a secret. SAF/CCRKBA tax filings are available to anyone on Guidestar, and before calling shenanigans, document what those would cost the SAF/CCRKBA nonprofits if they were provided by someone else.

For an impartial third-party opinion, Charity Navigator doesn’t have a dog in this fight. Let’s see what they have to say:

“Good – This charity’s score is 77%, earning it a Three-Star rating. If this organization aligns with your passions and values, you can give with confidence.”

I wonder if it will come out if anyone from out of state, including groups, politicians, and federal agencies, is a silent partner in this.

This isn’t just a knee-jerk reaction on my part. I’ve had some differences with Alan over the years, including some ongoing ones, and am on good terms with people who admire him and with people who can’t stand him, but what’s happening to him here is pure filth by evil interests that want you and me disarmed.


I hope my speculation on silent partners is followed up on because this revelation shows the relationships are baked in.

Hitting the Ground Running

Responding quickly to the adoption of House Bill 1240 by the Washington Legislature and Gov. Jay Inslee signing it into law, the Second Amendment Foundation today filed a federal lawsuit challenging the new statute on Second and Fourteenth Amendment grounds, and is asking the court for preliminary and permanent injunctions. [More]

That and:


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