Talking Out of Both Sides of His Mouth… Again

H-1Bs not just for tech workers but for Maître d’s and waiters? Why not hotel maids, too, and they can all join the Democrat-enabling, communist sympathizing anti-gun SEIU as they fast track on the “pathway to citizenship“?

While everyone is rightfully cheering action at the border and going after dangerous hombres, that doesn’t mean we have to turn a blind eye and give him a pass on being indistinguishable from Grover Norquist and Michael Bloomberg

All the while giving cover to Democrat education establishment failures.

Would I rather have Kamala? F— any damned brainwashed apologist who would ask that stupid question.

I’d rather have what MAGA believed it was voting for. Anyone who objects is no different from the willfully ignorant sycophants praising the emperor’s new clothes.

And nope. Still nothing on 2A.

By Any Other Name

Marvin still bein’ Marvin, I see… or was that Steve’s parting shot?

Hey, if you see something, say something

[Via CP]

Something Else Missing?

The Constitution page on President Donald Trump’s White House website is showing a 404 error. [More]

I dunno, The Hill and MSNBC may just be playing “Gotcha” here and this is something that’ll come after immediate action priorities are taken care of. Speaking of which… You can’t deny the guy has been busy these first few days and my Firearms News editor has invited me to comment on the lack of 2A mention. I said let’s give it his first week.

When the WH site does put up a Constitution page, let’s hope they get it right this time.

Just One Question about White House News

They’ve certainly been busy:

Guaranteeing The States Protection Against Invasion
Restoring Names That Honor American Greatness
Designating Cartels And Other Organizations As Foreign Terrorist Organizations And Specially Designated Global Terrorists
Reforming The Federal Hiring Process And Restoring Merit To Government Service
Ending Radical And Wasteful Government DEI Programs And Preferencing
Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism And Restoring Biological Truth To The Federal Government
Establishing And Implementing The President’s “Department Of Government Efficiency”
America First Policy Directive To The Secretary Of State
Protecting The United States From Foreign Terrorists And Other National Security And Public Safety Threats
Unleashing Alaska’s Extraordinary Resource Potential

Protecting The American People Against Invasion
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Global Tax Deal (Global Tax Deal)
Organization of the National Security Council and Subcommittees
Reevaluating And Realigning United States Foreign Aid
Temporary Withdrawal of All Areas on the Outer Continental Shelf from Offshore Wind Leasing and Review of the Federal Government’s Leasing and Permitting Practices for Wind Projects
Declaring a National Energy Emergency
Restoring Accountability for Career Senior Executives
Promoting Beautiful Federal Civic Architecture
Restoring The Death Penalty And Protecting Public Safety
Putting People Over Fish: Stopping Radical Environmentalism to Provide Water to Southern California

Securing Our Borders
Protecting The Meaning And Value Of American Citizenship
Realigning the United States Refugee Admissions Program
Unleashing American Energy
Clarifying The Military’s Role In Protecting The Territorial Integrity Of The United States
America First Trade Policy
Memorandum to Resolve the Backlog of Security Clearances for Executive Office of the President Personnel
Declaring A National Emergency At The Southern Border Of The United States
Holding Former Government Officials Accountable For Election Interference And Improper Disclosure Of Sensitive Governmental Information
Restoring Accountability To Policy-Influencing Positions Within the Federal Workforce

Withdrawing The United States From The World Health Organization
Application Of Protecting Americans From Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act To TikTok
Granting Pardons And Commutation Of Sentences For Certain Offenses Relating To The Events At Or Near The United States Capitol On January 6, 2021
Putting America First In International Environmental Agreements
Delivering Emergency Price Relief for American Families and Defeating the Cost-of-Living Crisis
Hiring Freeze
Regulatory Freeze Pending Review
Return to In-Person Work
Ending The Weaponization Of The Federal Government
Restoring Freedom Of Speech And Ending Federal Censorship

Initial Rescissions Of Harmful Executive Orders And Actions
The Inaugural Address
Flying The Flag Of The United States At Full-Staff On Inauguration Day
President Trump Designates Chairmen and Acting Chairmen
President Trump Announces Acting Cabinet and Cabinet-Level Positions
President Trump Announces Sub-Cabinet Appointments
President Trump Announces Cabinet and Cabinet Level Appointments
President Trump’s America First Priorities

Forgetting something..?

Because it certainly sounded like a priority, more so for millions of us than many of the others that have made the list…

The Gloves are Off

In an executive order signed Monday evening, Trump has directed his own government to investigate the agency for its misconduct in the aftermath of the January 6th events. [More]

Can the FBI be far behind?

Democrat gaslighters are the ones sputtering in overwhelm overload for a change. But the ones who really have to be disoriented are establishment Republicans who’ve always been afraid of playing hardball.

[Via Michael G]

A Silver Bullet?

Through the lens of RICO and Throckmorton, Joe Biden’s preemptive pardons aren’t worth the paper upon which they’re written [More]

It sure sounds good. But I’ve run into plausible-sounding proposals that didn’t work out before.

Who has sufficient understanding of the law to credibly assure us it is good, and if the administration doesn’t seize on it, what will that tell us?

[Via WRSA]

The Old One-Two

Here’s the jab.

And here’s the punch:

Dems gotta be stunned…

I’d say things got significantly more dangerous for Trump, especially if it uncovers suppressed evidence leading to why the J6ers believed all those claims we’ve been assured were “baseless.”

[Via Michael G]

Hostages to Be Released

President Donald Trump has pardoned, commuted the prison sentences or vowed to dismiss the cases of all of the 1,500-plus people charged with crimes in the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol riot, including people convicted of assaulting police officers…[More]

As Stewart Rhodes recalls, when advocating the same:

Most of the men I met were, as President Trump said, coerced into accepting a guilty plea “bargain” to avoid decades in prison. Others had a Soviet-style show trial in DC, where, of course, they were found “guilty” after being denied the right to even argue self-defense or defense of others (imagine if Daniel Penny had been precluded from making that argument in his trial). They weren’t allowed to show the jury video of police using excessive force just seconds before their own actions. The prosecution cut that out of the video, and the defense couldn’t even discuss it.

In the meantime, their lives have been upended and their livelihoods destroyed, some beyond repair. Many questions will unfold. For now, this is a major victory and a major indicator of hope for this administration.

Let’s hope that extends to 2A, because I was concerned he didn’t mention it once during his speech and it doesn’t appear under “Issues” on his new White House website.



D.C. Gulag Holds J6 Prisoners Hostage Despite Trump’s Pardons [More]

Too bad there’s no Militia Trump could call into service with orders to put down the insurrection and liberate the hostages:

[Via Michael G]


Enrique Tarrio and Stewart Rhodes were both free from prison on Tuesday. [More]

We’re the Only Ones Sketchy Enough

“He has four days on site, puts together his plan, kind of sketches out where he wants everyone. He never set foot on or in that building,” Davis said, noting that the lead sniper blamed this oversight on needing to do “paperwork.” [More]

He probably figured with a sloped roof no one would risk it.

[Via bondmen]

There’s a New Sheriff In Town

Trump to suspend security clearances of 51 intelligence officials who falsely implied Hunter Biden laptop was Russian fake [More]

Conspiracry, collusion, election interference…

[Via Michael G]

And then there’s:

Trump will announce end of birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants [More]

I expect this one will be tied up in courts a while.

Setting the Stage for Trump v. Bondi?

Because Trump’s convictions involved crimes that were notionally punishable by more than a year of incarceration, they made him subject to a federal law that bars him from possessing firearms. [More]

But not the nuclear football…

I do wonder– if he challenged this – would his AG defend the law and fight him…?

[Via Dan Gifford]

We Hold This Truth to Be Self-Evident

Trump May Not Be Safe at His Inauguration [More]

I don’t think he’s ever going to be “safe” another day in his life.

And if he’s not

Related UPDATE

FBI Declares No ‘Credible Threats’ Ahead Of Trump Inauguration [More]

I haven’t felt this relieved since NRA ended an alert with “Rest assured…”

[Via bondmen]

Bring It, B!+che$…

Analysis: Nearly Half of Federal Employees in the Swamp Plan to Resist Trump, Poll Finds [More]

With only 6% showing up for work, how much damage can they do?

They’ve apparently Dunning-Krugered themselves into believing they’re more irreplaceable and vital than air traffic controllers. And now they want to test the guy who crushed it in TV ratings for firing people…?

What a great way to reduce the size of wasteful government!

[Via Jess]

President Trump Can Lead in Fight Against State-Level 2nd Amendment Infringements

“What are you going to do about it, President Trump?” [More]

First, we neeed to realistically look at what he CAN do. Then we need to realistically look at what he WILL do and use every means at our disposal to get his ear and try to keep him on course.

We’re the Only Ones Out Clubbing Enough

NEW VIDEO Shows J6 Trump Supporter Rosanne Boyland Shot in the Face by Police Projectile, Then Pushed Down and Smothered, Before Metro Police Officer Beat Her with a Stick as She Died on US Capitol Steps [More]

I wonder if there’ll be a reckoning under the new administration.

No I don’t.

Former President Trump suggested Sunday that one “rough hour” of policing would end crime, as he called for law enforcement to be freed up to “do their job” without restrictions.

[Via bondmen]

What a Difference a Day Makes

What Trump Says He Will Do on Day One [More]

I could have sworn he created a very public expectation about guns:

“Every single Biden attack on gun owners and manufacturers will be terminated on my very first week back in office, perhaps my first day.”

And more:

“[S]tarting the minute that Crooked Joe shuffles his way out of the White House at noon on Inauguration Day, we will sack the anti-gun fanatic Steve Dettelbach … and replace him with an ATF director who respects the sacred rights to keep and bear arms.”

OK, Dettelbach sacked himself, but we’ll have to see if his replacement is a priority, and what difference he will make.

And again:

“Under a Trump Administration, all of those Biden disasters get ripped up and torn out my first week, but maybe my first day in office,” the president declared “Okay maybe my first.”

Senate Should Demand Unequivocal Answers from Bondi on Second Amendment

I believe in asking political candidates and nominees specific questions that demand unequivocal answers… [More]

Or they could just give her a pass for “I believe in the Second Amendment BUT…”

Return of Swamp Thune

John Thune Charts New Path in Senate: ‘The Time Has Come to Begin Executing’ Trump’s Mandate [More]

Says the guy who who joined John Cornyn and other Vichycons in supporting Harry Reid by breaking the Ted Cruz/Mike Lee Filibuster of the Anti-gun ObamaCare Law, and in voting to confirm anti-gun Merrick Garland as Attorney General.

[Via bondmen]

I’m Just a Little Black Raincloud

I hate to be Eeyore, but with all the hyperbole and excitement I’m seeing about national Constitutional Carry reciprocity, it doesn’t seem out of line to ask the gushers and the click baiters to provide a realistic estimate of whose votes we can count on, and which “Republicans” will join with the slim Democrat minority to keep the bill from getting to the president’s desk.

No one would like my caution to be proven unfounded more than me. The last thing I want to see with such great expectations is the wind taken out of everyone’s sails.

Anyone care to help me jump on the bandwagon?

The Felon in Chief?

Manhattan Judge Juan Merchan sentenced Trump to “unconditional discharge,” meaning no jail, no probation and no fine. But the sentence will still formally make Trump the first criminal convict ever to occupy the Oval Office. [More]

We’ll see what happens with an appeal.

In the meantime, is a “prohibited person” in charge of ATF?

Take the Guns First

Karina’s Bill advocates for the use of ex parte hearings to obtain orders of protection, immediately triggering a warrant to confiscate the subject’s firearms and ammunition… What can/will President Trump do? [More]

I think I just found my next article…

Where There’s a Will

Mexico disperses migrant caravans heading to US ahead of Trump inauguration – President-elect Trump has threatened Mexico with a 25% tariffs on goods — unless it stops illegal crossings [More]

What more does anyone need to see to know what treasonous frauds the Democrats have been on this?

Now threaten to prosecute illegal employers and watch the exodus begin.

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