Babbit Season

President Trump: “I am a big fan of Ashli Babbitt, and Ashli Babbitt was a really good person… She was innocently standing there… and a man did something to her that was unthinkable when he shot her and I think it’s a disgrace. I am going to look into that.” [More]

I didn’t realize there was a conspiracy outside of the one perpetrated by the Capitol Police. Then again, I believe “we” landed on the Moon.

Hey, here’s a good bit of news.

[Via Andy M]

Adventures in Baselessness

Trump Signs Executive Order to Secure Elections, Including Proof of Citizenship [More]

Wait… I thought believing in voter fraud was a manifestation of GOP psychosis.

I mean, if we can’t believe a Mother Jones/MSNBC “journalist,” who can we believe?

It’s almost like “denier” actually applies to voter fraud, but the language perfecters reversed the meaning…

Where Does That Leave Us?

Trump makes endorsement in ‘important’ Wisconsin Supreme Court race- Trump endorses Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Brad Schimel [More]

Well, we know Susan Crawford is a Democrat apparatchik, but it sure would be nice if “Only Ones” favorite Schimel had Word One to say about RKBA.

Is it fair to wonder if Trump had even heard of the guy before? Because if there’s one lesson that should have been learned from all the betrayals last time: Be careful who you give your seal of approval to.

[Via Jess]

My Friends, You Got Trouble

Acting U.S. Attorney Michael Simpson files brief for @TheJusticeDept arguing that silencers are NOT arms & are NOT protected by the Second Amendment. [More]

Did I hear someone say gun owners are losing patience?

Yeah, but he’s only been on the job two months and he’s got a lot on his plate and he’s playing a 3D chess game and… aside from “Would you rather have Kamala?” what excuse did I miss?

And any word on the Bondi report yet?

[Via Andy M]

Test Case

Defense lawyer Kristy Militello indicated they wanted to test the rifle for operability, accuracy, and range. “It is old, and we want our expert to determine: Is it operable, is it accurate, what kind of distance can it reach?” Militello explained. [More]

Being deliberately rendered inoperable seems like it would be the only relevant factor in terms of moderating charges.

[Via bondmen]

Pow! Right in the Kisser!

Journo Bumps Trump with Boom Mic — What was That All About?… Indeed, why didn’t the secret service take any action? How could they be sure that the incident was innocuous? [More]

From my own experience with the Secret Service at Trump media events:

The day of the event, the press was instructed to meet at one end of the huge complex to check in, pick up badges, and for those bringing in cameras and gear, preset equipment, which the Secret Service would check.

What I don’t know is everything protocol requires the equipment to be inspected for.

[Via Dan Gifford]

Jojo Krako 2A Protection

The 30-day mark for Bondi to report back to Trump through his domestic policy director would have been this past Sunday, March 9. On Thursday, a Department of Justice official confirmed to ABC News that the deadline had been extended to Sunday, March 16. [More]

Who’s missin’ deadlines? We’re extendin’ ’em.

At this posting, still no official word. Hopefully later today there will be a YUGE announcement.

An A$$ the Door Can’t Miss

“The Flintstones” star said she encourages everyone to “stand up, to use their voice, to protest, to demand that we follow the Constitution in our country… [More]

That from the dysfunctional blob who said:

“I say: Sorry, it’s 1999. We have had enough as a nation. You are not allowed to own a gun, and if you do own a gun I think you should go to prison.”

There will be blood. Talk about batsh!+ crazy… “Flintstones”… yeah, her career is that dead.

But that may explain the “celebrities” who have not kept their promises.

The Driven Snow

Zegler courted even more backlash with her response to the 2024 presidential election. Following President Trump’s win last November, she posted on Instagram, “May Trump supporters and Trump voters and Trump himself never know peace.” “F— Donald Trump,” she added. [More]

Translation: F— you.

Who here still gives money to Disney?

Trump’s ‘Royal Road’ to Citizenship Leads in Wrong Direction for ‘Gun Rights’

Most are opposed to anyone outside of the government bearing arms, and it’s safe to assume once granted citizenship, they’ll vote that way. [More]

It shouldn’t just be about money, and a complete Bill of Rights culture, with a Second Amendment that precedent shows most will vote against, is what enabled this country to become so prosperous in the first place.

Speaking of Broadcaster Legal Responsibilities…

But Behar had her own bonkers conspiracy theory: that Trump was threatening to kill their families. “Somebody said they were afraid for their lives and also the lives of their children and their wives. It’s not just not being re-elected. It’s physical threats that go on,” she proclaimed without evidence. [More]

So,the FCC with licensing authority to include “Public safety and homeland security” is just gonna let ABC get away with this unchallenged?

[Via bondmen]

Hey, Teacher, Leave Them Kids Alone

Fred Wilson, a special education and social studies teacher at Egg Harbor Township High School, allegedly wrote, “I think we are at the moment where assassination is at least a talking point,” on Facebook, according to the Secret Service and reports. [More]

Actually, Fred, the bigger talking point is how those of you who would like to do it to him would like to do it to us, and we’re wondering how long it will be until someone acts in preemptive self-defense against the threateners.

We’re also wondering why 0ur tax dollars should be used to feed people who want to kill us.

[Via bondmen]

And the Beat Goes On

NFA Prosecution Shows ATF Still Determined to Imprison Americans for Braced Pistols [More]

Compare to:

“Every single Biden attack on gun owners and manufacturers will be terminated on my very first week back in office, perhaps my first day.”

This is where some angry moron will ask “Would you rather have Harris?”

Action Plan Wish List

President Trump issued an Executive Order to “assess any ongoing infringements on the Second Amendment rights of our citizens and present a proposed plan of action…to protect the [rights] of all Americans.” Now, GOA is surveying gun owners to help set that plan of action to protect your God-given rights. [More]

It’s good to show him priorities– assuming he sees this. I wish I had time now to analyze it in terms of stuff I agree with, stuff I question, and additions I’d make. I’ll probably weigh in later.

About That Rumor

Despite the widespread speculation, here’s what we actually know:

A private criminal complaint was filed against Shapiro. The Butler County District Attorney disapproved the complaint. There is no official confirmation of any criminal charges or federal investigation. Social media claims of a cover-up remain unverified. [More]

For what it’s worth, he’s a Democrat

That said, I join in cautioning not to leap to any illusions. Just from a making sense standpoint, it doesn’t.

And that said, boy, wouldn’t it be rich?

[Via bondmen]

And So It Begins…?

The entire Department of Justice is starting to file documents in courts basically saying, “Hey we want to put these fights involving the ATF on hold because we’re likely going to be reconsidering them and changing position in favor of the right to keep and be arms.” [Watch]

Case in point:

The federal government asked the Eleventh Circuit to postpone oral arguments in a lawsuit challenging the ATF pistol brace rule, saying that it needs time to review it pursuant to Trump’s Second Amendment executive order…

We’ll see…

[Via Jess]

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