
‘Unvarnished Anti-Semitism’: Elon Musk Catches All Hell for Agreeing With Bigoted Tweet [More]

How is acknowledging the subversion of bagel brains unvarnished anything but truth? They’re just supposed to be able to do it with impunity, and if we point it out we’re the bad guys?

So we not only have to tolerate it, but we have to enthusiastically and approvingly embrace and promote it or we’ll be excoriated and destroyed…?

What does that remind you of?

Elon Musk Must Be Destroyed!

What was Musk’s strategy for TWITTER? Game plan published by fired Trump staffer provides clue…‘War against Globalist American Empire’…

Russian State TV Suggests Elon is ‘Our Agent’…

And aside from being a Russian mole, he’s an antisemite!

Time to go full Russell Brand on the guy, right?

Either that or this full-scale smear campaign is being waged because his X platform is doing a substantive end run around the authorized narrative and that’s got to be shut down.

Here’s one example from the above-linked NBC News piece, utilizing a familiar tactic and guilt by association:

The site is run by the far-right blogger Darren Beattie, a former Trump White House speechwriter who was fired in 2018 for having spoken on a panel alongside white nationalists. After the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, Beattie promoted the baseless claim that the FBI had planted agents in the crowd who incited it to storm the building.

Oh, really?

Baseless” …?

And NBC News…?

For Me But Not for Thee

So when’s he going to walk all those infringements he’s called for?

“He said in emails to CNBC on Wednesday that he supports ‘tight background checks’ for all gun sales and limiting sales of assault weapons to people in special circumstances, like gun range owners, or people who live in a ‘high-risk location, like gang warfare,’”… “Assault rifles should at minimum require a special permit, where the recipient is extremely well-vetted imo,” he replied to an inquiry “on the AR-15 discussion.” “To be more precise, I mean any semi-automatic gun with supersonic ammo and a large magazine.”“Maybe just require homicide insurance for a gun purchase? Minimum car insurance, which is basically homocide [sic] insurance, is required for car ownership,” Musk offered in response. “I think this would actually work.”

The PDL (Pro-Defamation League)

To clear our platform’s name on the matter of anti-Semitism, it looks like we have no choice but to file a defamation lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League … oh the irony! [More]

If anyone facilitates the victimization of Jews and everyone else, it’s those subversive bigots, who throw political feces and then like snotty little cowards hide behind ugly accusations to chill appropriate responses.

Related Update (Via Doc)

The Feds and ADL are not sending their best. [More]

When all you’ve got to work with is socialist crud

Et Tu, Elon?

I haven’t been this enamored of “social media” since Facebook told me wishing readers a contemplative Bill of Rights Day violated community standards.

Since the only reason I’m on “social media” (which I use as advocacy media) is to promote my work and support the work of others, I don’t solicit for “friends” or “followers” for the exact reason that to do so WOULD be spamming. They “friend” or “follow” me first.

So what this tells me is either the share utilities on this blog or AmmoLand or Firearms News triggered this OR some prohibitionist “followed” me so they could lodge complaints when my stuff appears on their feed — and some kneejerk bureaucrat then kicked it into the penalty box without assessing legitimacy. If they can do that (and we’ve established they have networks for it), then the power to censor is in the hands of the antis.

Why don’t I just quit? Who else is going to promote my work by sharing my links — the ones asking that? And for reasons I detailed here.

And if my stuff is “spam,” how come every day I get multiple follower notices like this?

I’d like to find out if Musk believes all that stuff he says about free speech. So how does a relative nobody get a world-famous billionaire’s attention?

Guilty until proven innocent with no evidence presented and/or not being able to face your accuser is the stuff of tyranny.


I’m told “bugs,” and not the kind Greta wants us to eat.

If They Could Figure Out a Way to Say It’s Trump’s Fault, They Would

A 13-year-old boy was groomed publicly on Twitter and kidnapped, despite numerous chances to stop it [More]

See, it’s Elon Musk’s fault that the system hasn’t;t achieved perfection yet.

Certainly not the level of dependability NBC News has attained

[Via Steve T]

Schiff Happens

By publicly pressuring Musk to censor “hate speech,” which is indisputably covered by the First Amendment, Schiff and Takano are trying to indirectly accomplish something that the Constitution forbids. [More]

Well, it also says “shall not be infringed, but that’s never stopped either of these @$$holes.

Not Monkeying Around

Musk’s Neuralink faces federal probe, employee backlash over animal tests [More]

The obvious intent here is to destroy the man for allowing unapproved speech and to divert the conversation away from Hunter.

So naturally, leave it to The French Mistake to take point for the left-enabling Vichycons and “not understand” collusion and marching orders.

The Riddle of Steele

Michael Steele says Musk doing Twitter Files while arguing for free speech undermines ‘central tenets’ of … free speech [More]

There’s a shocker.

This is what happens when the Vichycons so desperately want a minority face to hide behind and deflect racism smears by the commies that they pick a damn Democrat-at-heart.

Stranger Than Fiction

“In my view, Twitter now is jumping to the front of the queue of the regulators,” Věra Jourová, the European Commission’s vice president for values and transparency, told POLITICO. [More]

And here Kurt Vonnegut thought he’d pushed the edge of the absurdity envelope with Diana Moon Glampers

Funny, what happened to all those “progressives” who used to smirk at canceled “conservatives” and say “Twitter is a private company. It can do what it wants. If you don’t like it, start your own company.”

It’s also revealing how their political machine is so significantly funded by unions, where the members don’t do that, but instead, use the government to coerce changes in practices/wealth redistribution.

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

Washington Goes to War Against Twitter and Free Speech [More]

Those who do their dirty work in the dark fear the light.

[Via bondmen]

Illegal Collusion and Restraint of Trade by Any Other Name

Elon Musk Confirms Apple Is Threatening Twitter’s Presence In Its App Store – “Apple has also threatened to withhold Twitter from its App Store, but won’t tell us why” [More]

We know why.

Maybe Elon should ask woke Tim Cook if he gave any consideration to minorities being able to get concealed carry permits with the same level of attention he was able to get by bribing a corrupt sheriff to sign off for his private security detail.

That ain’t the half of the corruption and I may just revisit this in an article…

[Via Michael G]

Dean’s List

Obeidallah tweeted, “As a lawyer Im going to do research to see if @elonmusk in any way lied on his application for US citizenship,” the commentator declared in a tweet. “I’ll be making a FOIA request for his immigration application. If he lied anywhere on application we will move to strip him of US citizenship. Stay tuned.” [More]

Fine. Let’s check the ingrate’s parents’.

Anyone bringing prosperity and championing free speech must be shunned as the vilest of racist fascists. Funny, the immigrants he doesn’t object to.

Just Call Him Racist and Be Done with It

After Elon Musk acquired Twitter, there was a reported dramatic increase in usage of the N-word on the platform — the Network Contagion Research Institute said the term saw a 500% increase on the platform. [More]

A percentage without numbers is meaningless.

And look who they work hand-in-hand with. No political agenda there!

And there’s more than one way for government to get around that pesky First Amendment!

Elon Musk’s Twitter roils with hate speech as trolls test new limits [More]

“Trolls”? So, as with all hate hoaxes, it’s the accusers, not the accused?

Those against free speech are resorting to sabotage by smear.

A Solution in Search of a Problem

Elon Musk Unveils Prototype of Tesla’s Humanoid Robot Optimus, Says It Will Cost Less Than a Car [More]

I can think of less expensive ways to water my plants.  And as for working around machinery, no foreman worth his salt would allow a worker with all those attached cables that could easily get caught in things loose on the factory floor.

I’m also not a big believer in the invincibility of battlefield killbots.  I suspect, with all the clamoring, the real money will be in pervbots.

My first impression: I’d like to see a parody video where the thing walks on stage and slaughters Elon and his assistants in front of everybody, and then goes for the crowd.

Tangentially related, doesn’t this just say it all?

♫ So Look for the Union Label ♫

“The general public is not aware of the degree to which unions control the Democratic Party. One does not need to speculate on this point,” Musk told the interviewers. [More]

So if you’re a gun-owning union member, have you done anything to organize against a corrupt leadership that is feeding the citizen disarmament agenda? Or isn’t that as important a priority for you and you’ve already picked your side?

Because you can’t be on both.

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