Antonyuk Case Advances

Don’t look to the three-judge panel to rule favorably, which means the appeal will advance.

Baby Needs a New Pair of Jackboots

Biden’s budget proposal contains $1.9 billion for the ATF. This is a 13.6 percent increase over 2022 and half a billion dollars more than the agency’s fiscal 2020 budget. If passed as written, Biden’s budget would expand the ATF by 35.7 percent—an overall growth of more than 50 percent since the Obama administration. [More]

Don’t your oppressors deserve the very best?

[Via bondmen]

A Million Here, a Million There


Some question that number:

Curious as to why there is such a huge difference between GOA’s and other estimates, Firearms News contacted Director of Federal Affairs Aiden Johnston, who cited Congressional Research Service’s “Handguns, Stabilizing Braces, and Related Components.”

“While there are no available statistics to gauge authoritatively the number of stabilizing braces already made and sold in the United States, unofficial estimates suggest that there are between 10 and 40 million stabilizing braces and similar components already in civilian hands, either purchased as accessories or already attached to firearms made at home or at the factory,” the report states. Since CRS is the Library of Congress’ official research group working “primarily and directly for members of Congress and their committees and staff,” GOA chose to use the same data lawmakers rely on.

And point of order: I should have spelled his first name Aidan with two “a”s and I submitted a correction request at the time.

Welcome to the Party, Pals

Today, Gun Owners of America (GOA) and the Gun Owners Foundation (GOF) joined a federal lawsuit filed today challenging Illinois’s latest ban on so-called “assault weapons.” The Second Amendment Law Center and the Federal Firearms Licensees of Illinois are also lead plaintiffs in this suit, along with others as well. [More]

The more the merrier…

Forgive me for wishing we had resolved all this decades ago

Think of It as ‘Repurposing’

I wrote to you last week the anti-gunners are hijacking the annual military funding bill known as the National Defense Authorization Act (or NDAA) again with gun control. This time they’ve added an amendment to set-up a program for so called “safe-storage.” If this passes, you can count on them using this to justify extreme gun control. [More]

I’ve got a Democrat violence monopolist and an outbound Vichycon in the Senate, and “thanks” to redistricting, a f***ing communist in the House, so I don’t see much point in spending time begging them not to spit on me that could best be allocated to more productive outcomes.

[Via Jess]

Showing a Little Restraint

Today, Gun Owners of America (GOA) and Gun Owners Foundation (GOF) secured a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) in state court, preventing the entire new Oregon gun control law from being enforced. Signed by Judge Robert S. Raschio, the order bars the state from implementing any portion of the law until a hearing is held on a request for a preliminary injunction next Tuesday. [More]

I guess it all depends on the judge


Oregon Firearms Federation weighs in.

Not Going Gentle into that Good Night

“Murkowski’s been helping our Democrat campaign, to help Nancy Pelosi.” The Murkowski team “filed a bunch of lawsuits” to make sure the Alaska House of Representatives seat “stayed Democrat,” Tshibaka said. “So we’re anticipating a whole bunch of shenanigans in these next couple months between now and January, to try and hold on to the Murkowski monarchy. Our race is not over.” [More]

GOA did its part.

Here’s how NRA’s main man decided to help out.

[Via Michael G]

The Enemy Within

Caught On Tape! Florida’s 2A Committee Chair Against Constitutional Carry w/GOA’s Luis Valdez [Watch]

And on top of that, he’s got an insufferable “Only Ones” mentality.

With the latest DeSantis disconnect it seems like Florida Republicans are going out of their way to alienate gun owners.

And not just Florida Republicans

[Via Jess]


Firearms News has the whole story direct from GOA.

Looking for That Dime’s Worth of Difference

Someone inside the event didn’t like the sign Mr. Rose was holding and had the City of Alachua Police approach Mr. Rose to tell him to leave because it was a private event. [More]

I guess if you don’t have to respect the Second Amendment, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t feel free to ignore the First.

So some tight-@$$ed Vichycon at a DeSantis event, rather than doing the right thing and living up to that fidelity to the Second Amendment he makes such great political hay over, decided instead to channel their inner “progressive” snitch and sic the jackboots on a patriot?

And we’re supposed to just forget about this?

[Via Jess]

This is No Drill

Should advocates push for strong legislation when we know it does not have the votes to pass Congress, let alone override a president’s veto? [More]

I get their reasoning for doing so. My problem with OVERDOING it is that it comes off like phony pandering and shifts focus and resources off immediate priorities. Lather, rinse, repeat for gun-grab bills that have no chance but send everybody screaming that the sky is falling. Then we see the mansplainin’ YouTubers gushing about how HUGE it is, and when nothing comes to pass we’ve got yet another Boy Who Cried Wolf scenario, so that if something we should be paying attention to sneaks in everybody’s jaded and burned-out.

So, yeah, I see their reasoning. I also see mine.

Bullet Points

“Another Backdoor Attempt at Registration” – GOA on Ammunition Background Checks [Watch]

I see the Newsmax hostess is a little uneasy with the prospect of NO prior restraints/confiscation enabling. If they need convincing, imagine the mindset of the general public that has only been exposed to the DSM.

Who are the Democrats and what is the name of the bill?

It would help if there was a corresponding post on GOA’s website identifying it by number and sponsor so we could see what it says and also check Govtrack for a prognosis on odds of enactment and the need to prioritize and spend energy on it now.

Most of the stuff I’m seeing coming from both sides is pre-midterms posturing to spook respective low-information herds.

[Via Jess]

GOA and GOF Legal Updates

Gun Owners of America (GOA) and Gun Owners Foundation (GOF) secured a preliminary injunction yesterday against a Winchester, VA ordinance that prohibits the possession, carry, or transportation of firearms at public parks and in public areas where approved demonstrations are occurring. [More]

You take a look at the history of the place and you’ve just gotta shake your head at what those who live there now have done to it.


Also in this post:

Philadelphia, PA – Yesterday, lame-duck Mayor Jim Kenney signed an executive order prohibiting individuals from lawful carry at all City of Philadelphia recreational facilities. The mayor’s actions are in clear violation of Pennsylvania law prohibiting these types of local gun restrictions. Within hours of Mayor Kenney’s signing ceremony, Gun Owners of America (GOA) filed a lawsuit to enjoin enforcement of this illegal gun regulation.

Let’s Do It Again!

Yesterday, Gun Owners of America (GOA) and Gun Owners Foundation (GOF) re-filed a federal lawsuit in the Northern District of New York over the poorly named Concealed Carry Improvement Act, which took effect September 1st. Several additional plaintiffs who are willing to break the law or are currently in violation have joined the lawsuit, which was originally filed on behalf of a GOA member from Schenectady County. [More]

I posted this to my WoG Placeholder site because all that’s up on the GOA site at this writing is their July announcement.

Youth Must Be Served

To promote the education, protection and exertion of students’ inalienable right to keep and bear Arms. [More]

Is it just me or does this feel like your grandma gave you a book?

The idea is needed, I don’t mean to be negative, and Lord knows I’m the last one to consider myself competent in graphic design or young adult outreach, but I’m trying to imagine how what I’m seeing here will excite and inspire anyone under 40. Or over, for that matter.

I hope some young people with expert communication and technical execution skills help them across the street with this.

The NICS Self-Incrimination Form

Thus, pursuant to 34 U.S.C. § 40901(e)(1)(D), we hereby notify you, and thereby make you “aware” that the “basis” on which signers of the NICS Indices Self-Submission Form have been reported to NICS “does not apply.” Thus, pursuant to you your duties under the statute, we respectfully request that the FBI: (i) identify and “remove” records from its “database” relating to those who have signed the FBI form; (ii) that the FBI (under the authority of the Attorney General) “remove” the offending records from the NICS system;4 and (iii) that the FBI halt its use of the illegal and unconstitutional NICS Indices Self-Submission Form. [More]

Funny, how the form doesn’t include a Miranda warning that anything they sign can and will be used against them in a court of law and that they have a right to an attorney. The workaround appears to be that the signers haven’t been convicted or “adjudicated” of anything (yet).

You’d think the FixNICSers would be focused on industry customers being tyrannized and coerced instead of cheerleading registration-enabling prior restraints imposed by their “partners.”

Any bets on getting the requested reply in 30 days, or do Christopher Wray et al. figure as long as Democrats control things there’s no danger of personal repercussions, they have an inexhaustible legal war chest at their disposal, and if the Republicans do manage not to blow it, the “leadership” won’t pursue things thoroughly enough to actually punish anyone?

Or will they get right on it as soon as the frog march Hunter Biden for lying twice?

Sensitive, Aren’t We?

In response to the Supreme Court’s ruling, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) on July 1 signed a law that criminalizes the concealed carry of guns in airports, houses of worship, Times Square and other sensitive places, prompting a swift legal challenge. Gun Owners of America is one of several plaintiffs who are urging a federal judge in Syracuse to block the New York law before it takes effect on Sept. 1. [More]

Not satisfied with a patchwork quilt of “gun-free zones,” Hochul & Co. are going for a Rubik’s Cube.

I see Stephen Stamboulieh got ink.

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