Meanwhile, Over at ‘The Religion of Peace’…

Taliban’s morality czar claims women don’t need ‘sightseeing’ as he demands women cover up head even more [More]

Funny, not a word about this from NOW, the Women’s March, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, or any of the DEI crowd… I guess they’re all too busy seething over how oppressive the white male Western Christian patriarchy is.

I wonder what ol’ Khaled would do to these mouthy broads… right after he had Tim and the dorky goofball behind him thrown from the roof…?

That Awkward Age

The suspect wasn’t named because of his age and is currently facing state charges, although both of those will likely change, Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner said. [More]

So he’s the age of consent in PA, recognized as a member of the militia by U.S. Code, deemed old enough to vote by Nancy Pelosi, and a veteran of years of puberty blockers

So what’s the real reason Soros DA Krasner & Co. don’t want us to know who he is, and Faux News just goes along with it without question??

No ‘T’-Word?

Why details are limited on the man who opened fire on Fargo Police officers – While we’re starting to get a picture of what he may have been planning, we still don’t have a photograph of Mohamad Barakat. [More]

Who thinks there’d be any holding back Democrats and the DSM if he were a white Christian Nationalist?

Would it be particularly hateful of me if I presumed to ask if the word “rigorous” applies?

[Via Jess]

So Much for Making No Law Respecting an Establishment of Religion

Massachusetts Bill Establishes Islam as Favored Religion [More]

As long as the goal is for government to promote minority religions, I’ve found one on which leaders in both parties can agree.

[Via Michael G]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond…

THIS is the sub-machine gun seized in Bradford that a trial has been told was manufactured using a 3D printer. [More]

Majeeb,” eh?

And “imprinted on the plastic is an image of an arm holding a curved sword with what appears to be blood dripping from the sword”…?

Sounds like they have a bigger problem than a gun

On a tangentially-related note, this blog comes highly recommended. I haven’t had time to see if I agree, so I leave that to you who do.

[Via CP]

Pi$$ Christie’s

‘PISS CHRIST’ (1987) by Andres Serrano Resurrected As NFT After 35 Years For Miami Art Week By Christie’s 3.0 and a/political Nov 30 – Dec 3 [More]

If you “progressive” white supremacists (sorry, that’s from your side, not mine) really want to be edgy, include your names and locations on a “Piss Muhammad” exhibit.

London seems the perfect place for it, especially with all those “commonsense gun safety laws.”


NFTs? That’s your target audience, baby!

And like I said: Do this with Muhammad. I dare you, Satanist Limeys.

Coming Soon, to a Caliphate Near You

Dissident: ‘Iranian women are furious’ over headscarf death [More]

Meanwhile, stupid American women can’t wait to put theirs on as a sign of solidarity.

At least Iran is “easing up” on guns with “commonsense tyrant safety laws.”

Back when I lived there, I could ride my bike right into a market scene from Indiana Jones with my Daisy strapped to my shoulder and no one hassled me. It came in handy on more than one occasion to discourage the bolder jube dogs from coming any closer.

The Best Laid Schemes

Terrified revellers at a gay bar in Oslo hid in a basement and desperately called loved ones as a gunman went on the rampage, killing two people and injuring more than 20 on the day the city was due to celebrate its annual Pride parade. [More]


The country has had strict rules for years, including mandatory gun safety classes and an involved licensing process. But it took seven years after the 2011 massacre to enact a ban on semiautomatic weapons that was inspired by the attack. It went into effect at the end of last year.

[Via Jess]

And now, the rest of the story:

Islamist Terror Attack on Gay Nightclub in Oslo, Norway Kills Two, Wounds 21; Iranian Gunman Arrested [More]

Funny, what the Reuters report minimized and buried.  It’s almost like they have an agenda

[Via Michael G]

Nigerian Massacre Enabled by Same ‘Laws’ Being Demanded for U.S.


Unsurprisingly, the murderers who carried out the slaughter weren’t slowed down for an instant by the citizen disarmament edicts. [More]

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops agreeing with CAIR on citizen disarmament must show we’re more united than divided, right? I know these guys are counting on it!

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