Too bad people who are not journalists think ‘the First Amendment applies to them’ [More]
“Authorized journalists”…? Who ever heard of such a thing?
What can I say but “Joe Scarborough“?
Notes from the Resistance
Too bad people who are not journalists think ‘the First Amendment applies to them’ [More]
“Authorized journalists”…? Who ever heard of such a thing?
What can I say but “Joe Scarborough“?
Scarborough: Republican Party Is ‘Allowing’ Mass Shootings to Happen in America [More]
I guess it’s in a whore’s interest to service the current client, not the past one.
[Via bondmen]
Lester Holt, Rachel Maddow and other NBC News, MSNBC stars absent from rank-and-file walkout [More]
For all their posturing as champions of the proletariat, you can’t expect them to take their snouts out of the capitalist trough and assume the risks of the Revolution.
Obeidallah tweeted, “As a lawyer Im going to do research to see if @elonmusk in any way lied on his application for US citizenship,” the commentator declared in a tweet. “I’ll be making a FOIA request for his immigration application. If he lied anywhere on application we will move to strip him of US citizenship. Stay tuned.” [More]
Fine. Let’s check the ingrate’s parents’.
Anyone bringing prosperity and championing free speech must be shunned as the vilest of racist fascists. Funny, the immigrants he doesn’t object to.
Greg Abbott strips Texas of basic gun safeguards months after little children were slaughtered in Uvalde. This is not conservative. It is radical. [More]
What lies must Scarborough have told to get that “A” rating?
[Via bondmen]
Gun Safety advocate Fred Guttenberg calls Josh Hawley ‘a liar’ [Watch]
The first lie is that Fred advocates for gun safety. He advocates for citizen disarmament, and the MSNBC apparatchick daughter of a South Korean refugee welcomed into this country to enjoy its Constitutionally-mandated recognition of freedoms is overtly part of the team now undermining them.
It’s helpful seeing Fred take the mask off though and resort to logically fallacious ad hominem attacks. It puts the lie to his insistence with his 97percent partners that they’re all about dialog and coming together with gun owners. (And guess who else partners with them.)
I’m sorry for his horrible and unimaginable loss, but it’s not my fault. My natural human sympathy does not mean I will remain passive when he and other surviving family members attack my right to protect myself and my loved ones.
[Via Dan Gifford]
MSNBC Legal Analyst Declares Trump Could Be Charged With Manslaughter [More]
Noting Trump is an avatar, so could every J6 defendant, and probably everyone who has expressed doubt about the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s election.
Let’s cut to the chase: These neo-Soviets from the IDAK school of government want all opposition gulaged or exterminated.
They’ll just need your guns first.
[Via Michael G]
MSNBC: ‘9/11 Is Nothing Compared to January 6,’ Need ‘War Footing’ [More]
I’ll never forget the staffers plunging to their deaths, and the way the dome collapsed and crumbled.
If this isn’t justification to begin rounding up or just shooting white supremacist insurrectionist Nazi Trump deplorables, nothing is! Preferably by troops of color and as long as no one at MSNBC need personally go into harm’s way…
So….who’s leftist adulterer Strzok getting gumjobs from these days…?
[Via Michael G]
‘He’s Never Seen a Vagina! Never Seen a Naked Woman!’ MSNBC Uproariously Mocks Lindsey Graham’s Sexuality as Ruhle’s Show Goes Off Rails [More]
So Fox News hosts can do the same to like, say, Pete Buttigieg, and these same vicious children won’t be raging to have them removed for FCC violations and prosecuted for hate speech?
Hayes Suggests Zeldin Colluded With NY DA to Release His Attacker Without Bail [More]
So has Hayes stopped molesting toddlers yet?
[Via Michael G]
Cowardly DSM apparatchik Lawrence O’Donnell spreads the fear-mongering message that “Resistance is futile.” [Watch]
The scenario he presents of armed teachers congregating in the hallway is hardly the only option, nor even a tactically sound or likely one. And his solution is apparently to have “Only Ones” afraid to face one guy with an AR-15 go after the untold millions he wants to ban.
[Via 1Gat]
MSNBC host Joe Scarborough praised the bipartisan gun control plan made in the Senate on Sunday, comparing the actions to Abraham Lincoln ending slavery. Opening Monday’s “Morning Joe,” co-host Mika Brzezinski quoted President Biden calling the agreement a “step in the right direction.” Scarborough lauded the move as incremental “progress” similar to Lincoln’s steps to abolish slavery. [More]
They intend to make slaves of everyone and they’re doing it in increments, which makes stupid GOP “compromises” all the more unforgiveable.
Per a Daily Caller report on what Republican Scarborough advocated when he wanted gun owners to help him get political power:
And despite his modern day support for background checks, in 2000, then-Rep. Joe Scarborough was, without qualification, a full-throated opponent to expanding federal background checks… Also in that survey, Scarborough sided with the NRA by opposing federal limits on magazine capacity, licensing requirements from a government agency to “buy and/or own” a firearm, firearm registration and bans on certain types of ammo including “armor-piercing” ammunition.
This fraud is a career stool sample.
MSNBC’s Ali Velshi and guest scare-monger about the danger of ‘white folks’ becoming election workers [More]
I knew there was another reason I was a racist insurrectionist domestic enemy…
[Via Michael G]
MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace asks why the Left doesn’t come out with ‘more laws about illegal guns’ [More]
What did we just get done noting about “real reporters”?
[Via Michael G]