The Way Things Are

“I wish more people had shown up,” Trump supporter Philippe Lejeune told the outlet. [More]

Well of course MAGA was outnumbered. It’s New York. And some of us have learned to avoid crowds. Especially after we see what happened the last time and worry that low-hanging fruit morons in buffalo hats with no sense of effective personal conduct are going to give the feds all the cover they needed to provoke, entrap, and record us for pickup and prosecution 6 months later while the guy whose words galvanized us into action is fully occupied with taking care of Number One.

We also see the Antifa types get away with a whole lot more and realize it’s all part of the controlled media plan.

And there’s another reality I’ve never been able to crack.

A New York State of Mind

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in New York City heard an argument in 5 Second Amendment/gun rights cases. The three judge panel heard arguments for over 2 hours before recessing. Mark Smith breaks down where he thinks the Second Circuit is going based on the composition of this panel and the questions asked during the argument. [Watch]

The old farts will act like ones and these will need to be kicked up the ladder.

[Via Jess]

Antonyuk Case Advances

Don’t look to the three-judge panel to rule favorably, which means the appeal will advance.

We’re the Only Ones Unmasking Enough

Police say they’re having trouble identifying suspects who target stores because they’re wearing masks. They are now urging store owners to be proactive in the crime fighting effort. “We are asking the businesses to make this a condition of entry, that people when they come in, they show their face, they should identify themselves,” NYPD Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey said. [More]

So do we listen to Dr. Fauci or to NYPD “Only Ones”?

Bronx bodega owner Francisco Marte is no stranger to crime. “I’ve been myself, shot three times,” he said. But he says this latest guidance from the NYPD puts business owners in a bad spot. “We don’t have a weapon to defend ourselves,” Marte said.

I think I see a solution, Francisco.

Good thing the brave property liberators exercising their right to steal by beating the old woman within an inch of her life weren’t acting on Asian hate since disadvantaged victims of systemic racism can’t be racist. I can’t begin to tell you how many of my friends and family flaunt their discriminatory power and white privilege by driving late-model Mercedes…

[Via Steve T]


A recent study found that one of NYC’s upscale neighborhoods is covered in poop – and it gets inside – Many other cities, including San Francisco, have also struggled with poop-lined streets in recent years [More]

A Pootopian society, brought to you by “progressives”…

So in addition to being crime-ridden and oppressive hellholes, Democrat-run Bloomberg cities are literally full of sh!+.

[Via bondmen]

Underpants Gnome Security

“[Security guards] are not there to protect the product,” said Joseph Stein, director of asset protection solutions for Walgreen, during the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce “Anti-Crime Summit” on Thursday. “They are there to de-escalate [a situation] and to protect the customer and the employees,” he added. [More]

I remember that episode!

Phase One: Unarmed Guards

Phase Two: ?

Phase Three: Protection!

Meanwhile, Over in Al Capone’s Vault…

A “real reporter.”

Rivera, a gun owner, was illustrating that the Second Amendment didn’t cover modern firearms capable of mass killings when the amendment was ratified in 1791. And that AR-15-style rifles go far beyond self-defense. [More]

Ah, the long-debunked “The Founders could have never imagined” bullsh!+.

Figures this moron would be spreading it.

I recall writing an Examiner article years back where a guy was prosecuted for having a muzzleloader in New York City. I can’t find it now and don’t recall the details, but it would be funny if Geraldo incriminated himself.

How he got it in the studio is another question.

And figures, HuffPo would think he won the argument.

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Out of Uniform Enough

NYPD officers caught having sex in car after residents hear screams [More]

Anything you whoop can and will be held against you? Sounds more like they were given a pass, but don’t be surprised if bodycams really were turned on to share the amusement.

If that’s how seriously they take his wedding vows, imagine how they revere their oaths!

[Via Steve T]

Just When You Thought It Was Safe to Get Back in the Water

Supreme Court rejects New York gun retailers’ bid to block new concealed carry laws [More]

How the same court that ruled on Bruen could refuse to block this has Yul baffled.

I’m not sure it’s the “major blow” this is being presented as, and it could be there’s some 3D chess going on by Thomas and some others to allow lower court challenges to continue, but Lord knows I’ve been dead wrong in trying to figure out what it takes to acknowledge “shall not be infringed” before.

Maybe somebody’s got pictures?

No Wonder They Made it a ‘Sensitive Area’

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office is offering a sweetheart plea deal to a suspect charged in the brutal anti-Semitic beating of a Jewish man in Midtown, prosecutors confirmed. [More]

64/26 makes it awful hard for me to get worked up.

And forgive me for wondering if Waseem Awawdeh, Mahmoud Musa, Faisal Elezzi, and Mohammed Othman are really most accurately described as “Staten Island men” or if a better grouping might be under “rigorous.”

[Via Michael G]

I Like to Be in America, O.K. By Me in America, Everything Free in America

You’re Welcome: Illegals in NYC Tossing Free Food [More]

Hold our cervezas.

Building an entitled government-dependent Democrat voter base one in-your-face outrage at a time.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”. And I have that on good authority.

[Via Michael G]

If at First You Don’t Succeed

It looks like Roxanne Persaud is trying to resurrect her bill to limit ammunition for “assault weapons.” (There’s nothing I could find about this yet on her website or social media feeds, or the NY State Senate’s legislative search feature.)

Remember when she tried in 2015 for “rational ammunition control”– with Tucker pal Eric Adams at her side raving about “blood-soaked carnage” and “When terrorists seek – and succeed – to take advantage of our loose laws to murder innocent people”? And how, after attempting to pass an edict so enforcers could use up to lethal force to eviscerate the right to arms that she played the victim and called NRA’s announcement picture (above) a threat proving NRA is dangerous and violent?

That’s just what Americans who won’t surrender their birthright need– a refugee from Guyana dictating to them what they may and may not own. I wonder how her native land’s prohibition on homosexuals acts would play with her current constituents — and if she’s so damn “progressive,” why she’s not leading the charge for reforms there?


Senate Bill S929
2023-2024 Legislative Session
Relates to the sale of ammunition for assault weapons [More]

[Via Jess]

With Friends Like These

The indictment against Cory Davis, 41, was unsealed Monday, weeks after he sent a photo of his young son holding two of the weapons to a group chat with family and friends on Nov. 7, the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office said. The photo alarmed one of the recipients, who notified the NYPD, and sent it the snap, prosecutors said. [More]

So they got a man who’s an absolute danger to no one “off the streets”…

I’ll bet whoever the Nazi snitch turns out to be was pleasant Thanksgiving company. One can only hope they are outed and shunned, for starters…

Round ’em Up First, Due Process Later

Mayor Adams directs NYPD, first responders to involuntarily take mentally ill to hospitals [More]

Just think of the “progressive” possibilities… Hey, don’t overlook the “hater loophole”!

Funny thing about once you start turning a blind eye to due process

[Via Steve T]

New York, New York, It’s a Wonderful Town

NYC bill preventing landlords from performing criminal background checks gains traction – New York City Mayor Eric Adams has suggested he supports the legislation [More]

Seeing as how the vast majority of people this will affect vote Democrat, I say go for it. Maybe force landlords to offer preferential discounts to them because they’ve been socially disenfranchised…

How do you like that Eric now, Tucker?

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