Flip or Flop

Having your bagman flip on you is never a good sign for beating a rap, so I’d say it’s already highly likely Cueller will be going from the House to the big house, especially since a third aide has flipped. [More]


The NRA Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) has endorsed Henry Cuellar for the U.S. House of Representatives in the 28th Congressional District of Texas. Henry has a proven pro-Second Amendment record and is committed to protecting our right to self-defense!

How does this not undo all of that?

Biden Campaign Press Release – Texas Congressman Henry Cuellar Endorses Joe Biden

[Via Michael G]

Barr for NRA President Would Prove Association Has Learned Nothing

Telling the audience how he improved a bad bill hardly addressed his assertion that Lautenberg “is strong protection for women and children,” or his claim that his amending language kept it from being “declared unconstitutional.” He then goes on to support the concept of “prohibited persons.” So, the answer is, no, he wouldn’t repudiate his past support and spearhead the effort to repeal it. Instead, he preferred you to be caught in the trap and then go through a Catch-22 appeals process. [More]

More to the point: What’s a gun-grab proponent even doing on the NRA board in the first place?

The Enemies Still Within

Although Brewer represents the gun rights organization, he has also donated thousands of dollars to anti-gun candidates like Beto O’Rourke, Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton. [More]

We’ve talked before about bringing mercenaries into inner circles who don’t share principles — including Beto/Hillary/Biden donor Bill Brewer.


AmmoLand News has also been told that former Congressman Bob Barr will be the next President of the NRA. Mr. Barr is currently on the Board of Directors and is the only one that AmmoLand News knows of who has had a negligent discharge of a firearm. According to our sources at the NRA, Mr. Barr is a Brewer loyalist.

Lautenberg Bob…?

It’s time to refresh some memories.

[Via Jess]


Mannix has been promoting gun control for 25 years so his vote was to be expected. Charlie Conrad is new at this. His votes have been so egregious his own county party has demanded he resign. What in the world is NRA thinking? Well, they also endorsed Vikki Breese Iverson who was the Republican House Leader when they folded and handed a gun control victory to the Democrats with HB 2005. [More]

It’s what they do. The links I could provide…

Also get an update on the Vichycon gun group whose own words show them to be phonies.

Speaking of Vigorous Efforts

US Court of Appeals for Fifth Circuit (TX, LA) has issued a ruling upholding the 2022 federal law requiring additional background checks for 18-20 year olds. [Watch]

And Mark W. Smith reminds us we can “Thank John Cornyn.

I’d suggest taking that grade down a notch or two, but last time I did that resulted in some ruffled feathers.

[Via Jess]

That’s Debatable

Contorting, lol. And I never said, or even suggested, any of that. The 3% just objectively proves you were wrong about A+ meaning you always have to be right–it doesn’t imply anything about subjective weights of infringements. [More]

I’m moving the “debate” here because it’s bad form to hijack another man’s post with an argument, because it doesn’t limit me to 280 characters, and because I basically use “advocacy media” to promote my work, so as long as I’m doing it, why limit eyeballs?

The thread with the back-and-forths starts here. My response to this latest:

Not “wrong,” just not expecting you to argue a formal academic scale instead of one of principle. My assumption was you were saying helping Gonzales return to power only counted 3% against a grade of 100. I just didn’t realize what you were talking about because it struck me as so off-topic.

My mistake was accepting your distracting from the real issue with non sequiturs about 3% and age and four terms. It’s simple: Abbot is enabling a Quisling who sold us out to Biden’s tyranny and will predictably do so again. And you’re excusing him and doing so helps the establishment GOP exclude new and principled contenders, with no disincentives. So from my point of view, the one who “always has to be right” is the one evading that reality to instead try and score an irrelevant “gotcha.”

To me, real 2A fidelity means 100%, kind of like the reverse of you can’t be a little bit pregnant. Maybe it means something different to you.

And the “Bipartisan bill” did more than create new opportunities for ATF to destroy lives and kill your fellow gun owners on private sales. They’re extending the net for all it’s worth.


LOL, no. You are welcome to write what you want wherever you want, but I’m under no obligation to obey your unilateral dictates. Have fun with that, though.

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Term ‘A+ Rated’ Is

Texas governor endorses Tony Gonzales over Brandon Herrera in House race [More]

Right…endorse the Vichycon who helped enable Biden’s unconstitutional private sales ban.

Hey! This guy's a great big phony!

[Via Jess]

Unequal Protection

Democrat Judge Exempts NRA Members From New Gun Rule [More]

Well, I’ve got mine. The hell with the rest o’ youse.

Sorry — just practicing in case I ever become one of the elites. I keep telling the wife all she’s gotta do is pick six lousy numbers and she can’t even do that right.

Even though it’s temporary, I’ve never been a quasi-“Only One” before.

We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us

The key to all of this is the involvement of state association leaders, and the key to getting those leaders involved is your advocacy. This can only happen if large numbers of NRA members begin pushing the idea at their local gun clubs and directly petition their state associations. Begin by sharing this article with your gun-owning friends and the leadership of your local clubs, Friends of NRA committees, and state association leaders. Follow that with calls and emails asking those leaders to take immediate action. [More]

Ay, there’s the rub.

A common excuse for letting others carry the load and limiting involvement to anonymous comments of dissatisfaction is that unlike Democrat activists, “we” have jobs and families and don’t have time.

Personal experience tells me that’s just bullsh!+. I had demanding jobs and raised a family, and I still always made time to get involved in all kinds of advocacy and skill improvement/preparation activities while doing so.

Some of you have, too, but far too many in “our ranks” have not.

[Via Jess]

What’s in a Title?

WANTED: CEO for America’s Oldest & Largest Civil Rights Organization. Only Qualified Applicants Need Apply [More]

I couldn’t find a royalty-free photo of a street hooker in a tube top and leopard print hotpants to include with this post. But smart @$$ery aside, what’s with “CEO”?

I’ve been seeing it for years and it’s always confused me.

It’s not just how others refer to him, it’s how NRA refers to him, case in point, on official tax documents they file with the government.

The reason I’m confused is because per the Bylaws, Article V, Section 1 (a):

“The officers of the Association shall be a President, one or more Vice Presidents, an Executive Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, an Executive Director of the National Rifle Association General Operations, and an Executive Director of the National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action.”

Then you get to (b) and it says (in boldface type):

“The Board may not abolish said offices nor create any other offices.”

That seems pretty specific and there for a reason. Anybody who knows what the deal is, please feel free to educate via comments.

Special Circumstances Necessitate Saturday Post

I typically don’t post here on weekends because I’m working on articles, behind-the-scenes sausage-making, and spending time in pursuit of happiness with my family, but something came up I thought I need to address immediately, plus the LaPierre story broke after I’d knocked off work yesterday.

Danger, Will Robinson?

I’ve talked before about how this blog and advocacy media are really the only ways I have of sharing links to my articles (aside from asking readers, which has for the most part been historically unreliable). I hope regulars here will agree they get information and insights you won’t get from the “real reporters” who dominate public perceptions (otherwise, why keep coming back?). So I was surprised (and more than a little p!$$ed) to see this reply to my X announcement about my latest AmmoLand article on California Democrat gun-grabbers harassing the “law-abiding” while their criminal constituents get another pass:

Like the man asked, WTF?

I use both Malwarebytes and Webroot, and have never had a problem with AmmoLand (albeit some readers who haven’t figured out ad blockers are prone to grouse about the price of “free”). So I clicked the Bitly link to see what the grievance was, and the only thing that makes “sense” is:

The link may have been reported to Bitly by a member of the public.

That’s it? And I don’t suppose you’re going to tell us who snitched? It’s not like I haven’t had stuff suppressed based on troll complaints before.

Without defining an issue and proving it, URL shortening service and link management platform Bitly is willing to disparage reputations and cast suspicion and fear about visiting websites just on some anonymous person with an unknown agenda’s say-so…?

So is AmmoLand a risky place to go? Not according to Google’s Safe Browsing check (WoG comes up clean as well):

And drive away business? That seems actionable.

So what might be relevant to know about Bitly in trying to untangle this attack suppressing my work? Maybe it’s not about ideology at all?

The link they’re deeming unsafe, with the link shortener beginning “go.shr.lc,” uses Shareaholic (“300,000+ forward-thinking businesses of all sizes rely on our software”), a COMPETITOR of Bitly.

And this may or may not mean something, but the Bitly CEO Toby Gabriner is based in San Francisco. Open Secrets shows he has donated to two candidates over the years, Josh Harder and Catherine Cortez Masto, both Democrats, and if you look at their links, both extremist gun-grabbers advancing Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown agenda.

Now it’s back to X to try to undo the damage.


We are working with Bitly to get these linked unblocked ASAP. [More]

I hope that means you’re going to sue their @$$es if they don’t issue a public apology for reputation damages and compensate for any monetary damages you can determine they’ve caused you and your 300,00 customers by scaring readers away from their content.

Wayne’s World

Former NRA chief Wayne LaPierre misspent gun rights group’s money and owes more than $4M, jury finds [More]

Some are saying being able to put all the blame on Wayne will now work in the Association’s favor in terms of all being forgiven and people coming back.

Not until the rubber stamp board and complicit top officers are replaced.

I’ve been asked to endorse the four “bullet vote” candidates. My response:

Only if they answer my questionnaire correctly.

Crickets. That was two-and-a-half weeks ago.

And this was long before that.

The Enemy Within

Delegate Coyner voted in support of all 8 of the House gun-control bills on this list. [More]

Not listing 2A under “Issues” on campaign websites is always a red flag. But doesn’t the “A” rating from NRA make her just another opportunistic and skillful political prevaricator? Who’s got a link to the VCDL grade?

I suppose you could “politely but firmly call,” but I find blasting demonstrable liars in front of witnesses makes more of an impact.

[Via Mack H]



Trump/NRA Mutual Love Fest: Long on Promises, Short on Memory

The former president and — legal challenges aside — presumed GOP contender for the office in November, knew just which buttons to push to stoke the boundless enthusiasm of the thousands of supporters. [More]

This is what we’ve got to work with. And work we must.

LaPierre Made a Career of Second Amendment Compromises

Yet the NRA under LaPierre was instrumental in urging its members to give power to politicians they knew would end up working against them, and then either acted surprised when it happened or just ignored it when it did. [More]

Ever notice how those who say “Politics is the art of the possible” are always counseling appeasement instead of pushing envelopes to see what’s really possible…?

A Not-So Golden Parachute?

The resignation of Wayne LaPierre on the eve of the trial in New York has generated letters to Judge Joel Cohen from both sides. In addition, the pre-trial memorandum containing the NRA’s trial brief seems to throw Wayne under the bus after three plus years of defending him. [More]

A lot more than Wayne will have to end up under those wheels if they ever hope to restore any credibility.

I’m hearing rumors that they may be looking to had the reins over to Lautenberg Bob. If they really want to kill it dead, I can’t think of a better way.

[Via Jess]

Liz Cheney’s Chronic Trump Derangement Syndrome Ultimately Betrays Gun Owners

Voters paying attention could have seen Cheney’s malleable self-serving loyalties coming by the company she keeps. In 2009 she partnered with Bill Kristol to found Keep America Safe, a nonprofit advocate for Bush–Cheney national security positions. Kristol is the Never Trumper who has called Democrats “foolish” and “cowardly” for not demanding more infringements, declaring “I don’t think [Americans] have a right to semi-automatic, quasi-machine guns that can shoot a hundred bullets at a time,” and asserting the “lazy” white working class should be replaced by “new Americans.” [More]

Yet another reason why gun owners trusting NRA grades without doing their own due diligence so often end up feeling swindled and used…

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