And Thank You for Your Service

Last night, the House voted on the Veterans 2nd Amendment Protection Act, which passed 228-206. [More]

Guess who the lone Republican “Noe” came from.

Go on, guess.

As long as there’s a Democrat Senate and President, this bill’s going nowhere. Still, it may be useful to clue in voting veterans who aren’t kneejerk Democrats.

[Via Jess]

It’s Time Hung Cao Applied Personal Courage to Political Courage on Guns

What gun laws does he consider unconstitutional? What gun laws does he consider constitutional? [More]

Don’t just tell us you believe in the Second Amendment. Tell us how you believe in it and what you’re going to do about it. Be specific. Otherwise, all that fist-pounding is just noisemaking.

Revenge of the Vichycons

Lisa Murkowski should have been out of the U.S. Senate in the 2010 elections, when she was beaten in the Republican primary by Joe Miller. Instead, she conducted a write-in campaign in the general election and managed to survive when Democrats fled from their candidate and wrote her name in to deny Miller, a tea party conservative, an opportunity to serve. And then Murkowski had her allies pass the chaotic, corrupt, and infamous ranked choice voting system, together with a jungle primary, in advance of last year’s election. Had there been a Republican primary, she would have been crushed by Kelly Tshibaka, whom the state GOP endorsed. [More]

Yeah, well, some of us have tried to warn, but our reach is limited.

That must be why I still hear “conservatives” raving about Tim Scott.

What Gun Owners Elected Them For

U.S. District Judge Karin Immergut ruled that banning large capacity magazines and requiring a permit to purchase a gun falls in line with “the nation’s history and tradition of regulating uniquely dangerous features of weapons and firearms to protect public safety”… [More]

Thanks, Donald Trump and Senate Republicans!

[Via bondmen]

Folded Like a Cheap Suit

Today, after lengthy delays due to technical issues that shut down state websites, the House Republicans folded up and provided the quorum the Democrats needed to pass House Bills 2002 and 2005. [More]

The reality is, since we will not disarm regardless of what diktats are forced through, stupid and gutless Vichycons don’t realize they need us more than we need them.

Republican Holdouts on Pistol Brace Vote Point to Larger GOP Problem

With this being SOP for the GOP, it’s no wonder lesser luminaries like Fitzpatrick and Kean feel like they can do anything they want, and “lesser of two evils” gun voters won’t have a choice but to keep rewarding them with power. [More]

If the turncoats will betray gun owners on something as clear-cut as this, what won’t they betray them on?

Triumph of the Vichycons

GOP Squish Caucus Saves Evil Adam Schiff From Being Censured [More]

They really are doing their damnedest to douse and fire in bellies for ’24. And would it be too much to name them and save the rest of us the time?

Anyway, it’s consistent with what we’ve come to expect.

[Via Michael G]


I gotta say, the Yeas and Nays confuse me, as do some of the names I see. So if they voted “Yea” they were against the resolution?

Is Thomas Massie right? What’s that assessment based on, speech or debate?

Democrats Pressuring House Republicans into Caving on Guns

Whether any of the Vichycon Republicans are actually gutless and dumb enough to believe that the prudent play is to listen to the commies and betray their base remains to be seen. While the urge to believe they won’t be is strong, we’ve seen “moderates” snatch defeat from the jaws of victory before. While they might not cave on everything, their baffling propensity to give up “something” and showcase an aptitude for “bipartisan compromise” is a factor that can’t be ignored. [More]

They only need five turncoats in the House, and those aren’t that hard to find.

Messin’ with Texas

Following the “pledge card” practice means that a relatively small number of often nominal Republicans can elect a speaker by allying with the Democrat minority, which understandably would prefer to have a Speaker who is not a GOP stalwart . . . especially if that Speaker also gives Democrat members control of certain committees as a sweetener. [More]

So basically, between the speaker and the lieutenant governor, we’re talking a drunk and a poltroon

[Via Michael G]

Texas-Related UPDATE

Governor Abbott Signs Key Pro-Second Amendment Bills into Law… House Bill 2837 … prohibits financial institutions and credit card companies from requiring licensed dealers to use a firearms-specific merchant category code (MCC) to categorize retail gun purchases [and] House Bill 3137 … expands the state firearms preemption law… [More]

Doing What Republicans Do Best

Well the bad news is we were right. Tim Knopp is making deals to throw gun owners under the bus. The “deal” will be to let the Democrats ban personally made firearms, a scheme courts have already determined to be unconstitutional. [More]

What? They won’t stop with that?

Leave it to gutless idiot f*****g Republicans. Fold on anything and that’s one less obstacle they need to overcome on their way to everything.

Anyone who doesn’t realize we’re dealing with lying devils who want it all is willfully deluded. Anyone who does realize it and “compromises” anyway is ultimately on their side.

As Expected

White House threatens to veto GOP resolution against its pistol brace ban [More]

Was there ever any doubt that it was anything but symbolic, with no chance of going anywhere?

Let’s see what the Republicans do if they keep the House and regain the Senate and the White House, that is, if they don’t blow it.

[Via Jess]

All You Need to Know About Christie

“Eight years ago, you were entertained,” he said. “I forgive you.” [More]

28 years ago you said this. And you lied about saying this two years earlier:

“‘The issue which has energized me to get into this race is the recent attempt by certain Republican legislators to repeal New Jersey’s ban on
assault weapons,’ Christie said in a statement released (on April 14, 1993). ”In today’s society, no one needs a semi-automatic assault weapon.'”

I won’t forgive you.

Label Talk

The dark-money effort is called No Labels, and they’ve committed an eye-popping $70 million to put a third-party presidential candidate on the ballot in 2024. On Fox News on Sunday, West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin wouldn’t rule out running for president on the No Labels ticket. The very real risk is that Sen. Manchin—or another Republican-funded candidate—would peel away enough votes from the Democratic candidate to hand victory to the Republican candidate… [More]

I’m on MoveOn’s email list to keep apprised of what they’re up to.

This sounds promising!

The MAGA Menace!

A former GOP candidate in New Mexico has been indicted on federal charges in connection to a spate of shootings at Democratic officials’ homes after he lost his 2022 midterm election bid, court documents show. [More]

CNN is groping itself in ecstasy now that it’s finally got a Republican involved in “gun violence.”

With the guy’s prior record, you’d think Democrats who are all about felons voting wouldn’t have sued to keep him off the ballot. And the Stupid Party “leadership” failed, too: Instead of disavowing the creep, they played the “young Hispanic man, who turned his life around” card, as if Democrats still won’t paint them as a bunch of white supremacists.

[Via 1Gat]

Wolf in the Fold

Scott argued he can unify the GOP with a positive, forward-looking message built around a compelling personal story and upbeat demeanor… [More]

I dunno… we’ve already seen some of the Swamp-protecting results of that “Wall Street backing”…

Never forget he picked Lisa Murkowski over Kelly Tshibaka. That and he’s a lying prior restraint/no real due process gun-grabber.

The fat cats want him because they think he’ll be able to diffuse accusations that they’re racists. If they think that’ll faze the Democrats one bit, they’re delusional.

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Quorum

The far left “OPB” was right. The Democrats, in their zeal for retribution, screwed up. They now have zero leverage. The Senate Republicans have demonstrated amazing courage and selflessness and now the Democrats are wetting themselves. [More]

If you’re an Oregon gun owner, thanking the senators for standing up for rights at no small risk to their own careers is the right thing to do.

Biden’s New Gun Actions Could Not Have Happened Without Republican Help

And helping them do that this time out were the usual suspects from the Vichycon wing of the GOP, the useful idiot/self-serving swamp creatures who continually prove themselves adept at turning coats and stabbing backs. [More]

Nothing like seeing a “staunch supporter of the Second Amendment” carry the Democrats’ water for them…

So are They Gonna Do Somethin’?

FBI Ignored Alleged Clinton Campaign Election Meddling Plan After CIA Briefed Obama And Biden, Durham Report Says [More]

Why is it I expect the Republicans to respond like Billy Bob Thornton?

Tangentially Related UPDATE:

6 Freshly Documented Instances Of Systemic Pro-Democrat FBI Corruption [More]

Same question.

[Via bondmen]

Much Ado About Nothing

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert introduced the Shall Not Be Infringed Act to repeal the gun control provisions and every Second Amendment infringement passed by the 117th Congress and signed into law. [More]

With Democrats in control of the Senate and the White House, why is anybody expending energy on this now?

Let’s see how gung-ho pandering Republicans are if Red Wave 2.0 doesn’t get pushed back out to sea in ’24.

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