Don’t Sweat the Details

“I really want y’all to remember D’Angelo for who he was and not what happened… [More]

But what happened is exactly what the prohibitionists will use to force lock-up-your-safety edicts on the rest of us.

And what does it mean, “Police don’t know where the child found the unsecured gun”? Did they ask the person urging everyone to forget about “what happened”?

If these people did journalism, we’d have the backstory.

We’re the Only Ones Irresponsible Enough

Seattle cops somhow lose 23 guns — and have no idea where they went… [More]

Oh, someone has a very good idea…

And if this happened to you under Seattle’s “Responsible Storage Law“…?

No worries. Department spokesflack Patrick Michaud says “We’re going to do our best to ensure that we do better.”

Now there’s a solid pledge!

Just goes to show you though, all these years and I’ve never lost one. ‘Course then, I don’t have all that professional training…

[Via Jess]

Prohibitionist Exploits Own Incompetence to Deny Emergency Gun Access to Endangered Women

Discouraging women from defending themselves with the greatest equalizer yet devised and encouraging ignorance and fear is a major part of the gun prohibitionists’ unified propaganda effort. [More]

Why would anyone who’s not a willfilly ignorant dolt listen to bleating incompetents about anything?

Unsafe Storage

They were probably out of this guy’s price range anyway.

I hope the gunmakers defending against enemies foreign and domestic take heed and have their lawyers introduce evidence that CPSC hasn’t issued recalls against their products.

Felon Proves ‘Safe Storage’ Laws Don’t Protect Lives

A Michigan man was charged Tuesday under the state’s new law requiring safe storage of guns after his 2-year-old daughter shot herself in the head with his revolver the day after the law took effect. [More]

I’d think a responsible j0urnalist would put the part about him being a prohibted person felon right up in the headline. Of COURSE he doesn’t obey any “gun laws.”

Care to tell us more about him– and why he was out?

And why the photo of the everyman-looking professor instead of the idiot “dad”?

Safe storage practices are done by the responsible. Safe storage laws don’t change that.

[Via bondmen]

Utah Alert

URGENT ACTION ITEM- SB 83 is a BAD BILL- Urge the Senate Committee to Vote NO on Gun Control- SB 83 by Senator Todd Weiler is another seriously flawed “Safe Storage” scheme. [More]

I don’t know Utah politics or if calling the Democrat on the list or Republican supportsrs of Mitt Romney is a waste of time, but if you’re from there and know the lay of the land, do what you think is best.

I see this Weiler putz is a Vichycon who also supports red flag due process violations.

How is it Utahns keep supporting such frauds?

We’re the Only Ones After the Fact Enough

Beginning Feb. 13, 2024, any person who lives with a minor or those who know reasonably that a minor will come into their home must store their firearms safely. [More]

There’s no way to enforce this, of course, except after the fact, and the potential that something might happen is hardly a deterrent to people whose entire life history seems based on bad decisions. Case in point:

The parents of a 5-year-old boy who fatally shot himself with an unsecured gun over the weekend have been charged, officials announced. [More]

If it hadn’t been a gun it could have been anything with morons like this:

…five children were left unsupervised in the house at the time of the shooting, including an 8-year-old, two 7-year-olds, a 4-year-old and the 5-year-old who shot himself.

And now we have a leading “commonsense gun safety law” spokesman!

Hey… any chance we could sue the manufacturer…?

Goodbye Columbus — for Now…

Ohio can enforce a state law intended to ensure uniform firearms regulations across localities. That’s the ruling a unanimous three-judge panel of the state’s Tenth District Court of Appeals handed down on Tuesday. The decision reverses a preliminary injunction issued by a lower court judge to the city of Columbus, Ohio last year. [More]

Of course, child-exploiting City Attorney Zach Klein “vowed to continue fighting the case.”

It’s not his money.

[Via JG]

Let’s Make Another Demand on YOU

Accidental shootings by children keep happening. How toddlers are able to fire guns. [More]

Mostly through inexcusable criminal negligence in high-risk households, but you’ll note the CBS/Everytown axis made sure to make the dangers seem uniformly widespread.

The object here is to take things that are virtually universally preventable through appropriate choices and behaviors, like addictions, unwanted pregnancies, and STDs, and turn them into “social problems” that those who behave themselves just fine end up paying the price for.

[Via Dan Gifford]

Henry Redman, Real Reporter

Wisconsin Democrats push gun safety legislation [More]

Oh, look, a publicity release parroting grabtard talking points masked as news!

Y’know, if that’s all the Wisconsin Examiner (“News you can wipe with!”) is going to do, what do they need Henry for?

[Via Mike F]

For the Children

Toddler dies in accidental shooting with unsecured gun… This comes just a few months after the new safe storage laws, [More]

Go gun laws!

Funny, how they’re light on all the details that would show this is not your typical American household, but instead focus on the calculated misrepresentation and lie that “According to the CDC guns are the number one cause of death in American children.”

Oh, look: Children!

Tot Shot

3-year-old shoots 2 people in Lafayette, who was wanted for murder [More]

I can’t tell you how many times that happened at my house when feral sons Uday and Qusay were growing up.

Thank goodness “safe storage laws,” or in Indiana’s case, a Class C felony for “dangerous control of a child/firearm” charge, will keep these things from happening in high-risk (criminal) homes!

Because Grabbers Know Best

On March 7th at 3PM the Senate Education Committee is scheduled to hear SB 551. Senate Bill 551, in its original, unamended form “Requires school districts to provide specified information related to secure storage of medications and firearms. Directs Oregon Health Authority to make information available to school districts.” [More]


An Age-Old Question

At first, he thought it was his uncle, but when he looked out the window, he saw a strange man coming towards his house. The teen who grew up hunting and taking safety training courses went right for his mother’s 9mm gun. [More]

Assuming the story happened as retold, what could the outcome have been had she followed the advice of all the “experts” — or obeyed “the law” where so mandated — and kept it locked up and separated from its ammunition?


And leave it to CNN to lead the charge.

[Via Jess]

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