Jamaica’s Experience Shows That Even Draconian Gun Control Will Not Stop Gun Violence [More]
Let’s ask a Jamaican what he thinks about the expectation that it will.
Notes from the Resistance
Jamaica’s Experience Shows That Even Draconian Gun Control Will Not Stop Gun Violence [More]
Let’s ask a Jamaican what he thinks about the expectation that it will.
Edelman CEO on gun safety: 2nd Amendment ‘is just kind of an excuse for delaying’ [More]
Says the multimillionaire heir to a propaganda empire notorious for Astoruturf campaigns.
You “believe in the Second Amendment” my…eye.
You and the rest of you Dick’s.
The pitchforks are coming, overprivileged douchebag.
[Via Jess]
Harris Teeter responded by thanking the customer and telling her they would be discontinuing the “Freedom Series” items. [More]
I’ve been over to their Twitter feed and seen plenty of PO’d “Get woke go broke” posts, but not the one that set this in motion. It’d be nice to know who the cowardly “customer” that deleted her “complaint” was, the company she keeps, and other “progressive” nonsense she routinely spews.
Ah, here we go: Doing the job the Faux News “real reporter” didn’t do. She deleted her account but that’s enough of a thread to pull to find out she’s “NC State Twitter Lead for @momsdemand.” And more, but I don’t dox.
Looks like Harris Teeter has picked its side. Not that there’s much incentive to change. Parent corporation Kroger asking Congress to enact more customer disarmament hasn’t seemed to hurt the bottom line.
Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-Texas) said in an interview broadcast on Sunday that Texas needs to find “common ground” on gun control by respecting the Second Amendment while also requiring safety measures on firearms. [More]
The ground he wants us put in if he ever makes good on his “Hell yes” threat?
The only ones dumb enough to believe him are these idiots.
[Via Jess]
If ‘Gun Control’ Doesn’t Disarm the Government, It Is Authoritarian Propaganda [More]
Now, now. They still need to be able to provide arms to the Militia…
[Via bondmen]
DNC brass says the org Jews For Preservation of Firearm Ownership is “antisemitic” [More]
What do you expect from a national socialist who wants to disarm you?
[Via bondmen]
France: Dangerous for Jews [More]
Replete with a new treasonous Vichy government.
And the new Judenrat…
So when Opposite Day “progressives” say “Never again,” what they really mean is…
[Via Michael G]
The mayor said he’s reaching out across the country and plans to put together a national working group to look at where cities can create no-carry zones: government designated safe-zones, or sensitive spaces, where concealed carry still would be restricted, even after licensing approval. “Because we don’t believe the Supreme Court is going to take up that aspect of it,” Adams said. “We believe there’s room for us to say, ‘OK, here’s where you can’t carry: subway systems, schools,’ we could restrict: ‘Ok, you no longer need a license. Well, here’s the restrictions of where you can’t carry.’ “That is what we’re putting together right now as a Plan B,” the mayor said. “Plan A is for them not to pass it.” [More]
He carries a gun, so he must be one of us! Right, Tucker?
[Via Jess]
TYRANNY: Michigan GOP Candidate for Governor, Ryan Kelley, Has Guns Taken by Judge for Standing Outside the Capitol on Jan 6 [More]
And the compelling state interest to show he is a violent danger risk to himself and others is…?
If you’re willing to eviscerate the Second Amendment, there’s nothing to stop you from eviscerating the First. And this one, clerking for Merrick Garland after graduation, has never not had her nose in the plunder trough, so coercion for political aims is all she knows.
If they do somehow manage not to blow the “red wave,” which Republican will be willing to strap ’em on, endure the false charges of “racism” and lead the effort to impeach Judge Robin Meriweather?
[Via Michael G]
John Cornyn, top Republican negotiator on gun package, booed at Texas GOP convention [More]
Even if the angry feedback is scaring you into backing off, the trust has already been broken. Way to take the fire out of bellies.
You hearing this Mitch? Lindsey?
You geniuses really want to break up the wave before it happens?
[Via Jess]
And tangentially-related:
Dan Crenshaw & Staff Assaulted by Right Wingers Shouting ‘Eyepatch McCain’ and Saying He Should be ‘Hung for Treason’ [More]
Well, he started it.
“No person may purchase a pistol unless said purchaser has secured from a Justice of Peace, County Judge, or District Judge in the county of his or her residence a certificate of good character,” said the law, which was enacted in 1931. [More]
That wasn’t one of those laws enacted to keep minorities disarmed that “progressives” think they’ve found a “Gotcha!” with, was it? Because if they like that one, they’ll love this!
And did anyone ever challenge its constitutionality on Second Amendment grounds?
This Democrat Governor Just Proved Why Red Flag Laws WILL Be Abused [More]
Funny thing, what “due process” can mean when defined by a violence monopolist.
Ol’ Jane certainly looks smug.
This is what she looks like in real life, ironically (and karmically) a “prohibited person now.
[Via Michael G]
“Payment processors like MasterCard absolutely have the ability to restrict transactions related to ghost guns on their platforms,” said Seth Magaziner, the general treasurer of Rhode Island, who wrote the proposal. “They have the ability to do that and they are choosing not to.” [More]
Following this weasel’s rationale, they have the ability to restrict transactions on any damn thing he demands, which is the incremental plan.
As with everything “progressive,” this is just a variation on a theme they’ve tried before.
[Via WiscoDave]
“The general public is not aware of the degree to which unions control the Democratic Party. One does not need to speculate on this point,” Musk told the interviewers. [More]
So if you’re a gun-owning union member, have you done anything to organize against a corrupt leadership that is feeding the citizen disarmament agenda? Or isn’t that as important a priority for you and you’ve already picked your side?
Because you can’t be on both.
“Arming school personnel is a serious decision that is left up entirely to your school. It is optional,” DeWine wrote. [More]
So in spite of all the hoop-de-doo, the great majority will remain “gun-free zones.” So much for “preemption” when you codify a “patchwork quilt.”
This guy never fails to prove himself a weasel trying to play all sides, does he?
Tangentially related, Pursuit of Patriotism wonders about school district liability in mass shootings. I’ve long maintained the failure is not so much one of unthinking negligence as it is outright hostility and deliberate indifference.
Bill Clinton offers advice on talking to pro-gun rights activists: ‘Don’t talk down to them’ [More]
That’s a non-issue. I don’t know any who would let some obnoxious citizen disarmament cultist do that to them without throwing it right back in their face.
Besides, unlike Monica, we’re not on our knees.
[Via Jess]
California bill would require all gun owners to obtain liability insurance [More]
They’ll then be able to price it out of the range of those of modest means, pressure insurance companies not to sell it, and for those that still do, pass laws saying they must cancel policies that don’t meet an ever-expanding list of allegations using the old “loophole” scam.
Meanwhile, expect these guys to continue business as usual.
“Skinner” seems an appropriate aptronym.
[Via 1Gat]
AOC worries Senate gun bill fails to address ‘violent misogyny and white supremacy’ – She’s worried about ‘criminalization of teens in communities like mine’ [More]
That’s shorthand for she and her fellow commies want to disarm white men and that “entitled” constituents dependent on the wealth redistribution agenda produce a disproportionate amount of violent criminals.
‘Squad’ Rep. Pressley wants voting age lowered to 16, gun buying age raised to 21 [More]
In case there was any doubt these evil lunatics are bent on the destruction of the Republic…
Of course, student safety should be a top priority. But have you thought of the repercussions of the school security they are requesting? [More]
Bipartisan Negotiation On Gun Control Bill Stalled [More]
Let’s hope “Are you nuts?” is making an impact.
Yeah, but you know what, guys? Even if the angry feedback is scaring you into backing off, the trust has already been broken.
Way to take the fire out of bellies.
‘I’m through talking’: top Republican negotiator walks out of Senate gun talks – John Cornyn says he is heading back to Texas, dimming hope of vote on bipartisan gun safety bill before July recess [More]
Yep. Somebody’s been hearing from p!$$ed off constituents and now wants to appear forceful and principled…
[Via DDS]
Lone gunmen outliers in nation’s mass shootings [More]
Yeah, but Democrats would p!$$ off too many constituents if they went after who you’d need to to make a dent.
Best to focus on disarming the real threat — to totalitarian rule.
Here’s the conclusion they don’t want viewers to realize: If expended ammunition wasn’t capable of producing lethal destructive force on human bodies, it would be useless as a defensive deterrent. What should be the object of focus is not citizen disarmament, but armed citizens being able to minimize “success” by promptly dispatching child-slaughtering monsters to hell. [More]
More manipulation and lies from “the most busted name in news”…
I’m a longtime NRA member and I say we need gun control [More]
Funny, they tell us “Dave Ziegler, a retired law enforcement officer,” but you have to look elsewhere to find out that means with ATF, and that he’s also a longtime statist apparatchik.
It looks like you have to register with the site to read more, but seeing as how we’re dealing with an “Only One” who wants to disarm his countrymen, I can guess what he’s going to say.
And it’s further illustration that if owning guns was all it took to be “one of us,” we’d have no better pals than David Chipman and Lon Horiuchi.
Gowdy should know all that, but again, we’re dealing with someone who presents the illusion of being “conservative.” [More]
“If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about the answers.”
His defense of the NRA is silly. [More]
It’s worse than that, and as usual, the readers aren’t buying it.
[Via Mack H]