Follow the Money

Swalwell campaign continues lavish spending, including at 5-star Dubai resort, luxury car service, yachts [More]

Not to mention “$45,000 on private security”…

About right for a Democrat imposing environmental and personal defense restrictions on the rest of us…

I wonder if Chicom asset Fang Fang gave him more than… you know…

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Indemnified Enough

Donald Trump’s promise to “restore law and order” by indemnifying police officers “against any and all liability” appeals to that sentiment, even as it underestimates the difficulty of successfully suing police officers and overlooks the fact that cops already are routinely indemnified against damages when plaintiffs manage to overcome the barrier created by qualified immunity. [More]

Yet much of the non-critical thinking audience practically orgasmed when he announced it.


[Via Michael G]

We’ll Show YOU!

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has drafted plans to release thousands of immigrants and slash its capacity to hold detainees after the failure of a Senate border bill that would have erased a $700 million budget shortfall, according to four officials at ICE and the Department of Homeland Security. [More]

No worries. The Senate Vichycons are doing everything they can to see our foreign dependents are funded.

As House Republicans take a meaningless vote they know will go nowhere in the Senate. Kinda like talking big on guns UNTIL they get a majority…

Don’t ask me where “establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity” comes in on all this…

Feeding the Destroyers

In all, cops pinned two carjackings and six gunpoint robberies or attempted robberies on Navas when he was finally nabbed while allegedly shoplifting at a Macy’s department store in Yonkers on Dec. 17 — all pulled off within the previous five months, the sources said… “Nasty as they come,” one law enforcement source said of Navas, who was living in a taxpayer-funded city shelter after arriving in New York City last year. [More]

The traitors inflicting these invaders on us do not have my consent to govern me. I don’t care how many useful idiots they’ve brainwashed or incentivized to “vote” for them.

[Via Michael G]

With Republicans Like These…

Tracking List of Which GOP Senators are For or Against Biden’s Open Borders Invasion policies embodied and paid for by taxpayers in the ‘Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024’’ aka The BORDER SURRENDER BILL! [More]

You gotta wonder how much is greed and how much is they don’t dare say “No” to their masters.

Related UPDATE

Looks like it’s not going anywhere — for now.

Republicans voting yes were Sens. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, James Lankford, R-Okla., Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Mitt Romney, R-Utah.

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