Taking a Leak

Elected officials, police chiefs on leaked Oath Keepers list [More]

The story here is really “Who leaked it?”

The feds?

In a related development:

The founder of the far-right Oath Keepers fired his attorneys on Tuesday…

The “real reporters” just can’t resist poisoning perceptions with a narrative talking point right out of the starting gate. I wonder if you asked them what is extreme about keeping your oath to the Constitution or insisting that the Uniform Code of Military Justice be enforced to ensure only lawful orders are obeyed if they’d be able to do more than babble and try to change the subject/argue non-sequiturs.

[Via Mack H]

The Buyback Menace

In fact, the study said a 7.7% increase in crimes involving a gun occurred in those cities and counties in the immediate two months after a buyback. [More]

The Philadelphia Inquirer Iditorial Board has an about-damn-time epiphany of sorts, then wrings its hands and wails “Something must be done,” all the while clueless as to what that something needs to be.

[Via Jess]

Render Unto Seizure

More than 15K “red flag” gun seizures since 2020, but AP claims the law is “barely used” [More]

Speaking of “barely used,” how about the presumption of innocence until proven guilty?

And as long as we’re talking “woefully low” and “too small a pebble to make a ripple,” I wonder if anyone has compiled verifiable figures proving a documented number of saved lives attributable to “red flag” confiscations.

[Via Jess]

Chippie Off the Old Block?

“I have 4 daughters that play the game, 3 at the college level. We’ve always had that occasional idiot in the crowd, but never an atmosphere like this.” — Marvin Richardson, father of Duke volleyball player Rachel Richardson who was called racial slurs during a match at BYU [More]

So what, actually, was said? Be nice if there was– you know — evidence to back up the accusations. Which there apparently isn’t.

Kinda makes you wonder if ol’ Marvin is this fast and loose with dangerously prejudicial allegations in his capacity as a highly placed administration ATF mucky-muck — and why he wasn’t so identified by the CNN “Authorized Journalist.”

[Via Andy M]

In the Interests of Transparency

Cover-Up: Biden Treasury Makes Move to Stop GOP From Getting Hunter Biden Records [More]

Criminal conspiracy stonewalling and cover-up from the highest circles… where have we seen that before?

Funny, how we have to learn about this from Red State and the New York Post, while all the majors only seem to be concerned with Mar-a-Lago records…

We’re the Only Ones Simple Enough

Oakland Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong had a simple message Tuesday outside City Hall in the wake of a spree of deadly shootings in the city: put down the guns. [Watch]

Expecting that to make a difference is beyond simple. It’s retarded.

As is everyone in this video, starting with the incompetent “Authorized Journalists” putting the blame on “gun violence,” every self-promoting “official” spouting blather, and every “community” moron wearing an orange shirt and nodding solemnly after each buzzword.

[Via 1Gat]

Aid and Comfort to the Enemy

Former Congressman Joe Walsh (R-IL) criticized South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham for predicting violence if former President Donald Trump is indicted but not condemning it. [Watch]

I met this self-serving character at a Gun Rights Policy Conference where we all assumed he was a friend instead of a citizen disarmament-enabling traitor.

It’s interesting he identifies himself as someone who “escaped the MAGA cult.” What a deceptive way of smearing his countrymen who believe in traditional American principles because they foster freedom and prosperity.  This cultist ingrate has just switched over and become an “evangelist” for the dark side.

Happy shooting, kids!

[Via Jess]

Operation Demoralize

“The media swarms and lies. Tells you it’s over, wants you to give up. Happens every single time.” Don’t fall for it. [More]

Think of it as a coordinated buzzkill. Just look at what all the  Google News hits on “red wave” are suddenly and in unison telling us, and then look at the same term on prior publication dates.

None of which means the Stupid Party isn’t trying its best to blow it.

[Via Michael G]

None Dare Call It Treason

The op-ed advocates doing away entirely with the Constitution. Why? The authors don’t quite put it this way, but the reason is that the Constitution fails to establish a pure democracy by plebiscite, and makes it difficult to use a transient majority to effect radical change. [More]

Then those who would rule us and who control all major means of communication wouldn’t need to just ignore it anymore.

It figures The New York Times would publish such a subversive screed. As for the ivory tower Harvard and Yale apparatchiks, when useful idiots are no longer needed, that which they’re helping bring into being generally finds a suitable place for “new people.”

[Via Michael G]

Speaking of Toxic Messengers…

Are gun advertisements in FTC’s crosshairs? Critics decry ‘toxic’ messaging as firearm sales soar [More]

If tyrants don’t respect the Second, why should the First bother them any?

It figures this subversion originated with the monopoly of violence apparatchiks over at  USA Today, a Gannett Publication

[Via Remarks]

When in Doubt, Resort to Alinsky Rule 5

Is junior okay? [More]

He’s better than you, shameless apologist for fascists. A “phoenix”? Really? From the ashes of Democrat cities?

And I notice none of his legitimate concerns are being addressed. It figures the Daily News would call this a “meltdown.”

I didn’t realize HRT was involved. I remember a real meltdown I caused with one of their jackboot lickers when I asked a simple question.

The Legion of Superheroes

“Having recently gone through a time of intense crisis, I now understand that I am suffering complex mental health issues…” [More]

Thank you, Captain Obvious!

The other ones either suffering complex mental health issues or just being whores for their jobs are the “Authorized Journalists”  who indulge and encourage such utter nonsense by referring to a singular person as “they.”

And is/are he/they microaggressing against himself/themselves when he/they says/say “I” instead of “we”?

How many spirits does The Guardian’s Australian Deputy Culture Editor think are in there, and why is it there’s never a herd of swine around when you need one?

Meanwhile, back at the farm, it looks like he’s setting things up to become a leading anti-gun spokesman, what with leaving them lying around with kids, and a one-year-old “pick[ing] up a loose bullet [sic] and put[ting] it in her mouth.”

Other Tools Besides Banning…

Repression, Terror, Fear: The Government Wants to Silence the Opposition [More]

Making this all the more believable.

Aided and abetted by social media and the DSM. One fantasy I have is that someday, government collusion with these “private” entities to suppress truthful reporting will be proven in court and First Amendment violators, both government instigators, and their de facto “agents,” will receive the punishments they deserve.

[Via bondmen]

Doing the Job Government Can’t Do — Yet

They tell me that “your content has violated our Misleading Content policy. Please visit our Community Guidelines page blah, blah, blah”. Whatever. [More]

I confess I know next to nothing about this blog– I saw a post about censorship over at WRSA and that caught my interest seeing as how that’s exactly the reason I had to go through all the hassle of abandoning my Blogspot home of 17 years and starting this continuation blog. I see he, too, is the victim of a new Google censorship focus, which means no matter what he does, there are no assurances that work he spends portions of his life on won’t be summarily removed with no warning and no recourse.

Fortunately, that most invaluable of resources, the Internet Archive/ Wayback Machine* had his back on this one. I don’t see what the problem was with it, but then again, I saw no problem with what I posted either.

I’ve been throwing some money their way once a year because I do find them so indispensable. Case in point: All my Examiner “Gunwalker” stuff would be gone from the net if not for them. And doesn’t that tell you just about everything you need to know about the DSM

Oh, Well This Proves EVERYTHING

Well, it turns out there are photos. And here they are, published for the first time. [More]

And this made the ever-sold-out Drudge.

Sr. Bedoya, the floor is yours:

Admissible evidence? We ain’t got no admissible evidence. We don’t need no admissible evidence. I don’t have to show you any stinking admissible evidence!

Is this really all they want us to need? What honest man wouldn’t rebel against that?

Funny. They don’t invite comments.

Return of the Swamp Thing

“In our nation’s 246-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump. He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him,” the elder Cheney says in the ad, which the younger Cheney started running on Thursday, a week and a half before she faces a Trump-endorsed challenger in the Republican congressional primary Wyoming’s single congressional seat. [More]

And by “Trump” he means anyone who supported the agenda he campaigned on and who still doubts the official J6 narrative.

This is what someone the DSM calls a “staunch gun advocate” with ultra-establishment insider loyalties looks like:

“Whether or not there’s some measure there in terms of limiting the size of the magazine that you can buy to go with a semiautomatic weapon — we’ve had that in place before. Maybe it’s appropriate to re-establish that kind of thing…

Hey Dick: Don’t you have somebody to shoot in the face or something?

(This came across the transom after I submitted my latest AmmoLand piece on Liz Cheney getting longtime gun-grabber Kevin Costner’s support, which may be out later today.)



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