“This Is Not A Gun Bill.” [More]
You just can’t have guns while practicing defensive tactics with your friends.
I wonder what the Green Mountain Boys would have said about that.
Notes from the Resistance
“This Is Not A Gun Bill.” [More]
You just can’t have guns while practicing defensive tactics with your friends.
I wonder what the Green Mountain Boys would have said about that.
Gigantic New FBI Headquarters Twice Size of Pentagon [More]
Compared to how many million “unorganized militia” members…?
[Via Michael G]
Why are Democrats Protecting Antifa? [More]
Reminds me of another question…
Besides, domestic enemies can’t allow anything necessary to the security of a free State…
Common use and dangerous and unusual are mutually exclusive. Something can’t be dangerous and unusual if it’s in common use. [More]
And if we were doing things according to founding intent, they’d be in common use.
Two More Years of Biden. What Can Be Done About the Border? [More]
Do I dare go into what should be done?
While I am a believer in our Constitution and our 2nd Amendment, I firmly support the ban on assault-style rifles and I truly hope our federal government follows to ban them nationwide. Since our Constitution and the 2nd Amendment were formed, firearms have become much more sophisticated and much more deadly. Our Founding Fathers were not loading .223 rounds into their muskets. They were not using firearms designed to disintegrate human bodies. As I said following the Highland Park mass shooting, these weapons of war do not belong on our streets. They’re used to kill our police, used to kill innocent people, and used to inflict maximum carnage on their victims. [More]
The hand on the Bible is always a good clue.
Some of the cud-chewers in “Comments” certainly have the government they deserve.
Never mind that this is illegal under current federal law. But who cares, right? [More]
[Via President Non_Fudd]
Governor DeWine Signs BFA-Backed SB 185 to Protect Second Amendment Rights During Emergencies [More]
First, do no harm. Excellent.
Now, assuming we’re talking about a widespread disaster where limited civil authority resources are triaged and whole areas will be left for an indeterminate time to fend for themselves, dare we hope we’ll ever see a bill that provides for activating the militia of the whole people after training and equipping them first?
A federal lawsuit supported by the Second Amendment Foundation and Firearms Policy Coalition has been filed in New York, challenging that state’s ban on so-called “assault weapons.” [More]
I’ve been arguing not to forget “core purpose” in 2A actions, so I find this a good add:
The firearms at issue in this case are the sorts of bearable arms in common use for lawful purposes that law-abiding people possess at home by the millions. And they are, moreover, exactly what they would bring to service in militia duty, should such be necessary.
Who Wants to Tell California AG Bonta that Access to ‘Weapons of War’ as a Check Against Tyranny is a Core Tenet of the Second Amendment? [More]
Why do you think he and his masters are so bent on destroying it?
I just wish more 2A lawsuits would focus more on the Militia, and how ignoring that facilitates more infringements.
The US Military’s New Smart Optic that Aims For You. The XM-157 [Watch]
Will those whose “birthright” is “every terrible implement of the soldier” be able to aim back should the legitimate need arise?
[Via Jess]
Large-capacity magazines are not “arms” protected by the Second Amendment because they are not essential to the use of firearms… Additionally, large-capacity magazines are not protected “arms” because they are not commonly used for self-defense. [More]
Since that directly follows an “Overview of Bruen’s text-and-history standard for analyzing Second Amendment claims,” I wonder what Tench would say to that…?
Legal weasel Rob Bonta proves the point that if you limit arguments to “self-defense” and ignore core purpose, you’re not using every means at your disposal.
[Via Jess]
New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Kentucky, and Illinois are deploying several national guard units to the U.S.- Mexico border. [More]
Better than nothing, I guess, but this wouldn’t be needed if the affected states had citizen militias in accordance with the Constitution like they’re supposed to…
[Via bondmen]
I dunno– “in Common Use for Lawful Purposes Throughout the United States” seems to exclude everything that’s not, including what will be developed in the future.
The Supreme Court, in its infamous Miller decision, nonetheless recognized the function of the Militia, defined as “all males physically capable of acting in concert for the common defense [and] bearing arms supplied by themselves and of the kind in common use at the time,” was — and still is — to field citizen soldiers. These citizens bore arms that were suitable for that purpose, “ordinary military equipment” intended to be taken into “common defense” battles. The Militia did not assemble on the green bearing clubs and spears. They came with the intent to match and best a professional military threat. A modern Militia would require citizens to keep and bear exactly what the gun-grabbing politicians are trying to take away from them, what they pejoratively denounce as “weapons of war.”
Second Amendment will be Nullified if ‘Common Use’ is Restricted to ‘Popularity’
Schweizer: There’s ‘Arming of Bureaucrats’ at Same Time Police Are Defunded [More]
What did Mr. Mason say, and warn against changing?
I ask, Who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers.
[Via bondmen]
No longer science & technology projects, high-energy laser weapons are now operational [More]
So when power packs shrink and individual infantry weapons become a reality…?
This is why, understanding core purpose, “in common use at the time” has to be applied not to what is “popular” with sportsmen, but to what is available on conventional battlefields and to enforcement authorities.
Remember when it took a roomful of computers to attain a fraction of the calculating power of your cell phone? I remember when a prominent mathematician precited a limit to computational capacity based on a point where tubes burn out and need to be replaced.
What I’m using now would have been considered the stuff of mad scientist fiction.
[Via Jess]
A group of Senate conservatives is calling on President Joe Biden to fight the nation’s violent crime wave by deploying all available resources to American cities across the United States. [More]
If they were true conservatives they’d understand principles of federalism and what the Founders knew to be “necessary to the security of a free State.”
[Via bondmen]
* Jefferson
Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker on Wednesday called up 75 members of the Illinois National Guard to help organize shelter, food and medical care for migrants arriving by bus from Texas. [More]
More proof that the Guard is not the Militia, which has among its legitimate duties “to execute the Laws of the Union … and repel Invasions.”
[Via bondmen]
The second amendment is a collective, not an individual right. Hamilton knew this (see Federalist paper 29) as did the courts for several hundred years. The modern version of the second amendment only exists because of decades of work by the gun lobby to change what 2A meant. [More]
Sure, Hamilton knew people had trades to ply, farms to tend, shops to keep, and to earn the status of “well regulated” and be able to compete with a professional army “would be injurious” due to the time commitment required. Here’s what he thought we should do about that:
“Little more can reasonably be aimed at, with respect to the people at large than to have them properly armed and equipped.”
Then they’d bring their weapons of war and muster once or twice a year to practice drill.
“You can disagree with this all you want. I’m entitled to my own opinion as are you,” he asserts in a later tweet.
“You are entitled to your opinion,” Daniel Patrick Moynihan (and no friend of 2A) famously said. “But you are not entitled to your own facts.”
Being ignorant is bad enough. Being arrogant about it is a real stool sample move.
[Via Jess]
F-15 vs. AR-15? Bet on the Guys With the Guns [More]
Which, of course, is why they want to take them.
Tangentially related, I wonder if this is really true.
A federal judge who was appointed by former President Donald Trump has ruled that a Texas law banning anyone under 21 from carrying handguns in public violates the Constitution. [More]
Excellent! Just don’t forget there’s still a ways to go…
I’m wondering if the grabbers will appeal…
[Via Robert J]
Americans Are Too Pampered and Neurotic to Fight a Civil War [More]
Most. You only need, say, three percent.
That the red nails are the ones painted “WAR” is not lost on me.
The State of Minnesota also filed its own motion for summary judgment, which … went on to say … that “18-20 year old women are also not covered by the plain text of the Second Amendment.” [More]
I once wrote a speculative article (way pre-Heller) I can’t find now that basically made the case that the only women mentioned in U.S. Code are “female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.” My intent was to set up a staged lawsuit with a (friendly) FFL refusing to sell a gun to a (friendly) woman and having it overturned on equal protection grounds.
I wonder if the statute now needs to be amended to add the words “self-identified”…
[Via Jess]
Governor Ron DeSantis Unveils the Florida State Guard [More]
You know, what effete (and secretly jealous) anti-gun males armed only with Alinsky Rule 5 snark think they’re being clever ridiculing as “the vigilante militia“…
I’ll need to see the plan though, because as regular readers of my Firearms News columns know:
Speaking of free states, while the power to raise armies is the purview of the Congress, state defense forces were established by some (17 plus Puerto Rico), but not all states, to be deployed within a state. The State Guard Association of the United States exists “to advocate for the advancement and support of regulated state military forces established by state governments,” [but] don’t look for teeth to match the mission statement. The last two defense force units, the Ohio Military Reserve and the Tennessee State Guard, were the last units trained for deployment with issued weapons, but no more. The Tennessee Guard’s role is now to provide unarmed support to the National Guard during deployment, with organized firearms-related activities are limited to marksmanship competitions. What was once the Ohio Military Reserve, formally a military police unit, was reorganized to provide emergency management support and of late has been assisting food banks during the COVID-19 scare by packing, transporting and distributing food and serving meals. State guard units are examples of the organized militia.
I’d like to see the Florida plan fleshed out. Who will be armed and when, and what will the rules be?
[Via Jim S]
One Solution Against Tyranny Is Creating State Guards to Defend the Constitution and Fight Back Against the Deep State [More]
Yeah, about that:
Speaking of free states, while the power to raise armies is the purview of the Congress, state defense forces were established by some (17 plus Puerto Rico), but not all states, to be deployed within a state. The State Guard Association of the United States exists “to advocate for the advancement and support of regulated state military forces established by state governments,” [but] don’t look for teeth to match the mission statement. The last two defense force units, the Ohio Military Reserve and the Tennessee State Guard, were the last units trained for deployment with issued weapons, but no more. The Tennessee Guard’s role is now to provide unarmed support to the National Guard during deployment, with organized firearms-related activities are limited to marksmanship competitions. What was once the Ohio Military Reserve, formally a military police unit, was reorganized to provide emergency management support and of late has been assisting food banks during the COVID-19 scare by packing, transporting and distributing food and serving meals. State guard units are examples of the organized militia.
State-level swamp creatures sucking at the Washington teat have no interest in principles of federalism. And it’s not like most of the citizenry understands or cares.
[Via bondmen]
One can only wonder what the Founders would have thought of these worthless heirs to the freedom of self-determination won for them with blood, powder, and steel. The men who did that sacrificed their all to bequeath the Blessings of Liberty to an ungrateful, cowardly, and weak Posterity. These latter-day Tories spit on their forebears’ memory, and on the memory of the Sons of Liberty. They would resurrect the arms confiscation plot that triggered the beginning of the War of the Rebellion at Lexington and Concord – as long as someone else is doing the disarming. [More]
That they long to be ruled is contemptible enough. That they demand it for the rest of us is intolerable.
If ‘Gun Control’ Doesn’t Disarm the Government, It Is Authoritarian Propaganda [More]
Now, now. They still need to be able to provide arms to the Militia…
[Via bondmen]