300K people left Illinois last year: These were their top destinations [More]
How do they vote?
[Via bondmen]
Notes from the Resistance
There may be some nominally “pro-gun” Democrats. There are no pro-Second Amendment Democrats. [More]
There’s a whole ‘nother dimension to the clown show photo op, and a potentially criminal one.
Arnold Schwarzenegger Endorses Kamala Harris, Slams Donald Trump As ‘Un-American’ [More]
Doesn’t this narcissist have a nanny to knock up?
Nothing like being lectured on what it means to be an American by a “dual citizen” whose father was a Nazi,
I’ve been warning against the Austrian Oaf for like, forever, including telling the “gun groups” who wouldn’t listen that they were being duped.
Mike Lee Says Kamala ‘Trolling for Assassins’ With Hitler Rhetoric [More]
I mean, who wouldn’t want to kill Hitler…?
Him and his Nazi followers…?
Related UPDATE
Debunked Atlantic Hit Piece Gives Kamala Pretext To Justify Political Violence Against Enemies [More]
[Via bondmen]
Election polling could be underestimating Kamala Harris, Democrats in key states, CNN data reporter warns – CNN data reporter Harry Enten argued that because Democrats were underestimated in polling from 2022, the same might be true for Harris [More]
Just add “days to call” and congratulations, Madame President-Elect!
I’m seeing a lot of “blowout” rhetoric reminiscent of the “Red Wave” that never came.
Related UPDATE
If only what happens in Las Vegas stayed in Las Vegas…
[Via Michael G]
With only days before the election, Kelly’s allegations are clearly designed to harm Trump’s campaign, but it’s nothing more than a last-ditch effort from a disgruntled employee who has long held a vendetta against the former President. [More]
Jeez, and we thought Liz was a…
[Via bondmen]
What we’re seeing is a cynical Democrat admission that their radical platform doesn’t play well in the heartland, so they need to hide who they are and put on a mask of moderation. [More]
Anyone who falls for a change in their agenda is the type of dupe the Democrats rely on.
Cognitive Dissonance & “Trump Derangement Syndrome”: The Flawed Logic of a Few Anti-Trump “Pro-Gun” Voters [More]
That said, he’s the only chair to grab in this bar fight.
Maybe you’re ready to fight. What’s been holding you back?
She even cackles like a ghoul.
JP Morgan Chase…again and again and again…
As for Warren being “cooked,” don’t count on it. Drawing and spreading such unwarranted conclusions is but one of the beefs I have with YouTube “influencers.”
[Via Jess]
The Washington Post Claims Republicans Wage War on Fact Checkers [More]
To paraphrase Rhett Butler, they deserve to have war waged on them, and often, and by someone who knows how.
[Via Michael G]
Drone swarms targeting US military bases are operated by ‘mother ship’ UFO, claims top Pentagon official [More]
Are the adults in the galaxy about to speak or are we talking fantasy distraction from serious issues here?
If there were an alien race capable of making it here from the stars, my guess is, just observing the way innovation is encouraged and technology flourishes when freedom is encouraged, that they would have outgrown coercive collectivism, which stifles the incentives to excel.
Or maybe it’s a sign from below…
Right now I’m going with “distraction.” If I have cause to change my mind, it means there’ll be more observable evidence.
[Via bondmen]
Triggered Massachusetts Town Officials Lose It and Vow to Punish Resident For Projecting Epic Trump Sign on Water Tower [More]
“[D]isplay… outdoor advertising device” may be enough to get him on.
[Via bondmen]
This short video reveals the dark-money activists from outside Ohio, some from other countries, who want to seize power and rig Ohio elections to elect partisan leftists even in conservative parts of the state. [More]
If you’re an Ohio gun owner who cares about the Second Amendment, or if you know one, spread the word.
ASU under fire after Harris campaign accesses data to text 70,000 students… “We’re going to be submitting a [Freedom of Information Act] request very soon to understand how that information was supposedly public,” Carpenter said. [More]
The election will be over by then, and if all goes as planned, guess who will be in charge of doing something about this…
How about if you see something say something, for all the good that’ll do?
[Via Michael G]
Dennis Quaid tells Coachella rally how he sponsored illegal immigrant housekeeper who supports Trump [More]
Yes, Dennis. Time to pick a side.
In fairness, many of us have behaved in the past in ways we would not with age, and hopefully wisdom, and most of us have not had the temptations that come with Hollywood stardom.
Look for the same Hollywood that decries “McCarthysism” to blacklist him now.
Naked, 43-foot Trump sculpture goes up in Detroit, turning heads, sparking laughter [More]
While New York Democrats tried to get a pro-Trump sign banned as “a safety hazard as it might distract drivers or ensnarl traffic with people taking pictures.”
Related UPDATE
‘Anti-Hate’ Art Exhibit In LA Featured Participants Kicking Around Donald Trump’s Head [More]
After two assassination attempts…
And remember: Trump is but an avatar. That may as well be my head. Or, possibly, yours.
[Via bondmen]
Regime Media OMIT FEMA Running Out of Hurricane Relief Funds While Spending $1B To House Illegal Aliens [More]
Why would Democrats give away the extortion card and the source of future votes?
[Via Michael G]
Related UPDATE
If true, and if there’s no good reason, this is a test:
The conspiracy theorist in me says the intent is to sacrifice low-level FEMA pawns and provoke a low-hanging fruit first strike to crack down on the “greatest threat.”
Kamala Harris to Campaign with Liz Cheney in Birthplace of GOP [More]
I may start calling them URH: Unpopular Republicans for Harris
And naturally, the execrable Michael Steele is part of this cabal of Vichycon clowns who crammed so many RINOs into the Big Tent there was no room left for elephants.
If they prevail, there will never be a credible reason for voting Republican, making it fair to conclude that’s been the plan.
FAQ: National Flood Insurance Program Expires December 20, 2024 … Congress is discussing a Continuing Resolution (CR) to extend funding for most of the federal government after December 20, 2024. [More]
Democrats ought to be able to extort Republicans with all kinds of poison pill riders.
[Via WiscoDave]
Gillibrand vs. Sapraicone: The Race for US Senate forum [Watch]
So. Mike is for “red flag laws and background checks”?
Then why should I believe someone who doesn’t understand the Second Amendment won’t betray us on semiautos the first chance he gets to distance himself from another “gun-free zone” exploitation?
She has such a huge lead anyway, why should the gun owners in her district who aren’t Fudds bust their humps on a losing battle to push for a betrayer with an (R) after his name, and what message would that send the GOP on acceptable candidates?
Liz Cheney and Colin Allred: An unlikely alliance with political repercussions [More]
I’ll take “Rhymes with blunt” for $400, Alex…
She and all “Republicans for Harris” have severed all ties, forever.
I hope someone is keeping track of names.