Runs in the Blood

More strange things about Kamala Harris and her genealogy. [Watch]

Race is fair to discuss because Kamala and the Dems are obsessed with exploiting and discriminating with it, making them the racists. That’s because racism is a form of collectivism, so naturally, them lying about it is SOP.

As for me, I freely admit to being a culturist and an ideologist inasmuch as some cultures and ideologies have proven themselves to be superior at advancing freedom, knowledge, technology, prosperity, and human happiness than others, and those are the ones to emulate and build upon, not overburden and drag down.

[Via Jim Stephens]

On the Waterfront

Biden-Harris commerce secretary says she is staying out of potential port worker strike [More]

That’s because they owe the ILWU, and they’re not about to rock that boat.

So when Americans start feeling the shortages and price hikes, the Democrats will own it.

No matter. Bitter harridans want drive-through full term abortions everywhere, in Everytown, and they’ll burn the Republic down to get ’em.

As for the union, a line about “bums, let’s face it” comes to mind.

Mr. Secretary

What more proof is needed that when the Deep State runs things, the president is just a figurehead?

Yeah, right, the problem is the Constitution.

[Via bondmen]

Getting Ahead of the Story

That means a scandal is about to be revealed, so they’re doing advance damage control in case Edwin Edwards rules come to pass…

Backing for Astroturf Police Group for Harris Intentionally Hard to Trace

While we know some of the personalities involved, what we don’t know is who is funding them, and that looks deliberate. [More]

Back the Blue Wave? They appear out of nowhere and nobody knows who’s bankrolling them. Instead of questioning that, Democrat apparatchik media lockstep parrots their narrative with PR pieces masked as “news.”

From Second Cuck to First Gentleman?

Kamala’s Husband Doug Emhoff Says Trump ‘Definitely’ Anti-Semitic, Claims He Will Target Jewish Americans [More]

Yeah, like his daughter and her husband.

Which party includes the “River to the Sea” contingent, again…?

The First Ladies Museum is a few miles down the road in Canton. I wonder if they’ll have to change the name of it if Kneepads “wins.”

[Via Michael G]

Loser Lashes Out in Frustration

Kari Lake’s daughter, Ruby Halperin, gets a drink thrown at her by triggered leftist [More]

Some children were never taught to use their words.

As difficult as it is to tell with that crowd, I wish the story had identified the assailant’s gender.

Curious, how the side that says it’s for women’s rights results in “men” attacking them:

I wonder what you’d find it you did a study of the political affiliations of households where spousal abuse most occurs…

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Censoring Enough

Their sign, supporting President Trump, went up. And a policeman knocked on their door. “He told them that he had been directed to go door to door to families that had political signs in their yards and order them to remove the signs. This order was so egregious that our clients thought it was a joke, but the officer confirmed the order; they had to take down their sign,” the report said. [More]

“A policeman…”

“The officer…”

What’s the dumb-ass thug’s name, and is he still feeding at the trough?

There is no order an oathbreaker will not obey, hence the desperation of the totalitarians to demonize Oath Keepers.

And if said dumb-ass thug weren’t a thug and a dumb-ass, he’d have refused the order and denounced it, and retired in style on the settlement if they’d dared retaliate.

Meanwhile, Over at the Harris for President Campaign

“The Committee seeks to determine whether the Biden-Harris Administration attempted to use a foreign leader to benefit Vice President Harris’ presidential campaign and, if so, necessarily committed an abuse of power,” Comer wrote. [More]

Of course it did. On both counts. And promises were made in exchange for the endorsement.

You gonna do something', or just stand there and bleed?

I Got Them Uniparty Blues

Every presidential election year, the Republican and Democrat candidates typically come together to roast each other in good-humored speeches at the dinner. [More]

Why? The Democrat/Harris platform shows they’re not “our friends across the aisle.” The differences should be existential, and the Republicans should have beat them to the punch on this.

Is there anything phonier than that photo of Tim Dolan laughing it up with Hillary and Trump?

And why would any Second Amendment supporter want to break bread with him anyway, especially at a dinner honoring a New York Democrat?

From the Ministry of Bread and Circuses

The NFL claims to have engaged in a “nonpartisan” get-out-the-vote effort for the 2024 election, but a look at its list of partners reveals that it has only teamed up with organizations that promote left-wing candidates and causes. [More]

No longtime reader will be surprised.

What do you call a gun owner who spends hours each week on televised sports/going to games and none on promoting and defending the right to keep and bear arms?

[Via Michael G]

GRNC 2024 Candidate Evaluations

This guide estimates where candidates stand on gun issues by comparing their views with those of a control group of gun owners. As noted below, a “4-STAR” candidate agrees with the control group on at least 90% of gun issues, a 3-STAR agrees on least 80%, a 2-STAR on at least 70%, a 1-STAR on at least 60%, and a 0-STAR candidate agrees on less than 60% of gun issues. [More]

It’s a place to start and will no doubt be “single issue” strong.

I’d like to see the criteria and if “the greatest threat” is considered.

The Culpability Consequence

…26 million Americans believe “the use of force” is justified to keep Trump from regaining the presidency. [More]

They mean “by others,” and like the MSNBC moron, most have no clue that it could blow back on them up close and personal. They think they’ll read about it, make some “serve’s the fasicsts right” comments on social media, and that’ll be the end of it.

[Via bondmen]

Make Sure Chris Cox’s New ‘Secure Our Freedom’ Group Doesn’t Also Secure More Gun Control

While the case could be made that you need to start people out slowly and get them to dip their toes into the pool and splash around a bit before wading into deeper waters, couching the Second Amendment exclusively in “self-defense” terms limits the right and invites infringements. And Cox has supported plenty of those in his tenure at NRA. [More]

He’s right about the need. But is he the right person for the job?

Graphic, But Hardly Novel

Professor Sends His ‘What If Jan 6 Succeeded’ Comic-Book To All Pennsylvania High Schools [More]

Does it say how they did that while unarmed?

He’s equating Trump agenda supporters with Nazis and white supremacists, replete with Confederate swastikas.

Now tone down the rhetoric before somebody gets hurt!

[Via bondmen]

All Red

Texas Democratic Senate candidate Colin Allred is featuring his wife in campaign ads to cast himself as tough on the border and immigration. Just four years ago, she sued to secure the release of dozens of illegal immigrants held at federal facilities in California, including one who was charged with assaulting and threatening to kill his girlfriend. [More]

Talk about an aptronym

[Via Michael G]

Hanging Chad

Alvarado-Gil allegedly “had her pants pulled down” when Condit came back from the bathroom and told him, “‘I want you to kiss it and prove your loyalty,’” according to the affidavit. “Alvarado-Gil appeared to enjoy her power and demanded this show of ‘loyalty’ on several occasions.” [More]

I’m sorry, but this doesn’t pass the smell test in more ways than one. While she was allegedly getting face time from him, he was telling people this?

Maybe it’s because I’ve never known a man who would put up with this at work, but admittedly, I don’t hang out with any Democrat apparatchik males.

This seems more like a hit job motivated by her changing parties and personal revenge.

[Via Jess]

Facts of Life

But you’ll notice all the Democrats, gun grab groups, and DSM, but I repeat myself, parroting the lie, and idiot followers swallowing it whole.

If it had been up to Kamala, the death toll would have been higher.

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