At Facebook Value

As it turns out, the Biden White House relied on foreign “disinfo” activists to pressure Facebook to censor Americans. Worse, it turns out the group supposedly targeting disinformation had their facts wrong. Facebook knew it, too. [More]

Those must be the “community standards” they keep dinging me for violating…

[Via Michael G]

The King’s Deer

Indeed, one of my favorite ironies is that self-proclaimed conservative and libertarian Americans who otherwise never miss an opportunity to resent government regulation happily participate in one of the most heavily regulated activities in America. [More]

Think of it as the Fudd Paradox.

It’s what allows for subversive useful idiot groups like “Sportsmen for Biden.”

Polyphemus may have said he’ll eat them last, but eat them he intends, and in his own good time.

[Via Michael G]


Survey says

[Via JR]

Shot Full of Lead

A federal court on Friday rejected a long-fought effort by environmental groups to force a ban on lead ammo in a national forest, providing a key win for hunters, the National Rifle Association, and the United States Forest Service. [More]

It’s been a long time coming. Last night I brought out the Center for Biological Diversity gorilla hand ashtray to celebrate.

Now sue them.

[Via JR]

I’m Sorry, So Sorry, Please Accept My Apology

Children made to write apology letters in school to Aboriginal Australians ‘for taking their land’ [More]

It’s not like their convict forefathers had much say in the matter…

I guess generational rule by wardens is a tough conditioning to break.

Ladies and gentlemen, the music stylings of Miss Brenda Lee

[Via Michael G]

On Being Democrats

Missouri Democrats propose allowing 17-year-olds to vote in party-run presidential primary [More]

These are the same people who want to raise the age to own a gun to 21.

Here’s an illustration of what demonstrable liars they are:

Democrats are not “coming after your guns.”

Meanwhile, they posted this on the same Facebook account.

[Via bondmen]

The American Taliban

Concord High School pulling ‘Minutemen’ mascot blasted as ‘insult’ to those who ‘sacrificed to defeat tyranny’ [More]

Now that the Gadsden kid won, wretched public trough communist indoctrinators need a new way to control the past, so what better way than destroying statues?

That’s the way the useful idiots in the Bay Area want it.

[Via Michael G]

Giving the Devil His Due

Prosecution in Apple’s iPads-for-Concealed-Firearms-Licenses Bribery Case Can Go Forward [More]

But all they were trying to do was protect Tim Cook

Jeez, you’d think the way they’re acting the law applies to “progressive” billionaires just like it does to us little guys…

[Via Michael G]

Don’t Know Much About History

12-year-old boy booted from class over Gadsden Flag patch on backpack: ‘Origins with slavery’ [More]

And here I was thinking it was associated with origins of the United States Marine Corps

And as long as we’re complaining, don’t forget “Vanguard” is associated with neo-Nazis by the same leftists sources.

It’s a Marxist history thing. So much for Sam Cooke’s “wonderful world.”

I’ve got a problem with reports from national news organizations with resources that then say “the unnamed school administrator.” Especially since “charter school” means tax funded.

Then again, the Biden administration is showing us just who works for whom.

Catch the Facebook comments before they’re removed.

Repelling the Assault

D.C.’s “Gallipoli Campaign” against the American people will continue, and the Establishment will invariably suffer a similar fate. [More]

Your lips to God’s ears, pal — we’ve been promised Krakens before.

See, here’s the thing about this Obama adviser David Plouffe quote:

“It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.”

Trump is an avatar. He’s saying traditional America’s kind must not rise again.

If that applies to you, take it personally: the assault is against everything and everyone you hold true and dear.

That’s the message we’re all obligated by self interest and by those depending on us to spread.

[Via bondmen]

Tribal Warfare

“What makes this extra amusing is that the ‘Rangers’ are Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribal Police, and the backed up traffic is for Burning Man. Native American cops busting up a standoff between two tribes of white progressives is straight up comedy gold” [More]

They sure make it tough deciding whose scalp would look better on the lodge pole…

[Via Michael G]

About That Greatest Threat…

Supporters of the National Socialist Movement, a white nationalist political group, give Nazi salutes while taking part in a swastika burning at an undisclosed location in Georgia… [More]

If they’re such a threat to where the entire federal “law” imposement apparatus is out there conflating “white supremacists” with “conservatives,” gun owners, Christians, Republicans and especially Constitutionalists, why don’t they have more recent photos that 2018 of under a dozen people…?

Besides, “socialists” are creatures of the left, as are racists, which if you think about it for a second, is collectivism.

As were the OG Nazis, no matter how much lying “progressives” and their commie partners want to disavow.

What could be the motive of those in power for smearing citizens who believe in freedom for all and who know the right to keep and bear arms is the greatest power sharing arrangement ever devised, as monsters to be destroyed?

Opposite Day ‘Progressive’ Sense

L.A. Mayor Bass: Lack of Consequences for Crime Isn’t Causing Retail Theft, ‘Things Like This Happen’ if There’s Profit [More]

Keep voting for this, stupid California Democrats.

Just don’t move here after reaping too much of what you’ve sown.

[Via bondmen]

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