Even When He Loses He Wins

Columbus Files Yet Another Lawsuit Seeking to Infringe Gun Rights [More]

It’s not Zach Klein’s money being squandered and it gets his name in the papers. When you think about it, that’s a special kind of contemptible. And anyone stupid or biased enough to vote for him in the first place won’t let a little thing like repeated losses keep them from pushing a proven apparatchik for higher office.

Even if he is that most loathsome of creatures along the lines of Bill Kristol, Joe Scarborough, and Joe Walsh:

A Viahycon turned Democrat.

At Least They’re Consistent

The political, cultural, academic, and media Elite literally promoted the idea that anybody who was skeptical about the safety and effectiveness of the COVID vaccine was a murderer and deserved to die. Deserved to die. Not just that they were placing themselves at risk, but that their failure to comply with the diktats of others made them worthy of death. [More]

In fairness, they’re the same people who want our children to die over guns.

[Via Michael G]

Survey SAYS…

Poll Shows How Radically Different Americans’ Opinions Are From Liberal Corporate Media Narratives [More]

You’ve got to admit, the mobs carting useful DSM idiots, rope-selling capitalists, and purged celebrities and One Percenters off in tumbrels would have a certain schadenfreude to it if it didn’t mean we’d also be up to our necks in it…

[Via bondmen]

The Beam in Our Own

“[M]ore and more Canadians are moving in the direction of socialism with every generation, most of whom no longer have any morality, sense of self reliance, personal responsibility, independent thinking and a willingness to continue the culture of hard-working self-respect that built this magnificent country in the first place.” [More]

Sound like any place you know…?

[Via Michael G]

A ‘Tragic Accident’

Shannon Brandt pled guilty to manslaughter after Cayler Ellingson was killed when he was hit by Brandt’s vehicle in September 2022. The guilty plea comes just weeks after the charges were reduced from murder to manslaughter. [More]

Now imagine the sentence is Brandt were the “Republican extremist” and his victim had been [insert preferred woke category here].

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Beneficent Enough

The groups involved say arrests and prosecutions are not the answer. Instead, the groups will work with the public to offer help paying rent, finding jobs, and other basic needs.[More]

Yes, further absolve them of the responsibilities of citizenship as bribes to not conduct themselves like psychopathic animals– we oughta see those homicide numbers plummet!

Those expectations don’t strike anyone as racist…?

[Via Steve T]

Ja Moron

This country’s gun addiction is fostered not by young Black men but by a far right that is drunk with reactionary fever dreams and visions of race war. [More]

I was just thinking that last weekend while shooting up Baltimore.

We’re told the hateful, self-enamored ignoranus who penned this prejudiced screed is “one of UTNE Reader’s ’50 Visionaries Who Are Changing Our World.’”

If that isn’t the benchmark on what’s of lasting importance, I don’t know what is.

Speaking as One ‘Healthy Cancer’ Cell to Another

The members of today’s Left have pushed liberty into nihilism, defining it as the right to live free from biological sex, family, tradition, and God—free from reality. They paint every inherited structure, every moral duty and social obligation, as a shackle that must be smashed, by government if necessary, so the individual can be made “free.” [More]

Damned oppressive physics…

The unasked questions: Cui bono?

And how can the protective layers be pulled back to root them out and drag them into burning sunlight?

Skinfolk But Not Kinfolk

Trump-Endorsed Daniel Cameron Wins Kentucky GOP Primary for Governor [More]

He must, as President Biden reminds us, must not be black. And seeing as how Republicans are white supremacists, I’ll leave you with the words of a “progressive” and inclusive CNN pundit describing him:

Uncle Tom. Step & fetch Negro. The end

You bully bigots and Trump cultists!

[Via Michael G]

Pulling Up AstroTurf

Gun grabbers like New York billionaire Mike Bloomberg bankroll ballot issues that would restrict and seize our constitutional rights. SJR 2, if approved by voters, would raise the bar for passing changes to our foundational document to 60% instead of a simple majority, thereby making it much harder for out-of-state money to force their values upon Ohio. [More]

And naturally, lying Democrats who scream “Home Rule!” whenever they want to undermine preemption or impose new infringements are against Ohioans deciding on their Constitution in the face of outside money pouring in.

Eating Their Own

“We cannot send the message that you can come and disrupt democratic processes and be rewarded for it,” he said. “We cannot let this be a play in somebody’s playbook for the future that they think they can come and use these kind of tactics to come disrupt this process to get a result that they want.” [More]

Why not? It works every time you leftists want to shut down a “conservative.”

[Via Steve T]

No Questions Allowed

Mere months after the Uvalde school district suspended its entire police force for failing to effectively respond to a deadly shooting at an elementary school, school officials banned a concerned parent from school property — because he questioned the qualifications of a new police hire. [More]

That’s tyranny, plain and simple.

Here’s what the new leadership is doing to ensure the safety of the children they’re entrusted with! And true to form, they limit who can comment…

[Via Michael G / Graphic via Ray in Manila]

Collective ‘Happiness’

Do the contours of American society — that emphasis on individualism, that spreading out with impunity over a vast, sometimes outsized landscape — encourage isolation and alienation? [More]

Come, let’s all be comrades and join the communist hive!

And if that doesn’t work, we’ll beat harder on the “Individuals are racists” drum.

This comes from the same interests desperate to reinstitute the lie that the Second Amendment refers exclusively to a “collective right.”

The falsehood of this piece is that it’s an “either/or” dichotomy, and that champions of individual liberty don’t have families, friends, tribes, networks, or belong to larger groups that share their values. They know that love is more than “feelings,” it is behaviors, including boundless self-sacrifice requiring a lot more than mere delayed gratification. In fact, the “loners” who are psychopathic mass shooters exhibit the most deadly traits of genocidal collectivists, right down to denying individual due process to their victims.

There are no group passes and participation trophies for salvation, whether you’re talking literal or metaphorical. It always comes down to personal accountability and consequences for individual choices.

At This Point, They’re Just F***ing With Us

Illegal immigrants get court dates scheduled for years in the future, allowed to stay in US in the meantime – Many migrants don’t have to appear in court for up to five years [More]

Give it another year and the wait time will double. Not that people whose first act in this country was to break its laws plan on showing up.

The politicians, officials, business interests, and string-pullers behind this state of affairs seem pretty unconcerned about personal repercussions, don’t they?

So do our “gun rights leaders”

Must Be Getting Beat Up Pretty Bad


I like to think this played some small part in that

Although this no doubt had more


Witness who called for gun control in aftermath of Texas mall shooting lied about his actions: police – Police say Steven Spainhouer contributed to spreading ‘misinformation’ about shooting [More]

So will Shawn and Poppy correct the record or just move on to the next set of lies and hope no one dumb and biased enough to turn to them for “news” will either notice or care if they do?

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