A Reality of His Own

So the individual rights interpretation of the Second Amendment was invented by the Black Panthers and the best advocate for “commonsense gun safety laws” is the head of a family with a generational violent criminal history? And anyone who thinks the problem might lie elsewhere is a jihadist? [More]

Here’s a question for Paul Auster.

[Via Michael G]

‘…No Law Respecting the Establishment of Religion…’

All-Muslim city council in Detroit suburb approves animal sacrifices at home [More]

And PETA’s not freaking out and bussing in raging cat ladies…? Hell, they’re not even mentioning it.

Kinda like the way the LGBTQ radical brigades kept it zipped when Muslim cab drivers went all homophobic in Cleveland…?

I guess this tells us which weaponized “cause” the destroyers find more effective. And we’re getting a preview of which idiots will be expendable first once they’re no longer useful.

Case in point: If the choice is between environmentalcases and “immigrants,” guess who gets priority and why, and for how long.

When you control a monopoly of violence, useless eaters aren’t that insurmountable a problem.



Since the subject here is infringements on the right of the people to keep and bear arms, why not go one better and look back to when you were born?

There are a few things more stupidly obnoxious than aging “liberals” who are smug about their ignorance, but they merit special calling out because they have imposed it on younger generations depending on them for adult leadership. “Thanks” to them, we have the equally ignorant, ubiquitous, and bigoted “OK Boomer” response.

And then there’s this moron:

No, you wouldn’t. Because if you were truly interested, you’d already be on top of it instead of passing off ignorant snark and calculated misrepresentation as informed cleverness.

Which makes you one of these.

Stupid Is as Stupid Does

Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) says he is “suspicious” of the classified docs that were found at Biden’s home and office. He suggests they might have been “planted” there to take Biden down. This is the same guy who said Guam might tip over and capsize in the ocean from overpopulation. [More]

No doubt he’s stupid enough to say that. But who would be stupid enough to believe it?


[Via Michael G]

Deal with the Devil

Now, a district judge has awarded a summary judgment against a Maryland Catholic hospital for refusing to remove the healthy uterus of a patient who identifies as male. But there is an unusual twist here that may not apply in other such cases being filed all over the country. St. Joseph’s is owned by the University of Maryland Health System, meaning it is a public hospital. [More]

Well, there’s your problem right there. What did they think would happen when they sold their souls?

[Via Michael G]


David Cardenas, a gun owner who was headed to the target range at Shore Galleries, said he supports the assault weapons ban, although it won’t affect him because he doesn’t own them. “I’m glad they did it,” said Cardenas, a Chicago-based artist. He said the ban would prevent people with mental illness from purchasing the weapons. “So I think it’s a step in the right direction.”[More]

Hence my cautions

If I owned Shore Galleries, I’d tell him to get the hell out.

[Via Andy M]

And There Was War in Heaven

His talk at McGill University in Canada titled “The Sex vs. Gender (Identity) Debate In the United Kingdom and the Divorce of LGB from T Event” ended abruptly after about 100 demonstrators “stormed the room … unplugged the projector and threw flour at the speaker, and the walls inside the faculty building were vandalized as well”… [More]

Thanks, Mensheviks. Us Bolsheviks will take it from here.

[Via Michael G]

Hairy Squatter and the Deathly Swallows

Flom added, however, that “after J.K Rowling’s views on people like me came out, it left a bad taste in my mouth.” [More]

Uh, you sure that’s what did it…?

And like this changes anything.

Is there anything “progressives” engage in that doesn’t involve denying reality?

Stupid, Good Fun

Joseph Halm Arcidiacono, 33, is a lucky man. Last November, he was arrested after he threw two full cans of White Claw hard seltzer at Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), hitting him with one of them. But on Friday, Houston’s 185th District Court “no-billed” Arcidiacono, which means, according to Houston’s KPRC, that the criminal charges against him have been deemed “not sufficiently supported by the evidence.” [More]

The grand jury was stupid enough to believe he was inviting Cruz to chug them?

[Via Michael G]

Meanwhile, Over at the Birthplace of Liberty

Disgusting. Inexcusable. Shameful. This is what Democrats reduce once-great cities and cultures to. And rather than being thrown out and prosecuted for criminal negligence, those responsible are secured to advance themselves politically.

Anybody see anything or anyone worth fighting and dying for?

That’s part of the plan.

That Mr. Adams, him plenty smart fella.

Funny, how we who try to live up to that are designated the enemy by the destroyers.

[Via Jess]

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

Chair of California’s Reparations Task Force Says Black People are Really Owed $1 Million Each – Meanwhile, a black activist warned the committee in an interview: ‘Comply or it’s going to be a serious backlash’ [More]

As if that will be the end of it. What do we know about paying extortionists?

Backlash sounds like the way to go.

[Via Michael G]

Spider & the Fly

  • Maoist sworn in as Nepal’s Prime Minister
  • Mexico demands impeached Marxist Peruvian president be restored
  • South Africa: Socialist ANC pushes land expropriation bill
  • Cubans fly to Nicaragua to start trek to U.S.
  • Communism has a long history in Minnesota
  • And much more from our friends at the Anticommunism Action Team [More]

Still Waiting for an Answer

However, for those like Hudson who do have these concerns, I’d offer a suggestion. If you feel this way, you should start pushing the lawmakers asking for your support to oppose gun control. [More]

We’re well aware of Republican betrayals and failures. That said, what kind of utter moron says they’re for the right to keep and bear arms and then backs Democrats, and what kind of two-faced opportunists support that?

Just because the enemy has guns is no reason to mistake them for our friends.

[Via Andy M]

Teach Your Children Well

Inspector Report Found Hundreds Of Chicago Teachers Allegedly Sexually Groomed, Raped Students [More]

That must be one of those “perks” they’re talking about.

Since hatred and revenge seem to be common motivations, I wonder if anyone has ever done a study on the impact abusive teachers and administrators have on increases in school shootings…

[Via Michael G]

Anti-Gunners Should be Careful What They Wish For

Ah! The understanding at the time was that parents would have a say in what their dependent children could or could not do! So, according to this, there were no Founding-era laws saying a boy or girl couldn’t have a gun if the adults raising them wanted them to. [More]

Remove predators from society and leave our guns and our children alone? The parasites, control freaks, and groomers aren’t gonna like that one bit…

Another Slogan for Orwell in the Making

LA Times: White supremacy is a rainbow coalition [More]

So they’re to be condemned for their diversity, equity, and inclusion?

Brian Griffin has a question for them.

And remember: If you didn’t vote for Joe Biden, you ain’t black!

[Via Michael G]

An Age-Old Question

Transage Activists Now Claim “Age Is A Social Construct,” Just Like We Predicted Would Happen [More]

Perhaps we can make lemonades out of lemons– I have long advocated for giving young people development-appropriate gun training, as opposed to “age-appropriate.” Maybe this can be exploited against those obnoxious and unconstitutional edicts saying you have to be 21 to buy the firearm of your choice.

Except I bet if you asked transage proponents, they’d tell you no age is appropriate. More likely, they just want to diddle with kids.

Now wait for Phase Two: Age is racist.

[Via Michael G]

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