Military official flags mom to the police after she criticizes school’s ‘polysexual’ poster on Facebook [More]
So much for the military being subordinate to civilian authority…
[Via Michael G]
Notes from the Resistance
Ex-Navy SEAL who transitioned from male to female says he’s now transitioning BACK: Blasts VA for giving him hormones after an hour-long consultation, and calls sex change ‘the worst mistake of my life’ [More]
The point being, if an adult with this amount of life experience can be this confused, what can we conclude about the motives of those who would destroy anyone questioning doing this to minors?
Especially since they’re the same ones demanding to raise the age of gun owners to 21 under the excuse that their emotional maturity has not fully developed.
And the same ones who then turn around and say we need to lower the voting age?
Who is stupid enough to believe it’s because Democrats are more enlightened than “deplorables”?
By publicly pressuring Musk to censor “hate speech,” which is indisputably covered by the First Amendment, Schiff and Takano are trying to indirectly accomplish something that the Constitution forbids. [More]
Well, it also says “shall not be infringed, but that’s never stopped either of these @$$holes.
California Apple store ransacked by thieves as staff warn customers not to stop them [More]
And they push “men” out of their way, that is, assault them with confident impunity.
This would not happen in a Militia culture. Or in any culture where men deny their biological roles as defenders of what is theirs– you know, what the enemies who want to tear it all down have swindled the weak-minded into considering toxic and synonymous with being abusive.
Those who “tolerate” such ravaging beasts in their midst have chosen their place in the food chain. And that includes those who vote for rulers who demand it of them.
No civilized culture can survive this. Cancer cannot be reasoned or bargained with. Either the patient is cured of it or it takes over and wastes the body to death.
As a firearm dealer, I support background checks for gun purchasers [More]
This voluntary concession to the grabbers was from June. I just found out about it from an email from the Astroturf frauds at 97percent.
If you’re an Illinois gun owner and you do business with Benjamin Tactical in Libertyville, you’re giving aid and comfort to a useful idiot for the enemy.
I guess somebody had to step up and fill Mike “The Gun Guy” Weisser’s shoes…
Disgraced Supreme Court whistleblower busted for lying was once a mainstream media darling [More]
I’m sorry, conservatives have been using Hunter Biden’s addiction against his father for years now. [More]
No, we’ve been using his deliberately uninvestigated criminality of an adult against the Big Guy.
This evil “c”-word just presumed without evidence to out a potentially suicidal minor child in order to score snark points. It really is illustrative of the leftist media mind.
[Via Michael G]
Brittney Griner has been released from a Russian penal colony after the White House reached a deal brokered by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and the United Arab Emirates to swap her for an arms dealer known as the ‘Merchant of Death’. [More]
I wonder how many human lives the release of this entitled communist bellyacher is going to end up costing…
What? What about the Marine…?
Hey, which one scores more headlines and political capital?
MSM: Democrats Can’t Be Election Deniers [More]
Just like blacks can’t be racists.
Oh, and I apologize. It’s only “whites” that shouldn’t be capitalized.
[Via Michael G]
97Percent Republican Board Members Speak Up To Demand An End To Gun-Related Violence [More]
Right. An “A”-rated Biden voter and a Vichycon celebrating the Warnock win.
These people are frauds. Don’t get me started on the gun owners who are enabling them.
EU President Ursula von der Leyen Announces Review of Protected Status for All European Wolves After a Wolf Kills Her Pony [More]
Not that your pony, or your child, would have moved her to act.
Introducing: Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers [More]
I wouldn’t exactly say “introducing”…
[Via Michael G]
I’ve requested some counterpoints.
[Via Michael G]
DOJ Subpoena to Twitter Demanded Info on Tara Reade’s Account After Accusing Biden of Sexual Assault [More]
So much for #BelieveWomen.
[Via Michael G]
Women protesting male murderer in women’s prison violently attacked by Antifa [More]
Did our bold Young Pioneers roundhouse kick them?
Whatever happened to that cowardly @$$hole, anyway? Him and Professor Bike Lock…? That ought to follow them around for the rest of their lives so they can be ridiculed at every opportunity.
I wonder how many “feminists” are aware enough to realize they’ve been used, and if the choice is between them and whatever the Marxist cause celebre is, they’ll be relegated to a back seat.
[Via Michael G]
Professor admits no Native American tribal affiliation after decades of claiming otherwise [More]
Who does she think she is, Elizabeth Warren? Then again, I thought all that mattered was how you self-identified…?
[Via Michael G]
Spoken like a true sociopath, CDC’s Walensky thanks Tuskegee’s guinea pigs for their ‘sacrifice’ [More]
At least the Aztec “offerings” went more or less willingly.
[Via Michael G]
A 28-year-old woman shot a 12-year-old child in the neck last month outside a Citgo station in the 8900 block of S. South Chicago Avenue. Initial reports indicated it was a drive-by shooting, but prosecutors on Saturday said Telisa Pratt intentionally shot the girl for feuding with her niece… Telisa Pratt has 3 children and is currently pregnant, CWB Chicago reported. [More]
Tell me that isn’t the best argument you’ve ever heard for disarming the rest of us.
It also explains why the genocidal ruling racists so desperately want to cull the excesses from the voting herd they have bred.
Forget it, Jake. It’s Chi-Town.
[Via bondmen]
The vigil will honor all lives lost to gun violence or any violence. There will be a free Holiday gift of up to 200 Turkey Food Boxes for everyone at the end of the vigil. [More]
From Astroturf to Astroturd… What about free needles? And where they gonna poop…?
How hard should I hope nobody gets stabbed?
Documents reveal Senate Democrat pressured IRS, DOJ to target conservative groups – ‘It’s Lois Lerner on steroids’ [More]
How did the complaint go again? Oh, yeah:
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.
Figures totalitarian wannabe Sheldon Whitehouse is one of the subversives pushing this…
[Via Jess]
Olson moved to Owosso from across the country only 2 years ago. [More]
Foreign nationals aren’t the only immigrants culturally terraforming. Hence a term used in Maine…
[Via Michael G]
Not that headcase idiot Jim Carrey has learned a damn thing from playing the lead.
[Via bondmen]
A Connecticut school district approved a book about a young boy who wants to become transgender for second graders, despite backlash from parents. [More]
That’s because school boards are controlled by teachers’ unions and teachers’ unions are controlled by subversives.
You know, the kind of people who vote for Chris Murphy…
[Via Michael G]
Not Good! Anti-2A Group Targeting Constitutional Carry [Watch]
The state that imposed Bernie Sanders on the rest of the Republic? The grabbers will no doubt tout disarming the sheep as a great victory for “gun sense.”
I’m sure the folks responsible for this will fall right into line.
[Via Jess]
Feds Pay Journalism Group $5M To Create Software To Turn People Into Anti-‘Misinformation’ Bots [More]
What Article and Section is that again…?
[Via Michael G]