Past Time if You Ask Me…

We need the South Carolina Republican Party to censure Graham for his sell out. [More]

This is for more than just “registered Republicans” and Palmetto State gun owners because what this guy does affects us all. The email option isn’t the only way to reach them. Pick one that works for you. And include others.

I’m starting with the head of the party.  And GOP National. And NRA

Like so

Gun-Owning Useful Idiot Beto Supporter Finalists

Which is why all the “gun pundits” celebrating “diversity” without factoring in voting patterns are fooling themselves and their followers. If owning a gun was all it took, we’d have no better pals than David Chipman and Lon Horiuchi.

And speaking of idiots

[Via Jess]

Risk-Free Usurpation

…Securities and Exchange Commission, chairman Gary Gensler remains undeterred in expanding the agency’s power beyond its constitutional boundaries. [More]

And the government continues to get away with in-your-face illegitimate power grabs with all means of civil redress being cut off. What’s that phrase everybody on the left freaked out over when Sharron Angle mentioned it?

Oh, yeah, “Second Amendment solutions…”

Funny, how Budowsky so admired the guy who said this

And thanks again, NRA “Political Victory Fund”! Frickin’ duplicitous sacks…

The Empire State Strikes Back

New York State Senate blocks citizens on Twitter, an unconstitutional move to crush dissent [More]

If you can eviscerate the Second Amendment with impunity, why would the First worry you? And it’s just fine, of course, with Twitter, which does the Democrats’ bidding in a fascist public/private partnership workaround. Besides, policy violations only result in expulsion for those deemed enemies of the regime.

A Little Something for the Fudds

The Firearm Industry Fairness Act would mean that “the family hunting rifle is not taxed at the same rate as an assault weapon, and would ensure that the firearm industry, like other industries in America, takes responsibility for the safety and misuse of its products,” Maloney said in a statement. [More]

Until someone, say, Carolyn Maloney, decides they’re “sniper rifles“…

There ain’t no deals with Polyphemus. He’ll eat you when he damn well feels like it.


[Via Jess]

A Plan Comes Together

ATF’s New ‘Ghost Gun’ Rules Are as Clear as Mud – The ATF used a lot of words that invite lawsuits and leave industry insiders baffled. [More]

That’s by design. Make things so complicated nobody can figure them out and be willing to take investment risks. Plus, fedgov has unlimited resources to tie challenges up in court for years and/or until the Democrats can pass bulletproof legislation.

[Via Samuel W]

Someone’s Gotta Do It

Two gun rights organizations filed federal court lawsuits Thursday challenging bans on semi-automatic weapons and magazine ammunition restrictions adopted by two Colorado cities after the state allowed local municipalities to enact tougher gun control measures than called for by state law. The lawsuits against Boulder and Louisville by Rocky Mountain Gun Owners and the National Foundation for Gun Rights follow two others the groups lodged against the state and county over similar gun control measures. [More]

Think SAF’ll ever make peace with Dudley?

[Via Jess]

Speaking of Toxic Messengers…

Are gun advertisements in FTC’s crosshairs? Critics decry ‘toxic’ messaging as firearm sales soar [More]

If tyrants don’t respect the Second, why should the First bother them any?

It figures this subversion originated with the monopoly of violence apparatchiks over at  USA Today, a Gannett Publication

[Via Remarks]


Plaintiff lacks standing…Bruen is the wrong person to sue…plaintiff hasn’t shown injury… the plaintiff hasn’t shown a likelihood of winning… [More]

Everything to dance around and obscure the indisputable fact that these m***********g tyrannical New York a******s are denying a fundamental right to We the People under force of arms with full intent to bring an up-to-lethal hammer down on the head of anyone who disobeys.

[Via Antigone]

With ‘Republicans’ Like These…

“[The bill] protects the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens while also providing the opportunity for those suffering from mental illness to get the help and treatment they need before tragedy occurs,” Dolan said. [More]

Change that to “Dolan lied.”

I’ve touched on this tool before. I may just expand on this latest subversive and pathetic bid for attention after clearing out my existing queue.

[Via Sweet Babboo]

Stop 114

The measure essentially ends the sale of all firearms in Oregon for the foreseeable future and bans the sales of most shotguns and all standard capacity magazines forever. Possession of those items outside your home will be a criminal offense. If you are caught in possession of a standard capacity magazine INSIDE your home you will be required to prove that you had it before the law went into effect. There will be no presumption of innocence. [More]

If you’re an Oregon gun owner, consider this a muster call willingness test.

Key Questions

The ATF claims that Hoover conspired with Ervin to sell lightning links. They further contended, quite audaciously, that raising money for Ervin’s legal defense was part of that conspiracy on the theory that, if Ervin won his case, Hoover would be able to advertise the card again. The ATF admits that Hoover never sold any cards but maintains that, since he promoted the AutoKeyCard, he was also guilty.[More]

Tyrants don’t like the First Amendment any better than they do the Second. We’ll see if this “unravels.” Me, I don’t trust the referees.

They really do seem to have been piling up the in-your-face outrages of late, almost like they have expectations they’ll be able to keep squeezing. Either that or somebody is trying to provoke something so they have an excuse to go all out.

[Via Jess]

Funny Peculiar

“It may be funny to you motherf—er, but it’s not funny to me”: Texas gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke snapped at a man during a town hall on Wednesday who started laughing as O’Rourke discussed the gun used in the deadly Uvalde mass shooting. [More]

He was laughing at the bald-faced disprovable lies, not that Beto’s idiot supporters who cheered him on have the wits to realize that’s what he was doing.

Speaking of which, have I mentioned these idiots lately?

[Via bondmen]

More Than a Feeling

“So, yes, I understand the Second Amendment. I understand, you know, bearing arms, but we also need to make sure that we can ensure that folks feel safe in their communities.” [More]

Feelings. Nothing more than feelings.

Seeing as how the ones doing the killings aren’t eligible to take advantage of the open carry law, I don’t suppose there are any, you know, individual choices your congregants could make that would have more of an effect…?

And that’s a pretty big “but” you’ve got there, pastor.

[Via Steve T]

‘Militia Violent Extremist’ Latest in History of Smears against Constitutionalists

Demonizing gun owners who believe in the founders’ intent of the Second Amendment is nothing new for our government. I’ve been following such attempts for years. [More]

“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”

A Historical Understanding

The State of Minnesota also filed its own motion for summary judgment, which …  went on to say … that “18-20 year old women are also not covered by the plain text of the Second Amendment.” [More]

I once wrote a speculative article (way pre-Heller) I can’t find now that basically made the case that the only women mentioned in U.S. Code are “female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.” My intent was to set up a staged lawsuit with a (friendly) FFL refusing to sell a gun to a (friendly) woman and having it overturned on equal protection grounds.

I wonder if the statute now needs to be amended to add the words “self-identified”…

[Via Jess]

As Long as We’re Talking AstroTurf…

The most high-profile effort has come from Rhode Island Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, who has emerged as one of the most prominent critics of what he describes as the corrupting influence of dark money on the court. He has proposed a bill that would treat amicus filers more like lobbyists, subjecting them to registration and financial reporting. [More]

While Sheldon gets to influence as a perk.

That’s pretty rich, considering the indignation is being stirred up by a Bloomberg Machine beneficiary. You know, the same machine that has for years been quietly setting up infrastructure in the states (that means with the media keeping mum) to make legal challenges to infringements necessary…

[Via Remarks]

‘Ready Succeptibility’

“Whether or not the Rifle used in the Attack was, in fact, modified to fire in a fully automatic fashion, its ready susceptibility to such modification rendered it a ‘machinegun’ as sold, prohibiting its sale to the general public,” the complaint alleges. [More]

That’s why some of us were so adamant against the doors the Trump “bump stock” ban would open. And why I have no patience with point-missing bloviators and their “stupid piece of plastic isn’t a hill worth dying on” ignorance…

[Via Jess]


Received via email:

Hey David,

I recently heard your spot on AAR regarding selective service requirements for transgender people, and I just wanted to give you my experience, hopefully it’ll make some sense.

I’m a proud American, a gun owner, and I vote for Republicans relatively often. However, I happen to also be a transgender American. I don’t want to go into deep detail about how I came to realize this, but I’ll put it this way – I fought it for a long time, and I desperately wanted to just be “normal”. However, after seeing many therapists, I have completed my
social and medical transition from female to male. This involved many therapists and psychiatrists, hormone therapy, and surgical intervention.

After these steps were completed, I changed my legal sex with the government. At that time, I was required to register with selective service. The requirement is based on your legal sex, which is very difficult to change (for good reason, every blue haired liberal won’t go through all the doctors I did without getting a good sense of whether they’re really transgender or just going through a phase). People who are born male, if they have not legally transitioned by 18, are required to register, as are any adult in the age range who legally transitions from female to male.

It’s worth noting that if a draft ever came, I’d be happy to serve my country, and I have a draft card just like every other man my age.

I hope any of that makes sense. I don’t expect you or Mark to accept me for who I am, and I listen to the show anyway. I hope hearing from me helps you
understand a little better how legal transition works (and that there are transgender people who are a lot like you). I’d appreciate if you left my name out of any further discussion or writing you may have on the topic, just for my safety.

Thanks for hearing me out,

[Name withheld by request.)

Here’s the article Mark and I discussed last Wednesday. And here’s my response:

Hello _____,

Back in the 90s, I co-wrote the first Inclusion Statement on a gun site that I am aware of. I’m sure Mark agrees with that.

I also wrote an article defending Nikki Stallard that is unfortunately no longer available.

I’d have to find time to listen to my segment with Mark because I’m pretty sure I couched it to clarify I was not commenting on transgenderism per se but on the legal issues surrounding Selective Service law. In re your experience with “legal sex,” it is helpful to know that but I would still need to determine what the law actually has to say and if it has even caught up with things. Case in point, they changed the 4473 to say “Male” Female” and “Non-Binary.” If someone born male put down “Female” would they be vulnerable to felony charges? Not being a lawyer I don’t know and suspect it would be new and unsettled with very little to reference.

In terms of the issue of LBGQT and all that, I believe in live and let live and not making anyone whose life is already hard enough any harder on them. That said, I reject demands that I embrace and laud someone for making that choice, and reserve the right to speak out against what I perceive to be deliberately outrageous advancement of a radical agenda. That, I speak out against. And that’s the best I can give you.


David Codrea

Unhatched Chicken Counting

The Dubious and Doomed ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban That the House Approved Today May Cost Democrats This Fall – Recent polling suggests that Americans are starting to recognize that such laws make no sense. [More]

I wish I could share the enthusiasm but I think all it would take is one gun-free zone exploitation the magnitude of Beslan and you’d see a whole different set of survey results, not to mention a panicked Republican red wave-blowing scramble to get out of the water.

Now is no time to relax like the overconfident hare. Press on in earnest like the tortoise.

[Via bondmen]

You Know What Else You Don’t Need to Hunt Deer? My Money

Despite that long history and the popularity of the Pittman-Robertson Act among hunters, anglers, conservationists and the firearm industry, Clyde and other sponsors have painted the tax as an assault on the Second Amendment. [More]

It absolutely is.

Pay for your own “sporting purposes,” Fudds.

See how you like us being the ones throwing you under the bus for a change.

[Via bondmen]

Never Say Never

The level of GOP opposition indicates the bill is unlikely to advance in the evenly split Senate, where it would require the support of at least 10 Republicans to defeat a guaranteed filibuster. It’s also not clear if the measure has the support of all 50 Senate Democrats. [More]

Forgive me for wondering what kind of new incident would be enough to make it happen.

[Via Jess]

If Wishes Were Fishes

Celebrity YouTuber cites Supreme Court gun ruling in bid to dismiss machine gun charges [More]

I’m not seeing how the most effective arguments can be considered with zero mentions of “militia.” That makes me wonder about the Second Amendment law track record the attorneys have achieved.

Don’t get me wrong: I think “shall not be infringed” and “every terrible implement of the soldier” should be all you need to win, but I wouldn’t take that into court unless I had a lot more behind it.

I’d like to see some qualified voices weigh in on the viability of the motion and the risks of establishing any precedents that could complicate future efforts if it fails.

[Via Antigone]

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