Face mask mandates return in multiple states as doctors warn of ‘quad-demic’ of four viral infections [More]
If at first they don’t succeed… turn on the fog machine!
Sorry. But you tell me why I should trust official narratives.
Notes from the Resistance
Face mask mandates return in multiple states as doctors warn of ‘quad-demic’ of four viral infections [More]
If at first they don’t succeed… turn on the fog machine!
Sorry. But you tell me why I should trust official narratives.
Now he’s stepped further into the morass. He is suggesting artificial intelligence, or AI, censor people who are “inciting violence” by expressing doubt about vaccines. [More]
I suspect if we were violent, he’d know it by now.
Scientific American Editor-In-Chief Has Spectacular Post-Election Social Media Meltdown [More]
For a long time now…
[Via bondmen]
These infringements, as they always do, will only burden “law-abiding” people. Criminals will still get all the guns they want the old-fashioned way as they keep sending doctors more patients. [More]
If it walks like a gunquack and quacks like a gunquack…
Under the headline, “‘Brain flaws’: Understanding MAGA as an epidemic disease” and the subheadline, “Epidemiologist Dr. Gary Slutkin: MAGA is a ‘dangerous and lethal syndrome’ of ‘Authoritarian Violence Disorder,’” we are told Slutkin is “a distinguished epidemiologist, formerly with the World Health Organization.” And under the guise of stopping violence, he fires off this Nazi-style propaganda to inspire violence against Trump and his “diseased” supporters. [More]
That sounds libelous. Hey, it’s Salon…
It also sounds like a good reason for a medical board complaint to so label citizens one politically opposes.
Funny, what was once considered a psychiatric disorder and what’s considered on now. The whole thing seems pretty Soviet…
[Via bondmen]
Bioethicist S. Matthew Liao: In order to fight “climate change”, we should genetically modify humans to be intolerant to meat. [More]
Flesh the implementation out for us, Matthew. A global central comittee, right? And as with Covid, “my body my choice” doesn’t apply — for the greater good?
Now, what about holdouts with guns…?
During the lawless famine this genocidal useful idiot is helping usher in, he, with his ideas, will get no acceptance from those dragging him out of his ivory tower except as a source of protein.
“Progressive” academics… is it any wonder I love them so?
Gun Policies That May Decrease Outcomes… Gun Policies That May Increase Outcomes [More]
So “may” means it’s spcualtion, not “fact.”
What other outcomes “may” arise from citizen disarmament and a monopoly of violence, and how come they aren’t even acknowledged, let alone factored in?
Leftist ivory tower eggheads– is it any wonder we love them so?
Them and false authority gunquacks.
[Via Dan Gifford]
CDC, FBI Working To Hide Data Showing Shootings Stopped By Good Guys With Guns [More]
That’s because they want gun ruled “dirty, deadly, and banned.”
[Via Jess]
Tangentially Related UPDATE
[Via Michael G]
Radiologists and students studying the practice will now be instructed to avoid referring to first-trimester babies as “living” or “live,” according to new guidelines developed by a panel of scholars. [More]
“The Revolution will be complete when the language is perfect.”
[Via Michael G]
This is not to excuse pornography, but rather refocus inquiry and reflection (as I do here) on the ways in which guns amplify phallocentrism. [More]
Academia sent me a link to this 2007 “study.”
Sounds like author C. Richard King has too much time on his hands and/or too much of something else in his hands…
He even cites SPLC’s Mark Pitcavage, who looks like his hands wouldn’t reach, at least his own…
Americans dying younger than their English-speaking peers worldwide [More]
The trick is to lump everyone in with those who can’t be trusted with free will.
I’ll wager “gun violence” among NRA members is lower than Australia’s, Jennifer Ho. Care to bet?
The scientists accused of using ‘flawed’ research to tell you to stop drinking [More]
With crackdowns in Canada, Australia, and the UK, with the U.S. slated to follow?
A C.S. Lewis quote comes to mind.
[Via Michael G]
“If state lawmakers really want to reduce gun violence, the most effective policy they can enact is one that requires permits in order to purchase or possess a gun.” [More]
Don’t bother telling author Michael Siegel that “correlation = causation” is a logical fallacy. He knows.
But that trough won’t fill itself.
For the crime of running a huge survey on defensive gun use in the U.S. that was not forced into the narrative structure of today’s gun-control activism, William English, an assistant professor at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business, has been subpoenaed, attacked in The New York Times and by many other “mainstream” outlets and, basically, pilloried in order to, as he put it in The Wall Street Journal, “warn off other academics thinking of doing similar research, and to influence courts where states are losing on the merits.” [More]
Or as the Keeper always said:
[Via Jess]
Antigun Activists Ambushed Me – The New York Times disparaged my research based on vague criticisms by progressive academics. [More]
Y’oughta see what they say about John Lott!
You’ll have to excuse Jennifer. She’s got Daddy Issues.
[Via David G]
Scientific American calls for federal regulation of homeschool families [More]
Otherwise you’re keeping money from communist destroyers.
Which is what we’ve established they are.
[Via Michael G]
Fauci Trashes Conservative Media, Says the Unvaccinated Were Responsible for 200,000 to 300,000 Additional Covid Deaths [More]
So BMJ Public Health and Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam are “conservative media”?
[Via bondmen]
World Health Organization warns a NEW strain of bird flu has jumped to humans with ‘potential for high public health impact’ – as man in Mexico, 59, tests positive before dying from it [More]
Medical Journal The Lancet Abandons Science, Tells Authors to Use ‘Sex Assigned at Birth’ – “…the terms ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ can be ambiguous…” [More]
“Your assignment, if you chose to accept it…”
And “assigned” by whom…?
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to go put on a towel and fly around the yard.
[Via Michael G]
“Trayvon Martin’s flight suit tells the story of a dream of space flight ended tragically by earthbound violence”… [More]
Along with Lt. Uhura’s uniform Chadwick Boseman’s Black Panther costume…
Sadly, the venerable Smithsonian has gone the way of Scientific American: Politicized “progressive” dreck.
Cosplay is now “achievement” enough. We’re supposed to believe if not for “a series of unfortunate events,” the life path the martyred Mr. Martin had set for himself was this close to being able to do the calculations that brought Apollo 13 home.
Forget that Uhura, and everything she said were products of white producers and writers, with no small amount of politically correct network pressure to “cast Negroes” in the first place, and that Wakanda and T’Challa were African stereotypes created by Stan Lee (Stanley Martin Lieber) and Jack Kirby (Jacob Kurtzberg).
Instead, sell the idea that playing make believe is a claim to entitlement. When I was, like six, I remember using a towel for a cape, sticking my arms out in front of me, making whooshing sounds through my mouth, running through the yard and pretending I was Superman. This is every bit as childish.
So, naturally, Essence puts on a towel and runs with it.
I’ve heard it called “the soft bigotry of low expectations,” but it’s more destructively insidious and subversive than that, victimizing those who believe the DEI Stooge Syndrome is their royal road to enfranchisement, and those it has the power to make political and economic demands on.
The President of United Earth would approve.
[Via WiscoDave]
Trust The “Science”…That Just Retracted 11,000 “Peer Reviewed” Papers [More]
But…but…but settled science…
It’s almost like they have an agenda or something…
[Via bondmen]
Scientists Decode Deadly Blood Clot Disorder Triggered by COVID Vaccines [More]
But…but…but conspiracy theory…
[Via Michael G]