Parroting the Narrative

It’s impossible not to notice, though. When certain issues come up, anybody deviating from a certain position is viciously attacked and “cancelled.” [More]

So I haven’t just been imagining stuff like “baseless” or “botched gun sting“…?

[Via bondmen]

Mixed Signals

Michigan man gets life in prison after kidnapping, sexually assaulting Lubbock teen … By law, 14-year-olds simply cannot consent to sexual contact with adults. [More]

Some would disagree.

Besides, I thought “Minor Attracted People” were another victim group discriminated against by hateful Christian Nationalists…

And what about Drag Queen Story Hour?

Besides, all the cool school boards say sexualizing children is “progressive.”

After all, aren’t puberty blockers a human right?…

Don’t you think it will be easier if we just surrender to the inevitable?

[Via Steve T]

UPDATE: If it’s good enough for the military

We’re the Only Ones Biting Off More Than We Can Chew Enough

Yet another scientific body has debunked bitemark analysis. The courts still won’t care. [More]

Next, you’re going to tell me most of what I see on CSI and all its spinoffs is agenda-driven BS intended to bolster a public belief in the infallibility of state enforcers…

[Via Michael G]

The Gaslighting Of The Masses

Never before have we been able to observe the application and effects of these powerful technologies in real-time on such a massive scale. [More]

I believe this is one reason why we who have been fighting the lies about the right to keep and bear arms for years, and who have seen the denial of reality and insistent substitution of lies coming from what we’ve been conditioned to accept as “authority figures” are better prepared than most to recognize when it’s being done in other areas.

And an age-old question comes to mind.

[Via bondmen]

Figures Lie and Liars Figure

By the way, when total crimes per 1K, as opposed to homicides alone, is considered as a measure of national violence, ranks Iceland, Sweden, the U.K., New Zealand, Finland, Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Austria, France, S. Africa, and Switzerland worse than the U.S. Ask yourself this: if America is less violent with guns than most of the civilized world without guns, then what are we debating? [More]

And if you take Democrat-controlled Bloomberg cities out of the equation, armed-to-the-teeth red demographic America is less homicidal, too…

[Via Keith B]

Mansplaining Your Options, Gals

As an alternative to carrying a gun, Hemenway suggests women who feel threatened choose a different route or run during the day, in groups. If a woman feels she needs protection, “bear spray is much safer to use and just as effective as a gun would be,” he says. [More]

Sometimes, all you need to do is present… and he doesn’t seem to factor in multiple assailants.

I wonder how he’d fare…

Who’d pay good money to watch?

[Via Jess]

What Else are ‘They’ Lying About and Why Should We Trust Them on Anything?

In COVID hearing, #Pfizer director admits: #vaccine was never tested on preventing transmission. “Get vaccinated for others” was always a lie. The only purpose of the #COVID passport: forcing people to get vaccinated. The world needs to know. Share this video! [Watch]

So mob participants and inciters like that moronic hatemonger Howard Stern wishing the unvaccinated dead and urging hospitals not to treat them are going to apologize and beg forgiveness?

Shot to Hell

The National Guard administered the COVID-19 vaccine to multiple service members who were lined up for the influenza vaccine, including a member who objected to the COVID-19 vaccine on religious grounds, according to officials and one of the members. [More]

And the people who did it haven’t been arrested and offered reduced sentences in exchange for giving up who ordered them…?

If there are complications, all the weight of the world will be on the side that says you can’t prove it’s due to the jab.

[Via bondmen]

An Ill Wind

Ian turned, Southwest Florida scrambled. Was there enough time to leave? Some residents said evacuation orders came too late. Gov. Ron DeSantis said forecasts left few options. [More]

What? We can’t predict the weather with certainty mere hours and days in advance, let alone years and decades…?

Has anyone told Greta?

[Via Remarks]



An Offering to the Gods

But now, some doctors are restarting donors’ hearts after a planned cardiac arrest when life-sustaining treatment is withdrawn — meaning that the cardiac arrest wasn’t necessarily irreversible — and then causing brain death so that beating hearts can be harvested. [More]

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

I wonder if this might be another indicator of why gunquacks are bent on upping risks through disarmament…

[Via Michael G]

I’m with Hank on This One

Dickey and Rosenberg started out as “mortal enemies,” but after making small talk about their kids during a chance conversation they developed “an incredible friendship,” as Rosenberg recounts. Years later, they were habitually ending their conversations by telling each other “I love you,” and “we really meant it,” Rosenberg says. Through the power of this human connection, Dickey ends up seeing reason and changing his mind. He comes to believe that the amendment bearing his name was a mistake. [More]

[Via Remarks]

AMA Assault Science Weapon of Choice in Mass Shillings

Mass public shootings in the US account for a small fraction of all firearm-related homicides, but have an outsized role in stoking the public’s concern with firearm violence. [More]

Yeah, thanks to elites-funded hysterical “agenda science” amplified by an equally hysterical (and reliably ignorant) DSM.

Doctrinaire disarmament propagandists Philp J. Cook and John Donahue (Piled Higher and Deepers each) sure use a lot of words to spook the herd on a threat that takes fewer lives than fists and feet. And the gunquacks (funny, we were just talking about them) at the equally agenda-driven AMA are delighted for another chance to posture and preen as leaders.

Those are my broad strokes on the matter. I’m hoping our friends Miguel A. Faria, Jr., M.D. and the good docs at DRGO decide to give us something more scholarly to push back with…

Hat tip to John Richardson, who sent me this information, and has put together quite a nice write-up that factors in Bruen. This is one of the things I like about those in “our movement” who do it right– the object is to help each other fight the best fight possible.

Panel to Stalin: Hold Our Beers

Health Panel Recommends Anxiety Screening For All Adults Under 65 [More]

Sometimes, the old ideas are the best ones!

I don’t have time to check political sympathies on all of them, but it’s instructive to note the Chair and the two Vice Chairs were all appointed after Biden took office…

The gunquacks for due process-free prior restraints and confiscations are gonna have a field day with this one!

[Via Jess]

So the Problem is ‘Structural Racism’

New UC-Davis Study: Gun Violence Increased Substantial In Pandemic’s Early Months [Watch]

It’s actually more about ERPOs, and I can see why comments are turned off.  This irritating leftwing (but I repeat myself) UC Davis agenda “researcher” believes her own talking point s*** as the newsprops nod in solemn agreement.

Is it just me or is anyone else getting a Fauci-in-a-wig vibe?

[Via Rough and Ready]

To Be or Not to Be

Gun suicides rose 11% in past decade, linked to cities with lax gun policies: New research [More]

Because everyone knows correlation equals causation and there’s no more reliable research than the kind bankrolled by political extremists with totalitarian agendas! Especially when given glowing reviews by DSM cheerleaders!

Why, every time I think about how the town where I live hasn’t closed the “boyfriend loophole,” I just want to stick my head in the oven– until I remember it’s electric.

[Via Jess]

Is a Puzzlement

The clots are said to be white, fibrous, and rubbery and can be the size of a grain of sand or as long as a human leg. They can be as thick as a pinky finger. One embalmer claimed they can be “nearly the strength of steel.” Embalmers across the nation are contending that these clots are not normal. [More]

Yul’s got nothin’.

Meanwhile, the people making billions off of government-authorized special fast-tracking protocol exemptions, liability immunities, and coerced “patronage” don’t want others doing any deep diving.

[Via Michael G]


Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla explains Pfizer’s new tech to Davos crowd: “ingestible pills” – a pill with a tiny chip that send a wireless signal to relevant authorities when the pharmaceutical has been digested. “Imagine the compliance,” he says [More]

Now imagine the noncompliance.

Imagine it is armed.

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

YIKES! World Economic Forum Claims ‘Solid, Rational Reasons’ for Microchipping Children [More]

Think of it as real-time inventory management. You never know when Klaus Schwab will want to order one up and see what’s available for immediate delivery.

[Via Michael G]

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