The Fifth Estate- pirate wires #85 // summary and analysis of the twitter files, a dangerous alliance of powers, and technology’s nature brings the industry home [More]
And the Fourth Estate showed ’em how it’s done.
[Via bondmen]
Notes from the Resistance
The Fifth Estate- pirate wires #85 // summary and analysis of the twitter files, a dangerous alliance of powers, and technology’s nature brings the industry home [More]
And the Fourth Estate showed ’em how it’s done.
[Via bondmen]
Did the assault weapons ban of 1994 bring down mass shootings? Here’s what the data tells us [More]
There IS no reliable data, you agenda-driven junk science dope, which doesn’t stop you from getting everybody stirred up when you know full well most will never read your screed down far enough to see this admission:
It is also important to note that our analysis cannot definitively say that the assault weapons ban of 1994 caused a decrease in mass shootings, nor that its expiration in 2004 resulted in the growth of deadly incidents in the years since.
The only “compelling state interest” here is a disarmed citizenry enabling a totalitarian monopoly of violence.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) quietly removed a range of gun statistics from its website after gun control advocates complained that the statistics made gun control laws harder to pass, according to emails between CDC officials and gun control activists. [More]
So what else about guns have Democrats in government lied to us about in order to do the bidding of men behind the curtain, and why?
In light of Bruen and its “historical understanding” benchmark, it’s difficult to see how an honest legal analysis could continue to support ATF’s vindictive vendetta against Albert Kwan. [More]
What a prolonged and tyrannical outrage. The question now is, does anyone besides a handful of us care?
114 STILL ON HOLD [More]
While the legal wrangling is going on, recognition of “unalienable” rights is not.
Time was tyrannical outrages were properly regarded as Intolerable Acts.
FBI pushing Americans to sign away their 2nd Amendment rights [More]
It’s OK. The Democrats have their backs.
[Via Michael G]
Leaked documents indicate over 300 members of far-right paramilitary Oath Keepers may be current or former DHS employees, Project on Government Oversight reports [More]
How would government get anything done if the people working in it believed in the Constitution and refused to obey unlawful orders?
[Via bondmen]
Democrat Gov. Ned Lamont: AR-15s ‘Should Not Be Allowed in the State of Connecticut’- Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont (D) is weighing a push to end or repeal a grandfathering clause in a gun control bill in order to force residents to hand over any AR-15s. [More]
Now ask me how sorry I feel for those who registered theirs via obtaining a certificate of possession.
[Via bondmen]
Chicago’s Protections for Felons, Gang Members Ensure Zero Criminal Illegal Aliens are Turned Over to Feds [More]
These are the politicians leading the drive to take away our means to resist who they’re protecting.
Forget it, Jake. It’s Ch-Town.
Let it burn.
Related UPDATE
At Least 25 Shot During Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago [More]
Sounds like the constituents are getting just what they voted for.
[Via bondmen]
Putin Should Be Scared: Ukraine Is Set to Start Hitting Russian Territory [More]
Putin should be scared? Hell, I’m scared. And that’s probably because, having thought about potentialities, I’m marginally better located and more prepared than most — which ultimately isn’t really saying a hell of a lot when you think of the way things could quickly go to living hell.
Brent M. Eastwood and his urban media megaphone providers over at aren’t?
Looking to Ukraine arming its own citizens as a validation of concept is one thing. But as a real change of heart goes, that was wishful thinking.
Ignoring Washington’s great and prescient warning about foreign entanglements is another matter altogether.
The Republic has lost sons defending Europe and look where it’s gotten us, and importantly, where it’s leading us.
Who are the madmen urging escalation, what’s their skin in the game, and where will they watch it from?
The eleventh chapter of The Road to Serfdom is entitled “The End of Truth,” about the historical imperative in all totalitarian states throughout history to destroy freedom of speech so that the only true belief is “the social plan” imposed by the state, whatever that may be. This is achieved by relentless institutionalized lying and propaganda, coupled with harsh censorship of all contrary ideas or even questions about the propriety of forcefully imposing one single “social plan.” [More]
What kind of fascist wouldn’t want that?
[Via bondmen]
Climate-Change Lockdowns? Yup, They Are Actually Going There… [More]
No worries, Harry and Meghan will still be able to take private jets to sustainability awards. After all, they promise to have a net-zero carbon footprint, which doesn’t actually mean that they’ll use less energy, just that they’ll be able to pay credits to the high priests of global climate change, who have somehow authorized themselves to be the ones selling indulgences.
Naturally, our domestic environmentalcases won’t admit to making laws respecting the establishment of religion when they can pass it off as
“settled science.”
[Via bondmen]
If there is one point on which there should be no political parsing, no legal jockeying, and no disagreement, it is this: for anyone to advocate terminating or suspending the Constitution is tantamount to a declaration of war against the founding principles of our representative government and the rule of law. [More]
Sounds like the Democrat playbook…
Well, this is certainly embarrassing…
[Via bondmen]
And more from our friends on the Anticommunism Action Team…
Is there constitutional authority of the TN Governor to use taxpayer funds to lobby the legislature against your constitutional rights? [More]
There must be a delegated power to usurp authority and impose tyranny– otherwise, why are we letting everyone else get away with it?
By publicly pressuring Musk to censor “hate speech,” which is indisputably covered by the First Amendment, Schiff and Takano are trying to indirectly accomplish something that the Constitution forbids. [More]
Well, it also says “shall not be infringed, but that’s never stopped either of these @$$holes.
California Apple store ransacked by thieves as staff warn customers not to stop them [More]
And they push “men” out of their way, that is, assault them with confident impunity.
This would not happen in a Militia culture. Or in any culture where men deny their biological roles as defenders of what is theirs– you know, what the enemies who want to tear it all down have swindled the weak-minded into considering toxic and synonymous with being abusive.
Those who “tolerate” such ravaging beasts in their midst have chosen their place in the food chain. And that includes those who vote for rulers who demand it of them.
No civilized culture can survive this. Cancer cannot be reasoned or bargained with. Either the patient is cured of it or it takes over and wastes the body to death.
Who Wants to Tell California AG Bonta that Access to ‘Weapons of War’ as a Check Against Tyranny is a Core Tenet of the Second Amendment? [More]
Why do you think he and his masters are so bent on destroying it?
I just wish more 2A lawsuits would focus more on the Militia, and how ignoring that facilitates more infringements.
Phoenix city councilwoman Yassamin Ansari is pushing for change. She is against a state law that requires cities to resell confiscated or forfeited guns. “That in a time of trying to reduce gun violence, in the City of Phoenix, we should not be in the business of selling weapons.” said Ansari. [More]
Yeah, we need more “commonsense gun safety laws” like the kind her parents enjoyed in their native Iran before this country took them in!
[Via Steve T]
GUN VIOLENCE: A pair of gun proposals are back after failing last session. One would impose an excise tax on firearm and ammunition sales; another would modify California’s concealed carry permitting system in response to a Supreme Court ruling upending restrictive state laws. Bills containing those respective proposals stalled last year for want of two-thirds votes. [More]
[Via Jess]
Readout of White House Community Violence Intervention Collaborative Meeting [More]
When do we get to shave their heads?
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and the Department of Justice have sent the rule surrounding pistol stabilizing devices to the White House for Presidential review. [More]
Since we’re told we live under a system of consent of the governed, I’m sure the delegated authority for this is in here somewhere…
[Via Jess]
[T]he resistance has to start in California. Refuse to obey groundless rules. Defy the petty tyrants. Ignore their diktats. Send the message that their abuse of power will no longer be tolerated. [More]
No, of course they’re not talking about guns.
Remember what Vanderboegh said about Gandhi?
[Via bondmen]
[T]he Attorney General’s Office has filed suit against Federal Way Discount Guns claiming that they unlawfully sold high capacity magazines in violation of RCW 9.41.370. However, while this is certainly bad news for that business, did the Attorney General just hand the plaintiffs in Sullivan v. Ferguson and Brumback v. Ferguson, the very “standing” that the AG claimed that the plaintiff’s lacked? [Watch]
Be nice to think the grabbers screwed up and in doing so screwed themselves…
[Via Jess]
Democrats push firearms purchasing ban for people who voluntarily give up their 2A rights [More]
In all fairness, how could “staunch defender of the Second Amendment” John Curtis be expected to know foreign-born commie gun-grabbers like Pramilla always take what you give them and then demand more?
I mean, it’s not like the guy’s a f***ing idiot or anything. Is he…?