2024 BFA-PAC Grades and Endorsements for the Ohio Primary


  • Feb. 21 – Early in-person and mail-in voting begins
  • March 19 – Primary Election Day

Click here to see our Voter Guide for the 2024 Ohio Primary

Note I have simply copied and pasted their email. I have not vetted any of the endorsements. So use this as a good starting point. As always, due diligence is each of our responsibility.

And the Tawana Brawley Award Goes To…

VCU Police found a VCU Health employee fabricated multiple reports of sexual and aggravated assault on campus… VCU Police confirm the employee is still working there, as no charges have been filed. The department is working with the Commonwealth’s Attorney to find out what the next steps should be. [More]

How about start by firing, naming, and arresting the lying b!+ch?

Any doubts she’s not a Republican? Or not a she?

Any doubts about the E. Jean Carroll/Trump verdict?

[Via Mack H]

Attention Hogg

“I just bought shoptrumpsneakers.com” the activist wrote. [More]

Destined to be every bit as successful as Good Pillow.

Meanwhile, we’re not giving up our guns and he can’t shake the knowledge that he’s impotent to force us, so all he can do is troll for attention from other weaklings who also don’t matter.

[Via Steve T]

Doing What Democrats Do

Democrats in the Missouri House renewed their call for tougher gun laws Monday in the wake of a deadly shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl celebration. [More]

That would have stopped it!


And their “solution” is “to cause as much chaos as we can”?

Can you imagine being so confident in the stupidity of your consituency that you could propose any dumb $h!+ you felt like and know that they would keep giving you power over them?

[Via Jess]

Hit and Miss

Illegal Immigration: It’s about Power [Watch]

I could swear I’ve heard these arguments before. Including about Chavez.

They do fine until their next video, “America Wants Legal Immigrants.”

Why? Even the “rigorous” ones? And take the challenge first.

I’m also waiting for someone to recognize the whole influx of H-1Bs from countries that spend a small fraction per capita on students that we do does nothing to expose the fraud of the Democrat-dominated U.S. “education” cartel’s deliberate cranking out of illiterates and useless majors that creates the demand for foreign workers by treasonous cheap labor Vichycons.

I guess Praeger U is afraid the Marxists will call them Nazis. Which they will regardless.

[Via Andy M]

The Screaming of the Lambs

Open borders Christians wage open warfare on Americans. [More]

So does the Kingdom of God have open borders or is it easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for everybody to get in due to a stringent and non-negotiable requirement?

The “AND YOU CALL YOURSELF A CHRISTIAN!?” deflection is a pure “No True Scotsman” logical fallacy. And by helping guarantee Democrat majorities, they’re helping guarantee untold millions more babies will be aborted.

And then, of course, there’s what happens to useful idiots when they’re deemed useless eaters.

Is it really unfair to wonder where the voices that “inform” their faith emanate from?

Looks Like Hours of Entertainment

Michigan asks residents to help house, settle migrants amid crisis at border [More]

As already asked, are they or the state going to guarantee good conduct and assume liability for the actions of their new charges? How?

And what if the hosts want them out and the intially welcomed “squatters” say “No”?

Spot the cuck!

Just Be Thankful They Don’t Throw You in a Volcano

Hawaii poised to slap tourists with $25 climate tax… “It’s a very small price to pay to preserve paradise,” Hawaii Gov. Josh Green, a Democrat, told The Wall Street Journal. [More]

And who better to pay more tribute to than “the most corrupt state in America“?

I’d think this would run afoul of the right of citizens to travel freely. Then again, they already require visitors to abdicate their rights under the Fifth Amendment.

And don’t get me started on the Second

Crank It Up

From Len Savage:

A new paradigm has entered  the game…The same file could be used to CNC all metal components.

Uses a lot of off the shelf parts complete.

I don’t do a lot of hardware here because my thing is rights, so even though this is way cool, my first thought is when there’ll be a rule change.

Future Nationalsozialistischer Führungsoffiziers of Amerika

DHS Media Literacy Has Little To Do With Media or Literacy. It is a K-12 Surveillance Program With The Goal Of Training Teachers and Students to Identify and Report On Alleged “Disinformation” and Alleged “Violent Extremism” [More]

Well, since teaching everything else is racist, they gotta teach something…

[Via Michael G]

Indignation from the Truckfluencers

YouTube is the most-used social media app in the U.S. and has a large gun culture featuring people sometimes known as “gunfluencers”: social media stars and would-be stars who promote firearms and gun accessories, often in partnership with gun manufacturers. [More]

Once more, NBC News tries to blow something up.

[Via Jess]

It’s Just Our Bringin’ Upke That Gets Us Out of Hand.

Kansas City mayor accuses governor of racial ‘dog whistle’ for calling Super Bowl parade shooters ‘thugs’ [More]

We ain’t no delinquents, we’re misunderstood. Deep down inside us there is good:

[Via Jess]

A Plan Comes Together

In accordance, it is understandable that many are inclined to believe that our country’s current serious problems are, once again, merely the failed result of well-intentioned policies. But what if, we ask, seemingly fumbled programs were intended to be the initial throes of civilizational suicide? What if apparent missteps were actually directed at the purposeful destruction of a prosperous, free, safe, and secure society? [More]

Not just a good reset, a GREAT reset!

[Via bondmen]

Crocodile Tears

America’s migrant crime wave is past the point of no return: DAVID MARCUS reveals how liberal mayors and a Democrat president dismantled the border… and now wring their hands over the nightmare THEY’VE created [More]

Don’t kid youirself. That hand-wringing is posturing for public consumption.

Now if women voters burn the house down as planned, they’ll be slapping backs and doing high-fives.

[Via bondmen]

Maybe It’s Not the Guns?

A California man was found with 1 million rounds of ammo and 248 illegally owned guns in his house, state authorities say [More]

You gotta wonder how they found out.

No one is pointing out how with all that firepower, his guns didn’t kill anyone.

How is that possible?

[Via bondmen]

Rogue Island

Guatemalan national arrested on child s*x crime charges in RI. He illegally came into our country in 2023, was arrested for child s*x crimes and was released a month later by RI authorities despite ICE requesting to detain him. RI is a sanctuary state. [More]

When it’s all said and done, how much is this parasite costing American taxpayers, then multiply it times does anybody even know?

A plan comes together.

[Via Michael G]

Cognitive Dissonance Writ Large

In Parkland the cop on campus did nothing
In Uvalde the cops did nothing
In Kansas City the cops did nothing.

Too often the “good guys” with guns only prove to be cowards with guns. More cops will not end gun violence. [More]

But cowards should be the “Only Ones” with guns…?

[Via Michael G]

Intended Consequences

Senate Democrats Propose Bill That Would Criminalize Armed Church Security [More]

What is it Red Jamie and Ed Marxey want us to do?

I wrote an article on the bill for Firearms News over the weekend and expect it will be out before too long.

[Via JG]

Smellinballs At It Again

I say this as a father and a human being, with deep empathy for the parents whose children have had their lives ended so suddenly and so senselessly: Show America the carnage. I am not being callous, and I know it will be painful to see. But, sad to say, I think it’s the only way to shock America out of its stupor. [More]

You sure you want to do that?

What an ass.

[Via Lawrence P]

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