They’ve Got Theirs

Asian Americans are buying guns in record numbers. [More]

Yeah, well, how come they keep electing Democrats by landslide margins?

Until that changes, I’m not impressed. And names like “LA Progressive Shooters” don’t convince me that it will. Meaning all this giddy celebration by some “pro-gun” voices is naive.

Besides, you know who else is buying guns in record numbers? If gun ownership was the benchmark, we’d have no better pals than David Chipman and Lon Horiuchi.

[Via Jess]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise…

“The head of RAF recruitment has resigned in protest at an ‘effective pause’ on offering jobs to white male recruits in favour of women and ethnic minorities, defence sources have claimed.” [More]

That’s OK. Thanks to foreign entanglements, America will be happy to send young people over to die in a war invited by embedded subversives!

[Via Michael G]

With ‘Republicans’ Like These…

“[The bill] protects the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens while also providing the opportunity for those suffering from mental illness to get the help and treatment they need before tragedy occurs,” Dolan said. [More]

Change that to “Dolan lied.”

I’ve touched on this tool before. I may just expand on this latest subversive and pathetic bid for attention after clearing out my existing queue.

[Via Sweet Babboo]

The Man Behind the Curtain

Yeah, Trump’s Dr. Oz Endorsement Probably Cost Us the Senate [More]

Well, the Scarecrow did call the Wizard a humbug.

So he may not get a chance to betray us?

Still, it’s fair to ask, in a race that will be dominated by the urban vote, how the hell do you lose to an opponent who pulled a shotgun on an unarmed black jogger?

Tweeting with Kid Gloves

I’m Just Going to Go Ahead and Say It: Twitter Is Objectively Pro-Groomer [More]

Not to mention objectively anti-truth and pro-terrorist.

Thing is, I’ve gone over to alternatives like Gab and Truth Social, and I’m not seeing any of the “friends” and “followers” still happily carrying on over at Twitter and Facebook coming over to join me…

[Via Michael G]

When in Doubt, Resort to Alinsky Rule 5

Is junior okay? [More]

He’s better than you, shameless apologist for fascists. A “phoenix”? Really? From the ashes of Democrat cities?

And I notice none of his legitimate concerns are being addressed. It figures the Daily News would call this a “meltdown.”

I didn’t realize HRT was involved. I remember a real meltdown I caused with one of their jackboot lickers when I asked a simple question.

It’s in the Bag

“By instituting the clear bag policy here at the University of Akron we are aligning more with the safety policies across the NCAA, NFL, NHL and most MLB ballparks,” said Markus Jennings, Deputy Director of Athletic/COO. “The fan experience and safety are always at the forefront of every decision we make.” [More]

A lot sure has changed since Dad played there and such concerns were unheard of:

Shortly thereafter he was in the Marines taking Guam.

Earning His Cage

Venegas moved forward and attempted to steal another vehicle near the intersection of Desert Inn and Jones, according to police. The woman driving that car backed away from Venegas who then fired at her vehicle. [More]

That’s pretty damn irredeemable.

A dangerous sociopathic animal like this has shown he can’t be trusted without a custodian. Releasing him should not be a matter of time “served,” it should be a matter of establishing trust through restitution and penitence, things so-called penitentiaries fail miserably at achieving.

If it turns out he’s never ready, that’s tough. What’s the priority here?

Right: Using the results of not doing that as excuses to disarm you and me.

[Via 1Gat]

That’s One Way around the SCOTUS Ruling

Report: 44 Percent of Pregnant Women in Pfizer Trial Lost Their Babies; FDA and CDC Recommended Jabs For Expectant Mothers Anyway [More]

And as yet unknown and may take decades to sort out: The effects on the babies who survive.

Assuming we don’t destroy ourselves and the right victors emerge, it would be interesting to read a future history book about this.

[Via Michael G]

Ask Him No Questions He’ll Tell You No Lies

Get your questions answered TODAY at 9:00 PM EST on zoom with David Chipman. [More]

Unfortunately, that was last night.

For some reason, I’m reminded of the end of the 1960 film version of The Time Machine, where Filby finds George has returned to the future after having taken three books from his library. There are many books, so it’s impossible to tell which were taken, but they will be used to rebuild human civilization in a degenerate future.

“Which three would you take?” he asks Mrs. Watchett, the housekeeper (and, in effect, the movie audience).

What question would YOU like to ask Chipman?

Mine starts with “Why don’t you go …”

[Via WiscoDave]

Securing the Blessings of Liberty, Letitia James-Style

Read Letter From NY Attorney General Letitia James Threatening Church Hosting Trump-Friendly Event [More]

This is what happens when the balances to keep government psychopaths in check have eroded.

This is what happens when GVE rule is politically unchallengeable.

It doesn’t leave freedom-minded people much other choice, does it?

[Via Michael G]

Forbidden Thoughts

So, WEF author Inbal Goldberger came up with a solution: she proposes to collect off-platform intelligence from “millions of sources” to spy on people and new ideas, and then merge this information together for “content removal decisions” sent down to “Internet platforms”. [More]

Think how easy life will be when we have machines to do our thinking for us! As I recall, that’s pretty close to what Morticia Addams said about Whizzo.

I don’t suppose it occurs to Inbal that she’s a monster? Or does it?

[Via bondmen]

Unauthorized Reality

Soon after that, he heard someone say, “Wo, wo, wo.” And another person added, “Wait a minute. We hit an Airbus.” [More]

If the government can get away with a coverup of this magnitude, with full corporate and establishment media complicity, it can literally get away with anything.

Did someone just say something about trust…?

[Via bondmen]

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