A Pound of Cure

Several people have reached out to us and have told us GoFundMe will shut our page down since they are anti 2A. To everyone that donated thus far we have secured those funds and are now moving to a 2A friendly platform so any sharing or donations please go to this link instead at GiveSendGo. Thank you again! [More]

That’ll teach ’em to object!

Is this a bad time to bring up an ounce of prevention?

[Via Jess]

24 Hour Unfitness

The “altercation” began inside the gym, on or near basketball courts, and carried out into the gym’s front parking lot where it “escalated,” police said. At least two people pulled out guns and fired multiple shots, police said, citing surveillance video. Several people fled the scene, police said. [More]

Rightwing extremists? NRA members?

Whoever they are, they don’t follow policy

[Via Jess]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise

The failure of firearms licensing departments to prioritise resources is having a significant impact on both participation of shooting sports and the gun trade in England and Wales. Dozens of firearms departments across the two countries are beset with significant delays and backlogs. [Watch]

Guess who doesn’t have a problem. Go on, guess.

[Via Jess]

Calling All Fellow ‘Seditious Conspirators’!

Multiple federal LE sources are telling me that a message was blasted to all federal LE agencies to start cataloging social media posts of known conservative influencers so they can be threat assessed. [More]

We need a bit more than that. If you know any sources who would be willing to talk to House Oversight and Senate Judiciary Republicans, lemme know and I’ll see what I can help set up.

Maybe it’s time for a FOIA request or two from some of the prominent ones? It would be revealing to get back a refusal because they don’t talk about ongoing investigations!

[Via WiscoDave]

We’re the Only Ones Exceeding Expectations Enough

Agents actually fired their guns accidentally more often than they fired them in the field according to an audit by Treasury… [More]

Yeah, but the important thing is they went above and beyond being “willing to use deadly force, if necessary” by being willing to use it when unnecessary!


Practice makes perfect… [More]

We’re the Only Ones ‘Do as I Say…’ Enough

A deputy sheriff in Calaveras County was arrested last month for allegedly being an addict in possession of a firearm… Ball has a history of alcohol and opiate abuse, investigators say, adding that he’d recently relapsed. [More]

So they knew he was an out-of-control armed junkie who by law is not allowed to have a gun? And turned him loose on the rest of us?

The sheriff is saying “investigators discovered…” about multiple rehab attempts, but the way this is carefully worded avoids the question of if they were in the dark about his condition from the outset.

Breaking News

Authorities are in a standoff with an armed suspect who tried to enter the FBI’s Cincinnati office [More]

It’s too early to assume anything. We’ll see if he fits any narrative-exploitable profile. If I had to bet I’d say he won’t. And if they do try to tie him in with heightened “anti-FBI rhetoric” by “conservatives,” there’s nothing being said that they don’t own.

Check here for updates.

[Via Steve T]


We’re the Only Ones Stealing Enough

Lawsuit Uncovers the Inside Story of the FBI’s Plans to Take Security Deposit Boxes without Charging Owners with Crimes – Newly released court filing demonstrates how feds planned to take property collectively worth more than $100 million from US Private Vaults’ customers [More]

So who’s in jail over this?

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Partially Qualified Enough

Windsor officers sued over traffic stop of Black man protected from some claims, judge rules [More]

Some general rules of thumb that work most of the time and have kept me from being assaulted and kidnapped on more than one occasion: Be the adult on the scene. Don’t argue and resist. By the same token, don’t consent and/or volunteer information. File any resulting complaints when you’re safe.

[Via Mack H]

What Did They Think was Going to Happen?

Outraged New Zealanders are planning major anti-government protests in coming weeks in response to the Ardern government’s handling of the pandemic, which after two long years of drastic policies, failed to keep the virus out, with the public now feeling the economic fallout. [More]

Yeah, well, until they’re outraged over her taking their guns, I gotta go with Tommy Lee on this.

[Via Michael G]

A Burgeoning Streisand Effect

Richmonders demand answers about alleged mass shooting plot: ‘We don’t deserve to be shut out’ – ‘This is something that could have affected every single person in this neighborhood’ [More]

Welcome to the clam bake.

Am I wrong to suspect when this is all said and done, somebody could end up disgraced and out of a job?

[Via Mack H]

A Tempered Victory

…Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced a victory in its Campos v. Bonta lawsuit, which challenged policies and practices of California Attorney General Rob Bonta and his Department of Justice (DOJ) Bureau of Firearms that delayed firearm transactions beyond the statutory 10-day waiting period absent a legal basis. [More]

Who thinks these guys wait 10 days?

[Via Jess]

Probing for a Vulnerability

The head of the preeminent scientific journal The Lancet’s COVID-19 origins Commission is ‘convinced’ that the virus came out of a lab and says that a real investigation is being blocked. [More]

Quick– what can we find to discredit him? Barring any easily disprovable accusations, we can always fall back on him being white, and therefore a de facto racist.

Oh, crap, he’s a Bernie supporter. Now, what do we do?

Maybe we can exploit the fact that he’s married to a woman

[Via bondmen]

Doing the Job Truthful Americans Won’t Do

A careful review of the official transcripts of its eight long hearings shows the committee repeatedly made connections that weren’t there, took events and quotes out of context, exaggerated the violence of the Capitol rioters, and omitted key exculpatory evidence otherwise absolving former President Donald Trump of guilt. While in some cases, it lied by omission, in others, it lied outright. It also made a number of unsubstantiated charges based on the secondhand accounts—hearsay testimony—of a young witness with serious credibility problems. [More]

So who are you going to heed to form an opinion on Liz Cheney? These guys or Kevin Costner?

[Via bondmen]

Consider the Source

My wife is a free lance journalist and has a journslist [sic] friend in MSM that gives her access to their aggregate feed where all this stuff daily flows. She sets up searches for me in that. [More]

I’d love to believe your stats, pal, I really would, but you’re going to have to be more specific than that. I also wish we were living in a society where there is no need to wonder if you’re just trolling to see who bites and spreads fake stats. Because, like I said, I’d love to believe this.

[Via Remarks]

More Than a Feeling

“So, yes, I understand the Second Amendment. I understand, you know, bearing arms, but we also need to make sure that we can ensure that folks feel safe in their communities.” [More]

Feelings. Nothing more than feelings.

Seeing as how the ones doing the killings aren’t eligible to take advantage of the open carry law, I don’t suppose there are any, you know, individual choices your congregants could make that would have more of an effect…?

And that’s a pretty big “but” you’ve got there, pastor.

[Via Steve T]

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