Doing the Job Government Can’t Do — Yet

They tell me that “your content has violated our Misleading Content policy. Please visit our Community Guidelines page blah, blah, blah”. Whatever. [More]

I confess I know next to nothing about this blog– I saw a post about censorship over at WRSA and that caught my interest seeing as how that’s exactly the reason I had to go through all the hassle of abandoning my Blogspot home of 17 years and starting this continuation blog. I see he, too, is the victim of a new Google censorship focus, which means no matter what he does, there are no assurances that work he spends portions of his life on won’t be summarily removed with no warning and no recourse.

Fortunately, that most invaluable of resources, the Internet Archive/ Wayback Machine* had his back on this one. I don’t see what the problem was with it, but then again, I saw no problem with what I posted either.

I’ve been throwing some money their way once a year because I do find them so indispensable. Case in point: All my Examiner “Gunwalker” stuff would be gone from the net if not for them. And doesn’t that tell you just about everything you need to know about the DSM

Within Range

“To open up a gun range, literally within blocks and miles of dozens of schools, I think is completely irresponsible.” [More]

“Blocks and miles” basically means every gun range in the country would need to be shut down. Their version of “commonsense gun safety” means no one has a place to practice and learn. That’s because their version means no one but their beloved overlords will have arms.

At least they’re not indiscriminately demanding followers “snuff out” anybody. Yet.

And per colleague-in-arms President Non_Fudd:

This is the Elise Hauptman mentioned in the article. Shit literally helps “groom” young students to be gun control activists and has a position in the school system. She’s been doing it for years too

The hive minds never quit, do they?

On Second Thought

They are looking for an excuse to indict him…..and keep him under indictment. While indicted he won’t be able to run for office. If they can get him behind bars that’s just a bonus. It’s a virtual certainty they will have “found” i.e planted evidence during this bullshit raid. The American Gestapo nee FBI will do whatever their masters in the American Communist Party tell them to do. [More]

Yeah, that was my fourth thought after I called it a day. Stealing 2020 wasn’t enough– after seeing his CPAC straw poll results and knowing people will be paying attention next time, stealing 2024 calls for pulling out all the stops. If this fails, some may be deranged enough to want that assassination Bernard Kerik is publicly speculating on, and all I can say to that is if they thought Archduke Ferdinand was a catalyst for something bigger…

What I can’t tell at this point is if this is a long-planned step or if it’s a last-ditch desperation “Hail Mary” by the Dems who know their numbers are up for November.  Trust in government is at a low and a significant portion of the country believes the last election was stolen– not just a handful of lunatics in buffalo hats egged on by assorted provocateurs.  That also explains why the Dems are so adamant about this J6 business– if legitimacy in their rule is exposed for all to see as fraudulent, they’ve seen what happens when truckers in Canada and farmers in the Netherlands are roused. They know that F-15s and nukes aside, they’re hopelessly outnumbered on the ground– which is why they want our guns.

I find it significant that, at this writing, there is nothing in the Google News feed about Mitch McConnell weighing in on this. I sense a combination of feckless Republicans not knowing how real hardball is played and some of the old guard rooting for the Swamp because they believe they’ll have a place in it.


We’ll probably want to check in on Donald Trump’s Truth Social page from time to time for statements.  This seems like a point to hammer on:

The FBI And DOJ Criminalizing Opposition To The Regime Is How The Republic Ends [More]

So is that a bug or a feature?

[Via Michael G]

Every American should be frightened and mad as hell by such unprecedented police state thuggery tactics and there must be a complete dismantling and elimination of the FBI. This is too much for our republic to withstand,” concluded Congressman Gosar. [More]

FBI delenda est.

[Via Henry Bowman]

This is a provocation. They are trying to get a reaction that allows a further crackdown. Don’t take the bait. [More]

He’s right about deliberate provocation, but this piece feels incomplete. “Be smart” has to include more than “do nothing.”

[Via Michael G]

Remember when Trump said it would be best for armed government agents to raid you and take your property first and then “go through due process second?” [More]

Helluva thing, being hoist with your own petard.

Industry Turncoat Resorts to Tired Smears to Push Citizen Disarmament

What idiot prohibitionists can never seem to get in their heads about racism is that judging someone’s worth based on the group they were born into, instead of by their words and actions as individuals, is flat-out collectivism. The only people who do that are collectivists. And we see Busse trying to do that here. For a guy who is trying so hard to present himself as “woker than thou” and holding the moral high ground, that’s pretty contemptible. But at least the paycheck’s steady. [More]

It’s no surprise that those who aren’t particular about which trough they stick their snouts into project their own flaws onto those they’re being paid to destroy.

Who Were Those Masked Men?

Former Capitol Cop Edward Travis Page provided proof that he’s legit
— shared texts that he says are from Brian Sicknick, blaming “Antifa” on January 6th.
— says that January 6th committee witnesses LIMITED in what they’re allowed to say (i.e. can’t give both sides) [More]

So we’re being lied to by seditious conspirators…?

[Via bondmen]

Wanting and Getting

Gun Shop Owner Wants ATF Auditor Investigated for Using Her Personal Phone to Photograph Documents [More]

As I’ve surmised before, we’re going to need two things to happen: First, the Republicans are going to have to not blow the “red wave” and reclaim House Oversight and Senate Judiciary, and second, unlike with “Gunwalker,” they’re going to have to strap ’em on and get serious about investigating and prosecuting all the way to the top.

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Specially Trained Enough

In a court filing Thursday, prosecutors say former Rocky Mount Police Sgt. Thomas Robertson used his law enforcement training to block police officers who were trying to protect the Capitol from a mob’s attack on Jan. 6, 2021. [More]

They train you to block police officers?

Or more likely they want to make an example out of him just in case any others are getting ideas on orders not to obey and when it’s appropriate to be a citizen first…?

[Via bondmen]

As Long as You’re Not Doing Anything Wrong… Are You?

Enrolled Agent: Conservatives Have Nothing to Fear From Beefed-up IRS as Long as They Haven’t Cheated [More]

How is this any different from “You won’t object to us searching you and your premises without a warrant and talking to you without your attorney if you have nothing to hide”?

And who believes this fascist dweeb has actual “GOP friends”?

[Via Michael G]

Tangentially-related UPDATE:

Look at some of the replies. [More]

Most of those will never even question things unless they’re caught in the net. Most have never considered the implications behind “He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.”

[Via WiscoDave]

We’re the Only Ones Safe Enough

Madison County Sheriff Buddy Harwood recently unveiled his plan to put gun safes containing AR-15 rifles in schools so school resource officers can respond faster to a school shooter, rather than standing by and waiting for local police to respond to the scene. [More]

I don’t suppose one in every classroom for the actual “first responders” is in the cards…?

[Via Robert J]

Who Could Have Seen THAT Coming

New: The Baltimore man who has painted hundreds of “No Shoot Zones” on sidewalks and buildings around the city was shot this morning in East Baltimore. Police say he is in serious condition.. [More]

Can you really blame him for following the example set by every “gun-free zone” and supported by every “commonsense gun safety group” and  Democrat politician in America?

[Via Michael G]

A Historical Understanding

The State of Minnesota also filed its own motion for summary judgment, which …  went on to say … that “18-20 year old women are also not covered by the plain text of the Second Amendment.” [More]

I once wrote a speculative article (way pre-Heller) I can’t find now that basically made the case that the only women mentioned in U.S. Code are “female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.” My intent was to set up a staged lawsuit with a (friendly) FFL refusing to sell a gun to a (friendly) woman and having it overturned on equal protection grounds.

I wonder if the statute now needs to be amended to add the words “self-identified”…

[Via Jess]

And They Say There are No Stupid Questions

Will Richmond’s gun ‘buyback’ curb violent crime? [More]

No. Of course not. Any fool could see that it won’t.

Even the feds have admitted it.

But it gets headlines, giving kneejerk Democrat voters ignorant enough to give power to incompetent frauds like Stoney a false sense that they are “doing something.”

[Via Mack H]

We’re the Fauxnly Ones Politically Embarrassing Enough

Last week, U.S. District Judge Carl J. Nichols sentenced Carter to nine months in federal prison for the theft of public funds. [More]

So … “illegal” gun … impersonating being a fed … but he’s not a “prohibited person” after all the other charges were dropped?

Guess that wouldn’t look good on Schneider’s guncreds.

I wish I thought a FOIA would do any good here…

[Via Michael G]

As Long as We’re Talking AstroTurf…

The most high-profile effort has come from Rhode Island Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, who has emerged as one of the most prominent critics of what he describes as the corrupting influence of dark money on the court. He has proposed a bill that would treat amicus filers more like lobbyists, subjecting them to registration and financial reporting. [More]

While Sheldon gets to influence as a perk.

That’s pretty rich, considering the indignation is being stirred up by a Bloomberg Machine beneficiary. You know, the same machine that has for years been quietly setting up infrastructure in the states (that means with the media keeping mum) to make legal challenges to infringements necessary…

[Via Remarks]

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