I Sent You Two Boats and a Helicopter*

“The last thing I’m going to do is take a free tri-tip sandwich from a right-wing extremist group,” said one resident, who asked not to be named because she feared provoking “armed and dangerous” people. [More]

Right– because if they knew they’d come kill you, you stupid goose.

Ignorance begets bigotry begets fear begets hate begets violence.

Knowledge begets rationally understanding how to defend yourself against all that.


[Via  An Hour of Wolves]

For the Children

FDA warns of brain swelling and permanent vision loss found in children taking puberty blockers [More]

No worries. We expect the monkeypox’ll finish ’em off before that becomes too much of a problem.

Now go make sure your guns are locked up separately from their ammunition. Not for the kids, for the confiscation teams.


Rainbow Haired Doc: Parents Who DON’T Chemically Castrate Children Are Abusers [More]

Coming soon: criminal penalties.

[Via Michael G]

More Fun Than a Barrel of Monkeypox

Gay Soros exec screws several men during Pride weekend, suffers excruciatingly, but blames Society [More]

So actions don’t have consequences? Just out of curiosity, has anyone heard Sebastian condemning the child infectors? And what is it Pride goeth before again…?

But no worries:

New York joins calls for the WHO to rename monkeypox over its ‘painful and racist history’

Change the name, change the perception!

We’re the Only Ones Encarcelado Enough

An officer with the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department is currently being held in a Mexican jail after breaking Mexican federal law. Lemandries Hawes was arrested at the airport in Cancun, Mexico on July 9 for having his personally-owned pistol in his luggage. [More]

Bienvenido a la fiesta, amigo!

When it says he declared it with the airline, I’m assuming he meant outbound? What did he do to get it in?

And how is it “highly-trained law enforcement” is this freaking ignorant?

[Via Steve T]

Felony Gun Ban Points to Unequal Treatment Under Selective Service Law

Conversely, equal treatment under the law demands that any born-biological female now identifying as a man be prosecuted for failure to register. After all, like the Selective Service sign warns, “It’s the law!” [More]

“It’s a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world, except for Lola”? Think again. All this wokeness has resulted in some absurd unintended consequences.

There Oughta Be a Law

Dallas airport accused shooter has lengthy criminal record, claimed to be Chris Brown’s wife, ‘God’s prophet’ – Portia Odufuwa, Dallas Love Field Airport shooting suspect, repeatedly deemed unfit to stand trial [More]

What’s crazy and criminal is opening the cage and letting them out when they’re still known to be dangerous.

Of course, wanting to be married to Chris Brown is a pretty good sign, too…

[Via Mack H]

We’re the Only Ones Resigned Enough

NC town’s entire police force quits in protest over progressive town manager [More]

She sounds like a real entitled prize. But don’t worry– she won’t be the one serving warrants or responding to domestic dispute calls, what with Sheriff Bizzell smelling a contract cities opportunity…

Funny, at first I thought this was a repeat of a story I came across earlier this month, but that one was in Colorado.

[Via Mack H]

Quit You Like Men

Democrats despise masculinity, especially moral masculinity, which is why the tip of the spear of their neo-Marxist revolution is gender ideology – the eradication of traditional sex roles and even of the biological reality of male and female. (The only arena in which toxic masculinity is acceptable to the Left today is in women’s sports.) They fear and despise men’s inherent warrior spirit because it is the most elemental barrier to their totalitarian agenda. They fear and despise the fact that the constitutional right to own a firearm empowers you to fulfill your responsibility as a man, to maintain your freedom as an American, and to defend the lives and freedom of others. [More]

Hence the ubiquitous seething, spiteful and bitchy meme

[Via bondmen]

The Blame Game

Finally, we have one Hollyweird celebrity willing to come out and say so publicly. A recent “Real Time” with Bill Maher’s monologue gave a scathing indictment that Hollyweird has a significant responsibility regarding the cause of gun violence in America. [More]

Funny. I’ve seen all kinds of screen violence over a lifetime and I’ve never let it influence me to commit an act of violence. Ditto with my wife, our sons, our extended families, our friends…

I wouldn’t be turning to Maher for any kind of special insights or wisdom. Even though he pretends to have an intellect worth heeding, the smug little media rodent  ain’t half as perceptive or smart as, say, Mr. Adams in his address to the Massachusetts Militia:

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

[Via bondmen]

Ye are Many — They are Few!

Our Entire Civilization Is Structured Around Keeping Us From Realizing We Can Do This [More]

Gosh, do you think that might have something to do with tyrants incessantly pushing citizen disarmament?

I don’t know why they think they have to, seeing as how they have nukes and everything…

I know: Let’s ask Jamie Raskin!

[Via bondmen]

Nothing to See Here

Agents investigating President Joe Biden’s son “opened an assessment which was used by an FBI headquarters team to improperly discredit negative Hunter Biden information as disinformation and caused investigative activity to cease”… [More]

So basically, “gun control” is about surrendering ours to people who systemically misdirect and lie to us in order to maintain and grow their political power, and it has nothing to do with safety or “common sense,” and anyone who is willfully deluded and believes otherwise is exactly the type of useful idiot they’re counting on?

[Via Michael G]

But No One’s Talking about Taking Your Guns

State Representative Wendell Gilliard (D-111) announced that he will pre-file legislation to ban many commonly-owned rifles, shotguns, and handguns that law-abiding citizens use for self-defense and sport, and require current owners to surrender them. [More]

Well, he won’t personally

At least he states up front what he’ll “allow” us to keep.

[Via Jess]

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