The Cognitive Dissonance … It Burns

“The fight over abortion rights is tied to the “great replacement” theory and fears that white people will become a minority,” she tweeted. “That fear never left the anti-abortion movement which, at its core, has always been about upholding white supremacy.”[More]

Maybe they’ll be the ones to finally take the challenge.

And it doesn’t occur to these dopes that white supremacists want minorities and Democrats to have more abortions?

With “progressives,” every day is Opposite Day.

We’re the Only Ones Mistried Enough

The jury then sent a second note after 10 a.m. that “we have decided as a group that we cannot reach an unanimous decision or verdict.” [More]

Unless the guy was coerced, insane, under the influence, or sleepwalking, “willful” appears to be self-evident.

I’d be curious to know if more than one juror was the holdout, and if not, about party affiliation.

[Via Michael G]

The Wrong Question

Is our justice system still capable of deterring killers? [More]

It never was.

What deters us from killing has always come from within. What deters killers is the same thing that deters all predators.

Is our justice system still capable of dealing with killers?

Increasingly the system results in anything but justice, and no, it’s up to the individual to have the means, the judgment, the training, the will, and the presence of mind afterward to not do or say anything to trigger the ever-dangerous state to turn on him.

[Via Mack H]

Spider & the Fly

Free Tibet! (Part 1) [More]

The Anticommunism Action Team shows what is happening right now to people who are powerless to resist tyranny.

Never give up your guns.

Any American who demands his countrymen give up theirs is either a criminally negligent incompetent at citizenship or an evil domestic enemy who knows exactly the kind of tyranny he is salivating to unleash.


Unlike the physical territory and fronts of conventional war, the battlefield of this war is the mind and soul. The goal is to confuse and demoralize the American people — and particularly patriots — through ideological, spiritual, and psychological operations (psyops), and a range of other deceptions. [More]

And they’re counting on the frustrated weakest links to snap and further the chaos and fear.

[Via bondmen]

A Historical Understanding

So, when gun-control advocates claim that mass shootings represent a special case that the Founders never knew about or could have predicted, they’re wrong. Right now, they’re using the nation’s anger and fear over mass shootings to push for a raft of new gun-rights restrictions. But those laws will probably violate the Constitution, for reasons the Supreme Court has made crystal clear. [More]

It’s interesting how those who want to erase the Founders from the collective memory are always presuming to tell us what they understood.

[Via bondmen]

I Hate You! Now Save Me!

We found, in our research, that you requested that the National Anthem not be played, at any sporting events. We find it odd that, now, you are requesting the citizens, of the United States, to pay for your release, from a jail, in Russia. [More]

I haven’t verified the authenticity of the purported authors behind this, but it makes for a good read to highlight the difference between normal Americans and the collectivist ingrates who hate them — like the indignant “progressives” saying anyone pointing out Brittney Griner’s militant hypocrisy has “gotta be a pretty big piece of s**t …”

[Via Robert J]

Oh, and By the Way…

He allegedly fired 17 rounds at the vehicle the officers were in from behind some shrubs… The suspect, 21-year-old Kelvin Vickers, was apprehended at a vacant house and officers recovered a 9 mm handgun… [More]

I wonder why it is I had to go through several “news” accounts to find the suspect has a “long criminal history“…?

[Via Jess]

Dance, Puppets, Dance!

The U.S. gun industry has effectively “captured” the law enforcement agency charged with regulating it, according to a new report from the Giffords Law Center that recommends a number of changes to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. [More]

Now that I know NSSF is holding them hostage maybe they can order them to cough up that information on Hunter Biden they’ve been holding on to…

When Fractions of a Second Count

The fingerprint reader unlocks the gun in microseconds, but since it may not work when wet or in other adverse conditions, the PIN pad is there as a backup. LodeStar did not demonstrate the near-field communication signal, but it would act as a secondary backup, enabling the gun as quickly as users can open the app on their phones. [More]

Second time this morning I’ve channeled my inner Family Guy…

I may have to reconsider my position on suing gun manufacturers…

A Desk of Cheez-Its

Debunking Sheila Jackson Lee’s Babble At House “Assault Weapon” Ban Hearing – HR 1808 [Watch]

She actually outdid her “heavy as 10 boxes” buffoonery at @6:45 in:

“There were eons, tens upon tens of guys with good guns…”

“Eons … of guys”?

Where are you getting these units of measurement from?

[Via Jess]

Panama Red and Brazil Nuts

On July 6, teachers-union activists began protests … The leadership of the construction workers union are militant leftists… [More]

Thanks, Jimmy Carter and the Senate!

And as long as we’re heading south:

But with just over two months before the first round of voting, opinion surveys widely show Brazilians think they’d be better off without Bolsonaro. Frustration over the spiraling cost of living has propelled Lula to lead the race by more than 10 percentage points. [More]

And what will be one of the first things Lula does when he’s back in power…?

‘Active Shooter Alert’ Bill, Designed to Scare, Draws in GOP Traitors and Suckers

You can find out who the GOP turncoats are via the House Clerk’s recorded votes tally to see if your representative made the Dishonor Roll, either because he’s negligently ignorant, because he’s a proven embedded enemy (like the 15 Republican co-sponsors who have betrayed us before), or because he’s a pandering coward dumb enough to believe this will earn him media props and kudos from “our friends across the aisle” for being reasonable. [More]

With Republicans like these, who needs Democrats?

Meanwhile, Over at the Department of Shoulder Things That Go Up

Rep Cicilline on stabilizing braces: “When attached here, it turns this weapon into an automatic weapon. It becomes a bump stock, and so it will allow that to essentially be fired like an automatic weapon. That’s the danger.” [More]

And you could cook a deer from the inside!

[Via Michael G]

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