
“Will he run in 2024? You bet he will. Will he be the GOP nominee? Absolutely. Will he win the election? Yes,” Morris writes in his quick reading strategy book provided to Secrets in advance of tomorrow’s release. [More]


One glimmer of good news for Mr. Biden is that the survey showed him with a narrow edge in a hypothetical rematch in 2024 with former President Donald J. Trump: 44 percent to 41 percent. [More]


Half of G.O.P. Voters Ready to Leave Trump Behind, Poll Finds [More]

So who do we believe? Those who want to demoralize the America First agenda and dissuade someone they fear will win from running, or an “ex” Clinton insider with suspect motives (and a book to sell) who may know Trump is too toxic to win, and so wants to encourage him to try?

The gaslighting is only going to get stronger.


Gun Prohibitionist Abrams Spares No Expense on Own Security

People who must pay for their own security are private citizens, the ones to whom the Second Amendment was supposed to assure an uninfringed right to keep and bear arms. Most — including Abrams’ supporters — can’t afford to. That she would also deny them the means to protect themselves speaks of a swindled constituency with views manipulated by a subversive public education system, and a media politically hostile to guns in private hands. [More]

Only two kinds of people would vote for this self-serving hypocrite: Ignorant and manipulated citizenship malpractitioners or evil apparatchiks who know exactly what they’re doing and why.

Tub of Goo Proposes Others Fight and Die to Impose His Tyrannical Fantasy

THE 28th AMENDMENT – My proposal to repeal and replace the 2nd Amendment – Michael Moore [More]

I’m just remembering when NRA didn’t have the guts to repeal and replace Michael Moore.

I am getting a kick out of “Comments,” particularly where animaladjusted leftists are melting down over this:

“Remove (a) licensed hunters of game … We don’t need to abuse and shoot wildlife but need to protect it … Hunters aren’t conservationists, they just use this as a sorry excuse for their bloody wildlife abuse and murder … Agree. It’s toxic masculinity at its best…”

You hear that, Fudds? They’re coming for you.

Polyphemus may have promised to eat you last, but eat you he will.

[Via Jess]

Joe’s Confused About Where He Is Again

“Now is the time to galvanize this movement because that’s our duty to the people of this nation,” Biden said. “We’re living in a country awash in weapons of war.” [More]

I think he’s got us confused with Afghanistan. Boy that Stalinist deletion policy is something the media has downplayed, isn’t it?

Every time this m*****f***** demands infringements, at least one American in the audience ought to loudly shout out something to the effect of “Tell us about Hunter’s gun!”

Spoken Like a True Violence Monopolist

Illinois Governor: No civilian should have 90 bullets at the ready [Watch]

After all, he has a culture to transform

And point of order: If they’re “bullets” by definition they’re not “at the ready”…

[Via Dan Gifford]


And what EJ said. I confess I missed that when I was hurriedly putting this together and it rates right up (down) there with Kevin DeLeon.

SWAT, Me Worry?

This week, the home of former senior Trump advisor Steve Bannon was the target of a “swatting,” reportedly over a false report to police alleging that Bannon had shot someone and was actively armed. [More]

It’s something all who are findable in meatspace yet unafraid to take a public stand ought to anticipate and prepare for. In a way, it’s helpful to confirm our most vicious enemies are such personal cowards.

[Via Jess]

Pulling Up Steaks

Morton’s condemns abortion rights protesters for disrupting Kavanaugh’s freedom to ‘eat dinner’ [More]

And now the “progressives are doing what “progressives” do best: Lying and acting like malignant children out for revenge.

Then there are “student loan forgiveness activist Melissa Byme” and ShutDown DC

I can’t help but wonder what the DOJ would do if “conservative” protestors went after Ketanji Brown Jackson this way, and I’m thinking hate crimes and seditious conspiracy would be “on the table.”

Meanwhile, Man of the People Menendez certainly doesn’t eat like his average constituent. Maybe if Edie Falco and PETA had known about that in advance they could have thrown a bucket of blood on him instead of sitting down for a cordial photo op…

[Via Mack H]

Dial 911 and Die

911 dispatcher is charged with involuntary manslaughter for refusing to dispatch ambulance to grandma, 54, who later died ‘after dismissing her case as a ‘waste of resources’ [More]

Something about this doesn’t seem complete. Forgive me for wondering if it will turn out there had been prior interactions.

The daughter looks like she’s next. And soon.

You can’t protect people from themselves.

[Via Mack H]

Staggering Around the Truth

“Every gun sold without a completed background check poses a potential risk,” said Rob Wilcox, federal legal director for the gun control advocacy group Everytown for Gun Safety. “And these staggering numbers show that we have a serious problem.” [More]

No, the serious problem would be if you could demonstrate the resultant carnage directly produced by this. The fact that you haven’t even cited one (I don’t count Sutherland Springs because time was not a factor, the Air Force withholding information that would have never shown up was), yet according to this there have been over a million “opportunities,” points to the whole purpose of this transparent propaganda piece being to gin up a hysterical demand for more controls on you and me and fewer restraints on government power.

And then they explain “the Charleston Loophole”:

The shooter had admitted to drug possession during a prior arrest, which made it illegal for him to buy or own a gun.

Anybody see Word One about Hunter Biden in all this fine “reporting”?

What else aren’t we told about? You’d think the National Institute of Justice’s 2013 “Summary of Select Firearm Violence Prevention Strategies” would at least rate a mention:

Universal background checks … Effectiveness depends on the ability to reduce straw purchasing, requiring gun registration …

No? What else would we expect from NBC News?

[Via Jess]

Survey Says…

Most gun owners favor modest restrictions but deeply distrust government, poll finds [More]

And of course, no such article would be complete without an exploitable word from a conveniently useful Fudd:

“As a gun owner myself, both pistols and hunting rifles, I feel that it’s important that background checks, red flag laws and raising the age should be something that we as a country should be doing,” said poll respondent Christopher Montes of Connecticut.

You’re a real f-ing idiot, aren’t you Chris?

[Via Jess]

We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident

Hoover’s lawyers asked Howard last week to rule that the National Firearms Act, a 1934 law that restricted machine gun ownership by creating a tax and license requirement on them, conflicts with the U [sic] Constitution’s Second Amendment guarantee of a right to bear arms.  [More]

If the standard is whether NFA is consistent with the Second Amendment’s text and historical understanding, of course, it conflicts.

Whether the rulers will admit that or not is a whole ‘nother story.

[Via Jess]

Alternatively, Stop Helping Information Controllers Create Manipulative Narratives

Stop Making Killers Famous [More]

Agreed. Make the @$$holes notorious instead by exposing their collectivist natures. After all, no monster who does this can possibly believe in due process and equal protection, which automatically makes them enemies of freedom advocates (even though the collectivists will throw out terms like “right-wing” to conflate them with traditional culturists.)

What I don’t agree with is withholding their identities for reasons highlighted here. Doing so makes us rely entirely on politically beholden “authorities” and their media allies for an “official” narrative, with social media tech giants erasing any online tracks that might lead to different endpoints. That results in the public being deceived by lies claiming outrageous crap like “Robert ‘Bobby’ Crimo III confirmed to be raging Trump supporter.”  Engineered public ignorance is then exploited to gin up demands for gun bans.

So no, I don’t agree that names should be suppressed. Had that effort been more thorough, we would not be able to see for ourselves the following information I have been warned may be considered “law enforcement sensitive” (although I don’t see why):

I suggest if you’re interested in these that you save what you want before someone tries to disappear them.

More, not fewer people should be aware of these because it is our right to investigate claims for ourselves. After all, if the government wanting to keep things under wraps was a showstopper, Gunwalker would still be a state secret.

I submit that suppression is more dangerous than any desire of budding maniacs for fame, there is no credible data showing the behavior of anyone so twisted and evil would be channeled into more benign pursuits, and the most effective thing those wishing to deter mass killers could do would be to stop providing them with unlimited unarmed-by-law victim pools.

I do not know who is behind the photo/video site (it is registered through a proxy) and note that it also contains a text link I won’t post here that is extremely racist, offensive, and vile. The home page also links to an essay by someone who has developed a similar reputation for himself.

I share Mike Vanderboegh’s contention that racism– judging a person’s worth by anything other than their ideology and conduct as an individual — reveals anyone doing so to be a collectivist, that is, my enemy.  That said, the information I have linked to appears to be authentic. That’s something those with the inclination and ability to verify things wouldn’t be able to do if we didn’t know where to start if we followed the advice we started this post with that no one with real reach is going to listen to anyway.

You know, the “real reporters” all parroting the narrative…

And this just in from @pamnsc:

Uncovered information shows Highland Park shooter, Bobby Crimo has a very dark background with ties to Antifa and the Occult [More]

Whatever it turns out to be, we need those names and those arguing against that are being short-sighted and ceding a propaganda advantage to the enemy.

Incremental Lawfare

A thought strikes about the Supreme Court’s decision to send abortion back to the states, with leftists who are all about “home rule” on gun grabs howling in fury when it’s their ox getting gored.

Will the next step be a personhood lawsuit challenging a state’s denial of equal protection ostensibly guaranteed by “the supreme Law of the Land”? I’m recalling Ike sending federal troops in for rights enforcement against Faubus

A Flyover State

Yeah, I see all kinds of vulnerabilities here, but you gotta admit this is cool. [Watch]

And yeah, I get a Pinkley vibe envisioning a real boarding.

Let’s hope they aren’t reserved for the military and the “Only Ones.”

If you want to bring the costs down and make these things pay for themselves beyond limited and expensive tactical applications, start thinking of parallels to the skateboarding market with extreme competitions and the like.

Not Up for Debate

Has The Constitutional Right to Bear Arms Outlived Its Usefulness? Intelligence Squared Debate [More]

More like Square-Rooted. A Pynchon quote comes to mind. Who but someone who misses the point, or more likely, wants you to, would ask such a question?

I like the way they kick the whole thing off by spreading an unchallenged “Constitution gives rights” fallacy, following that up with a mention of Heller, which specifically repudiated that by citing Cruikshank.

I find it telling that RealClear Politics picks now to resurrect a 2013 video to republicize the results:

Nothing like picking a conditioned and insulated New York audience with confirmation biases making them immune to reasoned evidence to guarantee an outcome.

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