We’re the Only Ones Convenient Enough

The #FBI Child ID app—the first mobile application created by the Bureau—provides a convenient place to electronically store photos and other vital information about your children so that it’s literally right at hand if you need it. [More]

It’s convenient and right at hand for them if they “need it,” too.

A warning about vampires and invitations comes to mind.

Tangentially related: My Android has recently started displaying a “suggestion” in settings for “On-body detection: Keep your device unlocked while it’s on you.”

They can detect where my body is! How convenient!

[Via Michael G]

Speaking of the Security of a Free State…

Last week, the State and Homeland Security departments announced they had altered the Immigration and Nationality Act, a federal law, to grant entry into the U.S. and other “immigration benefits” to those who provided “limited” or “insignificant” material support to designated terrorist organizations. [More]

That they know about, with no capability or incentive for digging deeper.


Just what we need: More fast-breeding Third World jihadists and communists. Not that there’s any more to it than that if you don’t want the Marxists at the SPLC to call you a white supremacist.

Crimonology 101

Interviewed by cops twice in 2019 after he threatened to ‘kill everyone’ and had 16 knives, dagger and sword confiscated – but wasn’t arrested [More]

Surprise, surprise, surprise!

So much for nobody, including the family, knowing. Which makes Uncle Paul either a liar or someone not close to the family at all trying to publicly distance himself.


July 4 shooting: Social media companies a ‘big part’ of shooting, not sharing content with police, says ex-cop [More]

The guy is coming from an “Only Ones” mindset, so it figures that would be his top concern.

Even more objectionable in the long run: Doing this in all such cases removes a major source of information with context from being investigated, forcing us to rely on an official government narrative shaped by what it wants us to know and doesn’t want us to know for reasons it won’t share because they conflict with the tightening of the grip.


  • This lets leftist gaslighters get away with leaping to illusions like this:

Robert ‘Bobby’ Crimo III confirmed to be raging Trump supporter

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Information Uncovered Overnight Shows Highland Park Shooter, Bobby Crimo, Is Tied to Socialists, Progressives, Antifa and the Occult

We can’t tell if the means to check has been deleted.

Father of Highland Park shooting suspect sponsored son’s firearm ownership card despite past violent threats

A Call for Naked Tyranny

Highland Park shooting: Harris calls on Congress to ban assault weapons, ‘end this horror’ of gun violence [More]

That’s because she’s a tool and a traitor bent on aiding enemies foreign and domestic by  undermining “the security of a free State.”

Biden admin sues Arizona over law requiring proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections [More]

That’s because he’s a tool and a traitor bent on aiding enemies foreign and domestic by undermining “the security of a free State.”

As is any enforcer just following orders.

‘Private Assurances’ for SCOTUS Nominees Deny Transparency, Betray Public Trust

If real principles – or lack thereof – are only shared behind closed doors with select politicians trying to advance an agenda, the whole purpose of public hearings is exposed as fraudulent theater, a dishonest performance with the sole intent to manipulate the voting public. [More]

It’s rare to hear a public figure admit the hearings are just predetermined performances for show and the real quid pro quo agreements happen out of earshot.

And the Winners Are…

2022 BFA-PAC Grades and Endorsements for the August Ohio Primary [More]

Not a single Democrat made the list, which if you think about it, is the way it should be since with everything else they must do to advance party interests and candidates, it is literally impossible to be a “pro-gun Democrat,” Jorge & pals notwithstanding.

I’m presenting this list as a starting point. I know who my pols are and suggest everyone else know theirs as a minimal citizenship standard rather than just following anybody’s list.

The Obvious Solution

“If you invite me to dinner that’s all I’m gonna talk about. Have me over to your party and it’s going to be, ‘Dobbs, Dobbs, and more Dobbs!’ And I won’t stop until Roe is reinstated and 51% of Congress is female.” [More]

I think I have a quick fix for this.

I haven’t been this broken up since David Hogg threatened to not have children (although I confess I hadn’t realized he was into women, or more to the point, that any woman would be into him, and then I remembered that the new wisdom is that men can get pregnant and that he could always inseminate himself, which some of us have been telling him to do for some time.)

For the Children

Washington state school board director to teach sexual ‘pleasure’ class to 9-year-olds at sex shop – The classes will be held at a local sex shop called WinkWink [More]

No, “not creepy at all.” Especially the hagged-out and/or morbidly obese lingerie models. I’m starting to see why they need “tools.”

Who but a hater would find this perverted, disgusting, repulsive, and inviting of vigorous expressions of angry disapproval? Certainly not the 7,627 people who like them on Facebook and the 8,007 people who follow them.

[Via Steve T]


Gee whiz, I no sooner get done posting this than a tangentially-related story  comes in across the transom:

Top New Biden Staffer Defended Underage, Gay Prostitution Website Raided By Feds in Jaw-Dropping 2015 Article. [More]

And remember, they won’t just accept tolerance– they demand promotion, endorsement, and praise. And your children.

[Via Michael G]


Frickin’ Laser Beams

Judge looks to Supreme Court gun ruling as he weighs whether to shoot down Chicago ban on laser sights [More]

This is why, understanding core purpose, “in common use at the time” has to be applied not to what is “popular” with sportsmen, but to what is available on conventional battlefields and to enforcement authorities. Otherwise, a few decades from now, it’ll be semiautos against phased plasma rifles and game over unless a critical mass develops a workaround supply chain.

[Via Jess]

A Plan Comes Together

How do you spell ‘independence’? Turns out 1 in 3 Americans have no idea! Survey reveals that 2 in 3 young adults don’t know who America declared its independence from in 1776! [More]

That makes stuff like this easy.

The better to swindle you out of birthrights with, my dears.

Obviously, the problem is Democrat school districts and union employees are underfunded!

We’re the Only Ones Implausible Enough

“A guy can stand out there — or a girl or whoever with a rifle, an AR-15 or a handgun — and stand there on a sidewalk looking at the school,” Goodin told WDRB. “The difference is this: We can’t even stop and ask them what they’re doing because of this law.” [More]

How long did it take to come up with that scenario? And why am I getting a “kicked in the head with an iron boot” vibe?

Is it so wrong to wonder if they really just want advance warning to take up hiding positions?

[Via Jess]

I Know You Are But What Am I?

Like other analysts who study democracy, he views the Trump faction that now dominates the Republican Party—what he terms the “MAGA movement”—as the U.S. equivalent to the authoritarian parties in places such as Hungary and Venezuela. It is a multipronged, fundamentally antidemocratic movement… [More]

Talk about projection writ large.

It’s not us trying to ban the right of the people to keep and bear arms– most egalitarian power-sharing and tyranny-nullifying arrangement ever devised. And it’s not us “perfecting the language” to eradicate “forbidden speech.”

As for “antidemocratic,” not really. It’s just, like the Founders, we embrace and defend the system of checks and balances — along with a Bill of Rights intended to be immune to mob rule — to keep a manipulated majority from falling for tyranny-imposing swindlers.

[Via DDS]

Speaking of Sick Marketing Ploys…

When the Second Amendment has been effectively nullified, there’s nothing to ultimately stop the same thing from happening to the First.

But what else would we expect from this self-serving wretch?

[Via Jess]

Before We Uncork the Champagne…

Defensive buys drive gun sales to 35th straight month over 1 million [More]

Everyone is aware of how the enemy is all set up to direct the noobs their way and how I see no organized attempt by established “gun rights groups” to inform their members and counter that? And how Gun Culture 2.0 cheerleaders are curiously silent about how they vote?

If owning guns was all it took, we’d have no better pals than Lon Horiuchi and David Chipman.

[Via Jess]


Rod Waive

Shooting, break-ins and robbery occur around T-Mobile Center after concert – As they were leaving the show, many concert-goers and others downtown found out their cars had been broken into. As many as 100 cars were broken into. [More]

So basically people going to and from had to run the gantlet unarmed, and God forbid if they left their guns in their cars due to  Center “security” policy:

All weapons must be returned to your vehicle as T-Mobile Center does not check in weapons.

[Via Steve T]

Completing the Revolution

It should be noted that truth is by no means the only word whose meaning has been changed recently in order for it to serve as an instrument of propaganda; others include freedom, justice, law, right, equality, diversity, woman, pandemic, vaccine, etc. This is highly concerning, because such attempts at the “perversion of language, the change of meaning of the words by which the ideals” of the ruling class are expressed is a consistent feature of totalitarian regimes. [More]

Or as Orwell noted

[Via bondmen]

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