The City of Brothaly Love

Dozens of gunshots erupted in the Philadelphia neighborhood of Point Breeze last Thursday, scattering terrified people in the middle of a normal evening, killing two and wounding two. The sights and sounds of the shooting were captured on a Ring surveillance camera. People can be seen and heard screaming, running, falling and crying out after being shot. [More]

If this doesn’t convince selfish gun owners to give them all up for the good of everyone, nothing will.

[Via bondmen]

Affairs of State

One Solution Against Tyranny Is Creating State Guards to Defend the Constitution and Fight Back Against the Deep State [More]

Yeah, about that:

Speaking of free states, while the power to raise armies is the purview of the Congress, state defense forces were established by some (17 plus Puerto Rico), but not all states, to be deployed within a state. The State Guard Association of the United States exists “to advocate for the advancement and support of regulated state military forces established by state governments,” [but] don’t look for teeth to match the mission statement. The last two defense force units, the Ohio Military Reserve and the Tennessee State Guard, were the last units trained for deployment with issued weapons, but no more. The Tennessee Guard’s role is now to provide unarmed support to the National Guard during deployment, with organized firearms-related activities are limited to marksmanship competitions. What was once the Ohio Military Reserve, formally a military police unit, was reorganized to provide emergency management support and of late has been assisting food banks during the COVID-19 scare by packing, transporting and distributing food and serving meals. State guard units are examples of the organized militia.

State-level swamp creatures sucking at the Washington teat have no interest in principles of federalism. And it’s not like most of the citizenry understands or cares.

[Via bondmen]

Yeah, What the Hell, We Might as Well P*** Off China, Too

“We should have done things earlier, we should have been supplying the defensive weapons into Ukraine earlier. We need to learn that lesson for Taiwan.” [More]

What is it about violence monopolists wanting to arm everyone but their own people? And dragging the rest of us along with their Armageddon death wish?

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Suspicious Enough

This morning, we investigated a suspicious item that resembled a possible explosive device. Our bomb squad responded and safely removed the object. For more information, click the link below. [More]

That reminds me of the time I had to go down to the local courthouse. I carry one of these because I’ve had rare occasions when I needed it, and when I put it in the tray to go through the metal detector, the “trained security professional”  asked me if it was pepper spray!

I’m not sure which was worse– him asking or just believing me when I said “No” without verifying it.

[Via WiscoDave]

A Balancing Act

Supreme Court hands Biden victory, allows end to ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy [More]

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue” …

Thanks, Roberts and Kavanaugh! You just set things up to ultimately undo all the good done in Bruen and most gun owners will never make the connection because the “gun rights groups” refuse to acknowledge it.

We’re the Only Ones Expiring Enough

The head of the State Police has informed troopers fired for failing to get COVID shots that their permits to carry firearms will be “expired” as of next week. [More]

You can let us give you a shot or you can get shot by someone else. You think it’s a Massachussetts thing (no offense to the relatively few remaining Patriots)?

Can you imagine being Col. Christopher Mason and putting your name on something so unAmerican and contemptible? I’ve never had a job I figured it was worth being evil to keep.

Looks like he’s got the same Sonny Boy issues Joe Biden has with Hunter. Maybe when a father is corrupted by power such outcomes are inevitable.

This looks like a case a “gun rights” group would want to jump on.

[Via Remarks]

We’re the Only Ones Stingy Enough

The issuance of such permits is part of Brown’s job. And he has a reputation for being relatively stingy in issuing them, compared to most of the other 57 sheriffs in California. [More]

Tell me about it. Talk about a blast from the past!

Or better yet, tell NRA. They never did explain themselves.

[Via GP]


Perhaps it’s just as well.


Candidates endorsed by former President Donald Trump stayed red-hot Tuesday night in Colorado, Illinois, Oklahoma, and Utah, taking home sweeping wins in all states. The perfect night for Trump-backed Republicans puts the 45th President’s endorsement record at 144-10. [More]

The people trying to destroy him and them by hearsay and innuendo know that.

[Via bondmen]

A Climate of Restraint

“Congress did not grant EPA…the authority to devise emissions caps based on the generation shifting approach the Agency took in the Clean Power Plan,” the majority wrote, referring to an Obama-era power plant regulation. [More]

Agencies need Constitutionally-delegated authority and the executive branch can’t just usurp powers? Who knew?

And if anything ought to freeze Greta’s face into a permanent bitter scowl, this should do it…

[Via WiscoDave]

We’re the Only Ones Friendly Firing Enough

That reminds me of another oldie but goodie about the awesome mad skills possessed only by the professionals…

[Via WiscoDave]

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