This Ought to Make the Demonization a Lot Easier!

Reps. Seth Moulton (D-MA) and Veronica Escobar (D-TX) are pushing the “Mass Shooter Prosecution Act,” which would open mass shooters and their “support networks” up to terrorism charges in the event the shooters use guns Democrats typically label “assault weapons.” [More] Who do they think they are? Jim Zumbo? [Via bondmen]

What Goes Around…

Texas man killed by same bullet he shot at woman [More] That she lived and he died suggests karma at play… Would it be overly presumptuous and judgmental to suggest “Make better choices” might be an appropriate thing to write on her “Get Well” card? [Via bondmen]

Unhatched Chicken Counting

The Dubious and Doomed ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban That the House Approved Today May Cost Democrats This Fall – Recent polling suggests that Americans are starting to recognize that such laws make no sense. [More] I wish I could share the enthusiasm but I think all it would take is one gun-free zone exploitation the magnitude … Continue reading “Unhatched Chicken Counting”

Bullet Points

Ammo Supply Remains Tight – More and more new gun owners continue to drive the demand for more and more ammo. [More] I know one way to free up a bunch of it… [Via bondmen]

What Price Freedom?

The federal government has unveiled how much they are planning to pay gun owners for the banned firearms they turn over as part of the mandatory buyback program. On Thursday, Public Safety Canada released a full price list outlining how much compensation individual owners can expect to receive under the program. [More] Have they factored in … Continue reading “What Price Freedom?”

Breaking Camp

A New York judge overturned a law that allowed the state government to place even healthy citizens in quarantine camps for an indefinite time without review. [More] You have to wonder what kind of mind would think that’s OK. [Via bondmen]

You Know What Else You Don’t Need to Hunt Deer? My Money

Despite that long history and the popularity of the Pittman-Robertson Act among hunters, anglers, conservationists and the firearm industry, Clyde and other sponsors have painted the tax as an assault on the Second Amendment. [More] It absolutely is. Pay for your own “sporting purposes,” Fudds. See how you like us being the ones throwing you … Continue reading “You Know What Else You Don’t Need to Hunt Deer? My Money”

We’re the Only Ones Premium Enough

The Minneapolis Police Department’s “buyback” program allows organizations, sports teams or neighborhoods to buy extra overtime police patrols. But the program has been criticized as inequitable and further stretching the department’s resources at a time when some less wealthy neighborhoods say police are totally unresponsive. [More] So will the 911 dispatcher tell callers their plan … Continue reading “We’re the Only Ones Premium Enough”

Mad Dog on the Loose

‘I’ll kill everyone before I go back to jail’ – At-large suspect wanted in dozens of burglaries [More] THIS is why we need background checks! Right? Yet they keep letting him out. [Via bondmen]

Do as She Says

Chicago Mayor Lightfoot refusing to pay speeding, red light tickets as they pile up: report – Mayor Lightfoot has been a vocal proponent of stricter speed cameras [More] So much for every time she opens her gob and talks “public safety.” Forget it, Jake. It’s Chi-Town. [Via bondmen]

Flight of Fantasy

Dallas airport shooting: DPD releases police bodycam of suspect who was shot [Watch] I know we’re supposed to have a justice system with due process and all, but is it really wrong to fantasize about turning her over to the people forced to miss their flights? [Via bondmen]

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