Yearning to Breathe Free Stuff

Illegal Immigrant Advocacy Group in Denver Says Six Months of Free Food and Housing Not Enough: ‘Offensive’ and ‘Slap in the Face’ [More]

The People’s Republic of Santa Monica says “Hold our beer.)

This is a seditious Marxist conspiracy as sure as if they were torching infrastructure.

That no one in the DSM or the two major parties will talk about Cloward-Piven tells us all we neeed to know — except what to do about it.

[Via Michael G]

Deploy the Blood Dancers!

A new emergency response team will meet in person for the first time on Friday in the Roosevelt Room, where it will unveil a new protocol for responding to mass shootings and surges in community gun violence, according to plans first shared with West Wing Playbook. [More]

So will DEI Greg (what other qualifications does he have for a high-profile White House post in addition to a BA and years of trough feeding?) deploy the rapid response team where needed?

You’d think with White House backing and national media promotion he’d have more than:

Can’t wait to start ratioing the fool…

[Via Jess]

With Republicans Like Vichycon Tony…

If it quacks like a Democrat

And see, here’s the thing. This is another Avatar situation. It’s not just Herrera he’s calling a neo-Nazi.

Tales Out of School

America’s fight to save handwriting from extinction as IQs begin to fall for first time ever and teachers warn some 20-year-olds can’t sign checks anymore [More]

But, as with the fraudulent excuse given to take our guns, “Murder isn’t a nationwide problem. It’s a problem in a small set of urban areas…”

Then add millions of unvetted Third World invaders and what does anyone with an IQ capable of critical thinking expect? You know, that manipulation-resistant segment of the electorate it doesn’t serve the interests of those who crave power to do anything but demonize as a threat

The goal is to maximize herd compliance.

It would be interesting to plot a graph of lowering intelligence levels and test scores against transferred wealth poured into school systems and teachers’ union troughs.

The object here is for the same “intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic” that have systematically organized and mandated the breakdown of social order to fabricate a demand for more money, more control, and more power. That, of course, will have a planned opposite effect.

And if any are left who understand why — and dare to point fingers at those who are to blame — guess what the parroted narrative will be.

One Question

Look at all the defiant Americans in comments telling you in no uncertain terms that “We will not disarm.” Pass your treasonous ban and resistance will only grow stronger.

How many of your countrymen are you willing to order your enforcers to kill if they refuse to bend to your will?

A question’s no good unless you ask it.

Grabbing More Than Your Guns

Why would anyone be surprised that rights thieves don’t feel the same way about property?

[Via CP]

Rocky Mountain Low

In a late-night vote on Saturday, gun-grabbers in the Colorado House of Representatives passed three bills infringing on the right of the people to keep and bear arms. [More]

Not that “insurance” (which they call “murder insurance” if you get it on your own) will cover actual murder, or that this isn’t just a plot to harass and close down dealers, or that the real sin isn’t coveting your countrymen’s rights…

And, of course, it won’t affect this one bit, but then again, that’s never been the point.


Colorado Politics has more.

[Via cydl]

We’re the Only Ones All Thumbs Enough

Appeals Court Rules That Cops Can Physically Make You Unlock Your Phone – The 9th Circuit determined that forcibly mashing a suspect’s thumb into his phone to unlock it was akin to fingerprinting him at the police station. [More]

Boy, will they be p!$$ed when they see this app

Oh, wait

[Via Michael G]

What Goes Around…

Twenty-four years ago tomorrow (April 22, 2000), Attorney General Janet Reno ordered gun-toting immigration officers to snatch six-year-old Elián Gonzalez from his Miami home in preparation for his return to communist Cuba after a lengthy diplomatic dispute. [More]

Inspiring this poster.

And now, having been raised and indoctrinated in a monopoly of violence, Elian’s grown into a full-fledged commie!

[Via Michael G]

My Kind of Razzmatazz

Got that? No more traffic stops in Chicago. This is insane — a demand to end enforcement of traffic laws, because Dexter Reed got killed after he shot first in a confrontation with five police officers. Do these people think it’s irrelevant that Reed shot first? Do they care nothing about the facts that (a) Reed was packing a 9mm pistol despite (b) being out on pre-trial release for a 2023 weapons charge, and (c) this shooting happened in one of Chicago’s most violent neighborhoods? [More]

Yes, of course they’re members.

Forget it, Jake. It’s Chi-Town.

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Inspecting Enough

NYC buildings commissioner wants inspectors to make arrests, carry guns [More]

What was it Mr. Mason had to say…?

I ask, Who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers.

Everything these statist bastards do repudiates the intent of the Framers.

[Via Jess]

New Biden Rule Makes ‘Buybacks’ Potential Seller Traps

An email I sent out this morning to my “small cadre” of advisors:

“The definition of ‘to predominantly earn a profit’ now focuses only on whether the intent underlying the sale or disposition of firearms is predominantly one of obtaining pecuniary gain… ’ to define the terms ‘purchase’ and ‘sale’ as they apply to dealers to include any method of payment or medium of exchange for a firearm…”

Did they just tank anonymous “buybacks” with “no questions asked”? I know some gun owners publicize selling cheap junk for a profit… I don’t see a carve out for buybacks in the text (albeit I only did a word search and have not pored through the whole mess).

It turns out Armed Attorneys addressed that in a video Len Savage sent me the link to, along with this observation:

Fun fact: The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act was touted to close the “gun show loophole” to prevent buying a firearm without a background check,

However; There is NOTHING in the rule (based on the law passed) that effects or applies to a BUYER.


Meaning it would only affect the seller of a firearm to a buyback program.

Don’t take my word on it, here are two attorneys discussing it.

The relevant section starts at 8:12:

So it looks like they outsmarted themselves, and now need to ignore their own rule.

So, every time the antis hold a buyback, why not loudly complain and warn people they’re being invited to violate “commonsense gun safety laws”?

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