
The AI technology creates a fake by analyzing a sampling of an audio clip of the person it wants to mimic. It uses its ability to interpret incredible amounts of data to take note of multiple characteristics of the person’s voice, allowing it to make a highly realistic fake. [More]

So the thespitron is now a reality.

As the masses have been conditioned to demand entertainment rather than art, and production incentives are to go with what works and what’s cheapest, the influence of “Hollywood stars” should dwindle. Considering their politics, no great loss there.

And it’s fair to wonder at what point the legal claims of heirs will collide with the same copyright exemptions that make Steamboat Willie and Pooh fair game.

Moscow Mike and Beijing Buck

“Three of our primary adversaries, Russia, Iran, and China are working together … and they’re a global threat to our prosperity and our security,” he said. “Their advance threatens the free world, and it demands American leadership … If we turn our backs right now the consequences could be devastating,” he added, “It’s an old military adage, but we would rather send bullets to the conflict overseas than our own boys, our troops. [More]

Funny, that they all ignore where bullets and boys are already needed, and dub anyone prioritizing that as an enemy tool…

The Final Word?

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives 27 CFR Part 478 [Docket No. ATF 2022R–17; AG Order No. 5920–2024] RIN 1140–AA58 Definition of ‘‘Engaged in the Business’’ as a Dealer in Firearms AGENCY: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, Department of Justice. ACTION: Final rule. [More]

I wouldn’t call it “final.”

This isn’t over by a long shot.


1st where are the fudds? Chip Curry is anti-gun and again where are the fudds? As a life long resident and sportsman of ME. and now a senior citizen I have NEVER been contacted by MIF&W. Besides it is not the job of IF&W to teach how to clean your AR. They are spending $ that is supposed to go to supporting wildlife supposed to be game animals not this B.S. PLUS, what moron would trust anyone associated with the Mill’s admin, not to keep records of who is in attendance and what they have. Lastly Where are the fudds? David Codrea, ME. has enough anti-2A going on with out your B.S. You sir are an @$$hat. [More]

Somebody was rubbed the wrong way.

As for where the Fudds are, reading is your friend: See objections to the class quoted in the article :

“I am a lifelong deer hunter and own several rifles and shotguns. I have never in my life seen a hunter in the woods of Maine using an AR style rifle for hunting.”


“I consider myself an advocate for gun rights, I’ve grown up in Maine. I understand that Maine IFW does not make the gun laws for our country. I don’t believe anyone should be able to own AR style weapons…”

And it is the job– by law:

“The commissioner shall establish a program for training individuals in the safe handling of firearms.”

So yeah, funds go to that. Is your contention that it’s not in the state’s interest to make sure people it issues hunting licenses to can’t do it safely? As for funds going exclusively to wildlife and game animals, gun owners who aren’t hunters also subsidize that with higher prices to offset manufacturers and importers paying the federal excise infringement.

As for “what moron would trust anyone associated with the Mill’s admin, not to keep records,” I assume the “life long sportsman” got his guns through an FFL and gets licenses to hunt?

So, pointing out Fudds and antis objecting to the training and noting their hostility to ARs is “anti-2A … B.S.”?

Where are the Fudds? I think I just got done responding to one.

Happy Patriots Day

From your friends at”AFT”… [More]

I always observed it on April 19 to celebrate armed citizens resisting tyranny, but I guess some do it on the third Monday of April, which in this case was tax deadline day, which seems to miss some key points.

Speaking if missing key points, this was how the Biden White House celebrated it:

Who Is Oregon Gun Rights?

After almost 30 years as advocates for Second Amendment rights, we can tell you we have no idea who “Oregon Gun Rights” is. They are not listed as a business by the Secretary of State. They are not a political action committee. [More]

They’re not listed here, either. This is all I could find.

So what should we think of a politican who claims their endorsement?

Shall we ask?

None Dare Call It Treason

And more…

And anyone who doesn’t accept endorse the results will be a baseless conspiracist-cum-insurrectionist.

[Via bondmen]

Their Friend Across the Aisle

Just Like Democrats And Joe Biden, Mike Johnson Supports An Open Southern Border [More]

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

The establishment wing is sabotaging MAGA chances in November.

The question now: Is Trump smart enough to listen to Rand?

[Via bondmen]

Can We All Get Along?

Yet according to our Attorney General and FBI Director, we’re the greatest threat.

[Via Michael G]

Bizarro World DGU

Grand Jury Dismisses Murder Charge Against Teen Linked to Store Clerk’s Death — Attorney Claims the Teens Acted in Self-Defense After Clerk Chased Them [More]

So much for “during the commission of a crime”…

And no, of course they don’t know where he got the gun, but his attorney agrees there are “too many on the street” and his client ius “upset about what happened.”

Once is happenstance

That said, there are too many factors that make chasing after some scumbag self-defeating.

[Via Michael G]

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