Forbidden Thoughts

33% of Generation Z believes using the wrong gender pronoun should be illegal. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer supports similar legislation that comes with potential jail sentences. [More]

What kind of anti-government extremist would support seditious conspiracies to defy that?

Or to oppose these pieces of totalitarian sh!+…?

[Via Michael G]

A ‘Progressive’ Male Feminist

UTSA teaching assistant ousted after threatening to ‘murder’ and ‘rape’ conservative personality … After sharing the message on Twitter, users quickly identified the teaching assistant from other social media accounts. Campus Reform has chosen not to publicly name the individual because their identity could not be independently confirmed. [More]

The link they provided goes to a page that no longer exists.

Far be it from me to tell anyone to check it out over at the Wayback Machine

If that is him, my guess is St. Clair could take him.


UW-Milwaukee tells students polyamory has many ‘benefits’ like extra pets, or ‘petamours’ [More]

So PAPs (Pet-Attracted Persons) area thing now, and anything less than enthusiastic approval will be a hate crime?

I can’t wait ’til someone brings a horse to the library to introduce children to Nag Queen Story Hour. And just think of how leadership by example from the top could enhance our military readiness!

Dr. Cornwallis is wise beyond his years.

[Via Michael G]

Soldier of Distortion

Doug McGaw is a military veteran of Vietnam with a Purple Heart, Bronze Star and Combat Infantry Badge. [More]

Including that bio snip to presume he knows what he’s talking about on the right to keep and bear arms is what psychologists call “false authority” or “expert fallacy.

And the danger to liberty of blindly following “war heroes” should be self evident.

[Via bondmen]

Hell to Pay

Oberlin College Sues Insurers For Refusing To Cover $36 Million It Paid Gibson’s Bakery For Defamation And Other Torts (Update)- .
Four insurance companies have told the college to pound sand. Have you ever rooted for insurance companies ever? There’s a first for everything. [More]

I’ve been following this story for some time because I have a bit of history with Oberlin.

We actually drove there yesterday to tour a Frank Lloyd Wright house deeded to the college, and I had time to stop in at Gibson’s and buy a t-shirt.

I’ve always liked Wright even though I am presumptuous enough to question some of his design choices. I learned about Fallingwater in college and his son’s Wayfarer’s Chapel was a regular place we’d take visitors to see when we lived nearby in SoCal.

Here’s the house, and also there was the weirdest non sequitur of a sticker on the back of a sign at the entrance to the property:

[Via Michael G]

An Inconvenient Truth

Michigan Court: University Firearms Ban ‘Consistent With the Second Amendment’ [More]

Maybe not with the Second Amendment, but inconveniently, consistent with Jefferson and Madison. Evidently, they wanted to minimize dueling.

What the crowing antis don’t tell us is that the rule was not a law with criminal penalties, but instead, violations could result in “minor punishments at the discretion of the Faculty, or of the board of Censors, approved by the Faculty.”

Still, if we’re talking historical context, I’m not seeing a way around this “Gotcha!” except to make a different argument entirely.

That said, if anyone does see a way around it, that’s why we have “Comments” here.

[Via Michael G]

A Harvard Education

Letting a state with less than 1 million people have an equal say over who joins the SCOTUS as one with over 30 million doesn’t make sense. [More]

Not understanding the Constitution and the considered intent that went behind it means you won’t understand the Bill of Rights, either.

That such an obnoxiously ignorant child should have Astroturf-promoted influence is obscene.

[Via Steve T]

A Second Amendment Guy

“I’m a Second Amendment guy. I taught it for four years, six years in law school. And guess what? It doesn’t say that you can own any weapon you want. It says there are certain weapons that you just can’t own. Even during when it was passed, you couldn’t own a cannon. You can’t own a machine gun.… No, I’m serious.” [More]

Someone should dig up syllabuses, the texts he used, and some exams.

What a dog-faced pony soldier’s ass. That not one Democrat or “commonsense gun safety group” member feels compelled to publicly correct such blatant incompetence and dishonesty is all anyone needs to know their integrity.

[Via Michael G]

And Thank You for Your Service?

“Having a US military background is the single-strongest individual-level predictor of whether a subject . . . is classified as a mass casualty offender,” the study by Maryland’s National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) said. [More]

What it doesn’t say is what commonalities offenders share before enlisting. It also presupposes risks are evenly distributed rather than concentrated into observable subsets.

I can’t help but make the seemingly unrelated analogies that violent crime is not widespread but concentrated, and Trump is so good at firing people because he’s so lousy at hiring them.

[Via WiscoDave]

Terror Tactics

This is economic terrorism, literally terrorism, creating fear among the workers and forcing the corporations to sell the things you want, not sell the things you don’t.” [More]

What a great way to describe lawsuits against gun manufacturers!

[Via bondmen]

The Nutty Professors

Five University System of Georgia (“USG”) professors filed suit to block a 2017 statutory amendment that removed public colleges and other public postsecondary educational institutions from the statutory definition of “school safety zone.” [More]

I’m wondering which fields in academia don’t require being an obnoxiously self-righteous leftist moron to get tenure.

[Via Michael G]

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

I rest my case.

[Via 1Gat]

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