We’re the Only Ones Unprotective Enough

U. Arizona’s first female police chief to step down following professor’s shooting death [More]

Apparently, failure to adequately bureaucratize overcomes “no duty to protect.”

What we won’t see blamed is this:

Arizona Board of Regents Policies 5-302 and 5-303 prohibit the use, possession, display, or storage of any weapons, explosive device, or fireworks on the University of Arizona campus and on all land and in all buildings owned or under the control of the University of Arizona on behalf of the Arizona Board of Regents, except as provided in ARS §12-781. No concealed carry permit exempts a person from this policy.

The march of folly continues unabated.

[Via Michael G]

Ginning Up the Mob

BLM Activist Ruined the Reputation of White University of Virginia Student Over Remark She ‘Misheard’ [More]

Does that … thing have its own gravitational field?

You want to see how lynch mobs form, look at foaming-at-the-mouth wokesters worked into a blind fury just based on someone shouting out an accusation. They’re sociopaths incapable of recognizing themselves for what they are and being deeply ashamed of it.

The good news is, they’ll never be happy.

[Via Michael G]

The Lunatics in Charge of the Asylum

673 university professors sign letter opposing courses on America’s founding, Constitution – UNC professors say requiring courses on American history violates ‘academic freedom’ [More]

So couldn’t the same be said for requiring ANY course?

I wonder what rulers in other countries that don’t recognize Constitutional protections have to say about annoying “educators”…?

[Via Michael G]

Your Tax Dollars at Work

Boston pays for illegal immigrants’ college tuition with federal stimulus money [More]

No, we coerced plunder victims are paying for it.

We’ll soon watch the recipients emerge as ungrateful Marxist rabble-rousers demanding the destruction of everything and everyone that made the creation of wealth to support all this subversion possible in the first place. And once that superhighway to citizenship is in place, expect to see political creatures emerge demanding their disarmament.

[Via Michael G]

Blaming the Victim

SFSU Responds To Alleged Assault On Riley Gaines… By Praising The Protesters [More]

It’s telling how the elite luminaries in “women’s sports” are showing their true purpose has nothing to do with their stated one.

Everyone understands coexistence is impossible with those who demand total allegiance or extermination…?

Curious, it’s the same “side” that wants our guns…

[Via bondmen]

The Dependent Rebellion

It will become untenable for @MarshaBlackburn @BillHagertyTN @AndyOgles & other Republicans to continue blocking gun control legislation. These students will turn 18 & make gun control a priority when they vote. [More]

I’ve run into their type before.

They’ll still have the problem of “We will not disarm” to overcome, and I am just not seeing the intellect, discipline, or capability.

[Via @pamnsc]

Where Credit is Due

In this case, a mentally ill woman suffering a psychotic break with reality was told by the media, doctors, therapists, academics that she was perfectly sane, was actually a man trapped in a woman’s body and was literally fighting against the genocide of people like her. [More]

And Democrats. Don’t forget Democrats.

[Via bondmen]

Can We All Get Along?

Far-left students scream ‘F**k pro-lifers’ after hijacking anti-abortion event at Virginia university, as protesters throw ‘punches’, injuring chapter president [More]

Evil, demanding children with no self-control can’t help but go too far and overplay their hands.

Perhaps some of the bourgeoisie lulled to sleep by the woke will wake up.

[Via bondmen]

Future Lawfare Practitioners of America

Five security guards, threats of discipline required to protect free speech talk at DU law school [More]

And just think how many Marxist future attorneys, prosecutors, and judges at all levels are being churned out by the subversion mills.

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

Angry brainwashed “students” who are ostensibly there to learn presume themselves qualified to lecture.

Al Capp sure had it nailed:

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Prepping Enough

As gun reform stalls, police prepare for the worst [More]

They think they’re “outgunned”? I’ve been hearing that lie for decades and we aren’t the ones with surplus MRAPs.

What about the real “first responders,” disarmed by unconstitutional “gun-free zone” diktats? The ones mandated to be helpless and slaughtered unless they can run away or hide even after you lot show up and take cover?

[Via Dan Gifford]

Blaming the Victim

Rachel Smilan-Goldstein, a PhD candidate at the University of Virginia, recently published a paper arguing that many women’s fear of being sexually assaulted is connected to their being “White” or “Republican,” blaming those women for upholding “state institutions that enact violence.” [More]

So fearing rape is racist?

Hell, who cares what happens to them?

Welcome to Bizarro “feminism.”

[Via Michael G]

For the Female of the Species is More Deadly than the Male*

Female Faculty More Likely to Support Speech Restrictions, Campus Investigations, Deplatforming [More]

They’re also more likely to be red-shirted cows, ignorant of what can happen when those they’re enabling decide it’s time to take off the mask.


[Via Michael G]

The Moscow Horror

“This is a healing step and removes the physical structure where the crime that shook our community was committed,” Green wrote. [More]

Don’t be surprised to note our finest minds in “progressive” academia are steeped in medieval thinking.

Haven’t we established that Western thought and science are racist?

Funny thing– guess what’s still standing and lived in.

[Via Michael G]

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