Much Ado About Nothing

Cornyn and senators tell ATF director no new policies before Trump takes over [More]

They know any new rule will require a comment period extending into the new administration, which can kill it, but it’s a way to make gun owners think they’re doing something for them.

But enforce existing Intolerable Acts, right, Mr. Bipartisan Safer Communities Act?

And furthermore

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

Cassidy, Cornyn, Hagerty, Colleagues Introduce Concealed-Carry Reciprocity Bill [More]


[Via Jess]

Correlation ≠ Causation

Yesterday’s school shooting was devastating. But remember, because we organized and acted, we passed legislation in 2022 making major changes to American gun laws. And this year, mass shootings have dropped by a whopping 20% from last year. That’s a big deal, and reason for hope. [More]

Now flesh that out for us. Show your work, your data, and the equations used to reach that conclusion.

You know, prove it.

Can anyone truly be ignorant enough to believe an in-your-face logical fallacy like this without even looking at, let alone understanding the evidence? And if they know he’s lying about this and voted for him anyway, what does that say about them?

What an @$$hole Chris Murphy is.

[Via Jess]

DOJ Proposal Suggests Unauthorized Use of NICS for NY Ammo Background Checks

So, if the FBI and DOJ don’t have authority to do ammunition checks, where do they get authority to allow New York State to use NICS for that purpose? [More]

Made possible by GOP Quislings, so will Republicans do anything to clean up their mess after they assume power in January?

Thank a Vichycon Today!

“Our administration will also continue to implement the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act and take additional executive action to support states, cities, and local communities in their efforts to reduce gun violence,” Harris said, hinting at executive orders to come before the Biden-Harris Administration ends in January. [More]

The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act…?

The one voted for by these guys?

[Via Jess]

Murphy’s Law

Either that or more “Only Ones”…

And speakling of Murphy’s Lies… uh… law, here he is talking to the head of the White House Office of Gun Violence prevention, who shows is seasoned grasp of what’s going on with this bit of inanity:

“There was no federal law that actually made it a crime to straw purchase or to engage in firearms trafficking…”

Liars and emasculated dolts presume to define your rights.

Cornyn Resolution a Desperate Attempt to Save Face After Being Outmaneuvered by Democrats

It’s a game Republicans play all the time, stirring up hope when they know they won’t have to make good on things and nothing will change. [More]

Much ado about nothing…

On Topic

David, What’s with the Ohio AG not joining the other States in the lawsuit challenging the new rule against private sales? [More]

I won’t respond there, because a big thing with me is keeping things on topic (see “Comment H0use Rules” in sidebar). That’s why comment threads hijacked away from the conversation I’m inviting, or worse, devolving into childish squabbling, really grind my gears.

But it’s a good question, and Dave Yost hasn’t shied away from those before.

Where is Ohio?

Let’s ask him.

Speaking of Vigorous Efforts

US Court of Appeals for Fifth Circuit (TX, LA) has issued a ruling upholding the 2022 federal law requiring additional background checks for 18-20 year olds. [Watch]

And Mark W. Smith reminds us we can “Thank John Cornyn.

I’d suggest taking that grade down a notch or two, but last time I did that resulted in some ruffled feathers.

[Via Jess]

That’s Debatable

Contorting, lol. And I never said, or even suggested, any of that. The 3% just objectively proves you were wrong about A+ meaning you always have to be right–it doesn’t imply anything about subjective weights of infringements. [More]

I’m moving the “debate” here because it’s bad form to hijack another man’s post with an argument, because it doesn’t limit me to 280 characters, and because I basically use “advocacy media” to promote my work, so as long as I’m doing it, why limit eyeballs?

The thread with the back-and-forths starts here. My response to this latest:

Not “wrong,” just not expecting you to argue a formal academic scale instead of one of principle. My assumption was you were saying helping Gonzales return to power only counted 3% against a grade of 100. I just didn’t realize what you were talking about because it struck me as so off-topic.

My mistake was accepting your distracting from the real issue with non sequiturs about 3% and age and four terms. It’s simple: Abbot is enabling a Quisling who sold us out to Biden’s tyranny and will predictably do so again. And you’re excusing him and doing so helps the establishment GOP exclude new and principled contenders, with no disincentives. So from my point of view, the one who “always has to be right” is the one evading that reality to instead try and score an irrelevant “gotcha.”

To me, real 2A fidelity means 100%, kind of like the reverse of you can’t be a little bit pregnant. Maybe it means something different to you.

And the “Bipartisan bill” did more than create new opportunities for ATF to destroy lives and kill your fellow gun owners on private sales. They’re extending the net for all it’s worth.


LOL, no. You are welcome to write what you want wherever you want, but I’m under no obligation to obey your unilateral dictates. Have fun with that, though.

Flip or Flop

Flipping a gun for a price higher than one paid now may turn anyone into a dealer, making any such sale unlawful if it does not involve all the licensing and paperwork that govern gun dealers. [More]

Brought to you by every Republican who joined with Democrats on Biden’s “bipartisan” tyranny.

[Via bondmen]

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Term ‘A+ Rated’ Is

Texas governor endorses Tony Gonzales over Brandon Herrera in House race [More]

Right…endorse the Vichycon who helped enable Biden’s unconstitutional private sales ban.

Hey! This guy's a great big phony!

[Via Jess]

AP Puff Piece on New Biden Background Check Rule Hides Dangers to Freedom

Curious how much less “gun violence” there was in this country before Democrats started imposing all this “progress.” [More]

Once more we’re being lied to, and the biggest ally would-be totalitarians have in imposing their treachery are complicit Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists.

The Nothing Will Happen But Maybe Gun Owners Will Forget My Previous Treachery Act

Ernst Works to Protect Lawful Gun Dealers from ATF [More]


1% chance of being enacted

Let’s see what the odds will be should election dreams come true. And if anyone’s still interested.

Sorry not sorry to be so cynical, but this is the same “solidly pro-gun candidate” who voted with Chuck Schumer on that “bipartisan” infringement bill the administration is now trying to sodomize us with,

Besides, all this really does is “legitimize” the whole power usurpation scheme. We all have the right to be “lawful gun dealers.”

[Via Jess]

On This We Can Agree

It is fully within our power to stop this epidemic. [More]

Absolutely. Just not by doing anything this evil dotard’s handlers are lying to us about…

Starting with, it’s not an “epidemic.”

Wake me when the “school to grave pipeline” is plugged.

[Via Antigone]

Just Like She Knows What She’s Talking About

Sen. Gillibrand said Monday that new federal gun legislation has allowed authorities to prosecute hundreds of gun traffickers. [More]

Is it out of line to ask what “allows” the legislation?

Here’s the tax-funded propaganda the “real reporter” parroted from. And here’s the “report,” which on first glance appears to unintentionally confirm John Lott’s conclusions that concentrated Democrat crime areas do not justify blanket citizen disarmament.

And is Kirsten ever going to show us the answers she gave NRA when she was lying to them for an endorsement?

[Via Jess]

Forced Reset Trigger Ruling Enabled by Senate Republicans

In Morrison’s case, we find, unsurprisingly, she’s a Democrat and a Joe Biden appointee. We also find that “The U.S. Senate confirmed Morrison on June 8, 2022, on a vote of 53-46.” That was close. And it means Republicans had to vote to confirm her. Which Republicans? [More]

With “Republicans” like Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham, Lisa Murkowski, and Mitt Romney, who needs Democrats?

It’s a Feature, Not a Bug

It should be more than obvious that the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act that credulous GOP Senator John Cornyn shepherded into law along with Connecticut’s Chris Murphy was nothing but a stalking horse for expanding the federal government’s regulation of firearms. [More]

Is “folly” the right word here?

[Via JR]

Advance to the Rear!

The BSCA was passed last summer over the NRA’s objections, with proponents congratulating themselves on their “bi-partisan” achievement. [More]

So how many “staunch supporters of the Second Amendment” are you goin g to down-rate?

And posturing now only obscures the fact that when the asteroid was still in nudging distance, you weasels were giving cover to your pet Quislings with a spineless “framework” excuse.

The Lairds of Fairfax

NOW They’re Against It

Thanks to the 2022 federal gun control omnibus bill, titled the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA), taxpayers in pro-gun jurisdictions are now financing anti-gun jurisdictions’ efforts to strip Second Amendment rights without due process. [More]

And while all those “A-raters” were busy selling us out, NRA was weasel wording about “frameworks.”

What’s My Line?

Where do Americans draw lines when it comes to guns and teens? [More]

There is no “one size fits all.” I’ve always used the term “development appropriate” instead of “age appropriate.”

Despite wretched Vichycons sucking up to Democrats to impose infringements that have no historical basis.

Copper Jacket TV reports the delay on 18-20-year-olds has begun. [Watch]

[Via Jess]

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