A Thousand Grains of Sand

Chinese Espionage, Cuba, and the Panama Canal [More]

Dr. Miguel Faria shares an excerpt from  Stalin, Mao, Communism, and the 21st Century Aftermath in Russia and China.

I’ve been slowly but surely making my way through his latest book. I’ve got to find the time to finish it so I can submit my review to Firearms News.

Chicom Community Standards

Transgender activist warns women who try to stop her using their bathroom that ‘it will be the last mistake you ever make’ in chilling video urging LGBTQ people to buy guns [More]

I guess no TikTok community standards were violated.

You know, the app owned by the Chicoms that isn’t allowed there…

Meanwhile, Facebook isn’t letting me post AmmoLand links.

They hate us because we’re free.

[Via Michael G]

A Plan Comes Together

China’s New Export Restriction Choke Hold on Critical U.S. Ammunition Components, Are You Prepared? [More]

No, if course I’m not prepared. No one is prepared for the larger issue of critical material supplies that can be cut off at any time in the hands of those who want to eat us.

And that’s just the way the men behind the curtain want things.

Lie After Lie with This Guy

“Yeah, I said we were talking in this case, this was after a school shooting, the ideas of carrying these weapons of war. And my wife, the English teacher, told me my grammar is not always correct,” he said. [More]

Says the guy who taught English in China

And he’s not the only one making unbelievable excuses:

Tim Walz’s ties to China are not concerning

Strategic Location

Why is Panama one of the m0st important pieces of land to the United States? [Watch]

And why did Jimmy Carter and the Senate give it away?

With the expansion of Chinese influence in the waterway, the Canal will likely continue to be a point of tension in U.S.-China relations. China does not operate the Canal, it only manages the two ports on either end, meaning it does not interact or influence all goods transiting the Canal. However, the increase of Chinese companies’ control over transshipment cargo operations bound for the United States and other countries is a point of contention.

Oh… the same folks behind this

[Via George K]

The Anti-Kraken

But The New York Times reported in early April that covert Chinese accounts are masquerading as supporters of former President Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. These accounts are also promoting conspiracy theories, stoking domestic divisions and attacking Biden ahead of the election in November. [More]

Just to be clear, when election fraud allegations point at Democrats, they’re “baseless.”

And since “Russian collusion” didn’t work, we’ll just change the meme to “Chinese.”

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