FPC and FPCAF have specifically requested an injunction that will extend to all individuals, not just Plaintiffs and their members and customers… [More]
There should be a place at the table for everyone.
[Via Jess]
Notes from the Resistance
Their vote on this resolution should have diddly squat to do with their position on guns and everything to do with upholding our form of government. [More]
Kinda makes you wonder about what the real agenda is…
With this being SOP for the GOP, it’s no wonder lesser luminaries like Fitzpatrick and Kean feel like they can do anything they want, and “lesser of two evils” gun voters won’t have a choice but to keep rewarding them with power. [More]
If the turncoats will betray gun owners on something as clear-cut as this, what won’t they betray them on?
Two Republicans — Reps. Thomas Kean Jr. (N.J.) and Brian Fitzpatrick (Pa.) — broke from the party and voted against the legislation… [More]
I knew about this Fitzpatrick piece of crap— and his strange hold over Kevin McCarthy. Kean hasn’t been on my radar yet to know what a phony he is:
The National Rifle Association (NRA) Victory Fund gave Tom Kean, Jr. these ratings for the following election cycles: an A+ rating (100 percent) for 2017 and a B rating (67 percent) for 2020.
And speaking of phonies, since when is 67% not a “D” and a 1.0 GPA?
[Via Jess]
White House threatens to veto GOP resolution against its pistol brace ban [More]
Was there ever any doubt that it was anything but symbolic, with no chance of going anywhere?
Let’s see what the Republicans do if they keep the House and regain the Senate and the White House, that is, if they don’t blow it.
[Via Jess]
Only a fraction of the guns affected by the ATF’s new rule were registered with the agency during the four-month grace period that ended this week. [More]
I’m sure if Mike were still here he’d have a smuggling program going full tilt about now…
[Via Jess]
So – Pistol Braces are just a political message to the Swamp – leveraging YOUR liberty. My friend @Rep_Clyde refused to be extorted. These were not the only threats being made. And don’t forget – there were deals that were cut that were accepted, rather than refused. #NoDeal [Watch]
New Yellowstain certainly is turning out to be everything we thought he would be!
It looks like everybody’s members are covered, just like FPC’s.
Anybody up on what’s going on with NRA’s action?
Here’s the GOA Order:
The resolution was passed by the House Judiciary Committee, but has yet to be taken up by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy for a full floor vote. [More]
Maybe he had a fundraiser to attend…
I thought it time to update my Old Yellowstain fauxtoshop…
[Via Jess]
DEADLINE- ATF’s Pistol Brace “Compliance Period” Ending May 31, 2023 [More]
Reeves & Dola, LLP gives owners the hard facts on what’s being imposed.
As an aside, I had to copy and paste this into my WarOnGuns Placeholder site from their email. I wanted to link to their “Alerts” page, but I’m getting a “Site Not Found” notice. Hopefully, that will be cleared up soon.
Len Savage sent ATF parts of an unassembled firearm, ATF returned a completed gun. [More]
Is it paranoia if they’re really out to get you?
Pistol braces are popular accessories intended to increase the accuracy and stability of AR-15-style pistols. [More]
Just to be clear, the “commonsense gun safety law” prohibitionists, the violence monopoly beneficiaries, and their enforcers are all trying to gaslight voters into believing it’s in the public interest for firearms to be more inaccurate and unstable.
That’s Orwellian, fanatical, and insane, in other words, SOP for Bloomberg’s The Trace. The only people who would support such absurd, destructive diktats are stupid, evil, or both.
And from Gun Owners of America, via email alert:
May 23, 2023
Washington, D.C. — Gun Owners of America (GOA) issued the following statements after the 5th Circuit Court partially enjoined the Biden Pistol Brace Ban this morning. GOA and the Gun Owners Foundation (GOF) had filed an amicus brief in Mock v. Garland, as well as filed their own challenge to the rule in conjunction with Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in a different federal court.
“This is an encouraging step from the Fifth Circuit, and we hope that the judge in our own case will see this ruling and in turn grant a more robust injunction to relief the millions of Americans nationwide who may soon be in legal jeopardy,” said Erich Pratt, GOA’s Senior VP. “This is just the latest attempt by the Biden Administration to weaponize federal agencies against the American people, and we will continue to stand in the way in defense of our rights.”
“This injunction is welcome news, but due to it’s limited nature, we still need Congress to act before the June 1st deadline,” said Aidan Johnsotn, GOA’s Director of Federal Affairs. “189 Representatives and 47 Senators have already signed on, and we urge the Speaker to put this on the floor for a vote and force Democrats in both chambers to vote on whether to make their constituents felons overnight.”
GOA spokesmen are available for interviews. Gun Owners of America is a nonprofit grassroots lobbying organization dedicated to protecting the right to keep and bear arms without compromise. GOA represents over two million members and activists. For more information, visit GOA’s Press Center.
In light of the Bruen decision, where “text, history, and tradition” of the Second Amendment at the time it was written is what informs us as to what the Founders understood the right to protect, I couldn’t turn to the Borchardt – that would play right into the hands of the gun prohibitionists, who, unable to identify Founding-Era infringements have tried turning to later laws, including post-Civil War edicts intended to keep freed blacks disarmed. [More]
Looking back even further in time, we find plenty of examples from the time the Bill of Rights was ratified proving the people of the Founding Era included pistols with shoulder stocks into the broader category of “arms.”
House Judiciary Committee to Vote on Overturning ATF’s Pistol Brace Rule [More]
That was yesterday. I’m not seeing anything on the committee’s news release page or Twitter feed yet.
In any case:
“The bill with the resolution will face a tough battle to get through the rest of Congress before heading to the President’s desk. Even if it does get to Biden’s desk, there is almost no chance that the President will sign it into law since he has been openly hostile to gun rights. The Republicans do not have the votes to override a veto, even if some Democrats switch sides.”
The true test will be what Republicans do if and when they have the power to see things through.
For the reasons discussed, the Court DENIES Plaintiffs’ request for injunctive relief or, in the alternative, for postponement of the Final Rule’s effective date (ECF No. 33). [More]
So infringements by swarms of officers are constitutional now…?
Oh, look! He was nominated by the Vote Freedom First President!
[Via Jess]
Sheila Jackson Lee Says Stabilizer Braces Turn Firearms Into Killing Machines While Praising The ATF [Watch]
“As far back as 1886…”?
Look, if they want to limit themselves to a chemist and microscopist to analyze oleomargarine, I’ll shut up and go away.
[Via Jess]
I have never given up hope that the collector’s item I got so I’d have standing will one day be surrendered back to me by ATF.
I wonder if SCOTUS will forever punt, and what the implications will be for pistol braces, forced reset triggers, and the like.
[Via WiscoDave]
Unelected ATF just made a new “law” that turns 40M law-abiding gun owners into felons for owning a pistol brace. Latest example of the bureaucratic state making laws undermining our freedom and democracy. This must stop. [Watch]
Fine and good, Tulsi. Well stated and much is correct, but”gun rights” proponents need to stop asserting Congress is the body that should be able to ban guns. There’s no delegated power that negates “shall not be infringed.”
[Via bondmen]
Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen and 23 other states filed a lawsuit against an egregious and overreaching Biden administration gun control regulation that will turn millions of gun owners into felons if they do not register certain devices they lawfully own with the federal government and pay a tax. [More]
They join FPC, SAF, GOA, NRA and… is anybody keeping track of all the lawsuits on this at one go-to link?
Curious as to why there is such a huge difference between GOA’s and other estimates, Firearms News contacted Director of Federal Affairs Aiden Johnston, who cited Congressional Research Service’s “Handguns, Stabilizing Braces, and Related Components.”
“While there are no available statistics to gauge authoritatively the number of stabilizing braces already made and sold in the United States, unofficial estimates suggest that there are between 10 and 40 million stabilizing braces and similar components already in civilian hands, either purchased as accessories or already attached to firearms made at home or at the factory,” the report states. Since CRS is the Library of Congress’ official research group working “primarily and directly for members of Congress and their committees and staff,” GOA chose to use the same data lawmakers rely on.
And point of order: I should have spelled his first name Aidan with two “a”s and I submitted a correction request at the time.
In a strongly worded letter to ATF Director Steven Dettelbach, obtained and reviewed by DrydenWire.com, Sheriff Waak states that he will not take any enforcement action on this rule change “or allow any federal agent to take action against his citizens.”
“I stand ready to defend the rights of honest, law-abiding residents here in Polk County,” Waak states. [More]
There’s an interview I didn’t have 42 minutes to watch here. I can’t promise you he’ll answer that question.
[Via Jess]
ATF’s New Brace Rule Takes Effect TODAY
*** What You Should Know *** [More]
This one is important enough for me to interrupt today’s slowdown and share.