The Second Amendment Foundation has been granted summary judgement in a federal challenge of California’s One-Gun-A-Month (OGM) purchase law. U.S. District Judge William Q. Hayes stayed his decision for 30 days for the defendants to facilitate an appeal. [More]
And thumbing noses at Bruen will drag on and on and on with the hopes that Republicans blow the election and Democrats can reshape SCOTUS to reverse it.
The Supreme Court has no power to enforce its decisions. It cannot call out the troops or compel Congress or the president to obey. The Court relies on the executive and legislative branches to carry out its rulings. In some cases, the Supreme Court has been unable to enforce its rulings.
I’d need a lawyer to weigh in on whether they could charge inferior court judges with contempt for disregarding their rulings, and they’d still be dependent on the other branches. I fear the only “legal” remedy is impeachment, for which Republicans have neither the power nor the appetite.
So now we have to see what Hayes says in a month, and then see who initiates an appeal, then lather, rinse, repeat.