Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before

Internal Documents Show FBI is Worried About White Supremacist Teaming Up With Islamic Extremists [More]

Yes, they never stopped.

As Vanderboegh reminded us, racism is collectivism. Constitutionalists judge people as individuals. That’s why we have no use for DEI and the struggle session pressure to bow down to it.

The FBI is advancing the Garland/Wray “greatest threat” meme by doing what they always do: Conflating to smear non-leftists as violent racists.

Hey, use what works.

I’m sure there’s a nexus between foreign and domestic MVEs. I’m also sure that if you look at the homegrown kind, you’ll get a nice mix of low-hanging fruit and embedded CI/provocateurs.

[Via Jess]

Gun Store Owner Defends Approval of Biden Background Check Rule

One would think a Federal Firearms Licensee would be in tune with gun owner reasons and sentiments for Second Amendment absolutism, especially one whose website advertises “we specialize in Paramilitary weapons, military weapons, pistols, etc.” And one would think he would be aware of and responsive to mounting criticism from gun owners angered by his public statements, evidenced by comments under the WJAC article, but especially, on his Facebook. [More]

A bloviating gunkapo finds out pretty quickly his 15 minutes of fame weren’t worth it and is now trying to cover his tracks.

AP Puff Piece on New Biden Background Check Rule Hides Dangers to Freedom

Curious how much less “gun violence” there was in this country before Democrats started imposing all this “progress.” [More]

Once more we’re being lied to, and the biggest ally would-be totalitarians have in imposing their treachery are complicit Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists.

Ludicrous BART Campaign Increases Dangers to Passengers with Cards Against Attackers

Amidst this backdrop, we’re supposed to believe passing cards to third parties won’t do more than aggravate an already insane situation? [More]

Being terrorized on the train by a cleaver-wielding maniac released by the system? No problem, just hand a “You Got Me?” card to a total stranger! And remember to keep voting Democrat to “feel” safe!

Et Tu, NSSF?

One of those illegally-trafficked firearms was used to murder U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. That was exposed when ATF Agent Peter Forcelli blew the whistle that cases he was making to charge and lock up criminals for trafficking guns were being ignored by the U.S. Attorney’s office. [More]

No, that’s not how it got exposed.

Forcelli was definitely instrumental and heroic in exposing things, but ignoring the timeline of bringing information to the media, to the Congress, and to the public is wrong. If I didn’t know better, I’d think NSSF had a reason for ignoring that.

DOJ Reconsiders Denial of Documents in Hunter Biden-Related NICS Permanent Entry Consent Suit

Does the DOJ have the power to create new classes of “prohibited persons” outside of what is statutorily defined? [More]

First they said they had no pages. Now they say they have 350. So what’s on those pages, and will any establish they are authorized to redefine”prohibited person” disqualifiers?

Playing the Percentages

However, the recent investigation by the Second Amendment Foundation revealed that 97Percent supports bans on “assault weapons,” standard-capacity magazines, and bump stocks and has called for permits to carry, purchase, and even possess firearms. It supports mandatory background checks and mandatory storage laws and claims the Second Amendment is “overprotected.” [More]

Welcome to the party, pals.

RFK Jr. Would Put Gun Banner-Supporting VP Pick a Heartbeat from Presidency

She has described herself as a “progressive through and through” … She has donated to Democratic politicians such as Hillary Clinton in 2016, Joe Biden in 2020, Pete Buttigieg in 2020, and her local Congressman Democrat Ro Khanna, along with a slew of Democratic politicians across the country. In 2020, Shanahan co-hosted a fundraiser for Buttigieg. And she also supported Marianne Williamson’s long-shot 2020 bid. She donated $25,000 to the Biden Victory Fund in 2020. [More]

It’s tempting to think he’ll only be a spoiler hurting Biden, but some “conservatives” enamored of his Covid “vaccine” warnings, and some gun owners uninformed enough to believe his qualified 2A “assurances,” could make that sword cut both ways.

Maine Responds to My FOAA Request on Cancelling AR Rifles Class

I got a series of emails from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife regarding my Freedom of Access Act request for documentation leading to the decision to cancel an “AR rifles” safety class.

It looks like the sent me a lot of what I asked for but I’ll be going through everything this weekend to see and then writing a follow-up report.

FOIA Seeks Information from DOJ on National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center

Who the DOJ is partnering with and how their activities are lawful in light of the Supreme Court’s latest ruling on the Second Amendment are of particular interest. [More]

I don’t think anyone’s ever asked them to provide documents showing how they figure their actions are consistent with Bruen before.

RFK Jr Answers on Guns Miss Key Points & Leave Door Open for More Infringements

Nowhere has Kennedy shown that he understands any of this, or of the true purpose and meaning of the Second Amendment. Instead, his “going after people’s guns at this point in history” qualifier is a red flag – it implies there might come another time or set of circumstances where he’ll return to his past hostility to guns and decide the time is right. [More]

The guy’s assurances on guns all come with huge escape clauses. So why are so many gun owners being taken in by equivocal platitudes?

Gun Prohibitionists Show True Colors by What They DON’T Say of Russian Mass Shooting

Plenty of other reports will talk about all this, so let’s look at an aspect of this story not getting any press—and that’s deliberate. Let’s look at what the gun prohibitionists, who are always quick to gin up the mob and demand more infringements before the facts are known, aren’t saying about the Russia concert massacre and why. [More]

If it doesn’t advance their agenda it’s not worth mentioning. It’s not like they actually care about human lives.

Coyote Attack Advice Silent on Personal Defense

“When seconds count, police are minutes away” takes over, and the only rational and effective “Action Plan” is “Stop the Threat.” [More]

If you’re going to listen to bureaucrats on keeping safe from animal attacks, you might as well just put on a crash helmet and roller skates, and strap an Acme Rocket to your back.

Democrat AG Ellison Continues War on Legal Gun Sales with Complaint Against Fleet Farm

And his excuse for going after Fleet Farm is that its retail employees can’t do the impossible and read the hearts and minds of customers, and that it is therefore responsible for not just their criminal actions, but for the subsequent actions of those they deal with. [More]

A commie gun-grabber commits lawfare against a deep pockets victim because he can. Just like the Founders intended, right?

FOIA Request Questions FBI for Using NICS on NY Ammunition Background Checks

Can NICS be used for purposes for which it is not federally authorized? [More]

It makes fair the question “What else could the prohibitonists use it for?”

‘The Good Seaman Weathers the Storm He Cannot Avoid and Avoids the Storm He Cannot Weather’

A comment left under my latest AmmoLand piece on the couple victimized by latter-day “pirates of the Caribbean”:

In an effort to travel to Puerto Rico with my weapon, I have thought of boating there. That is why I contacted my state:

Keith Davis
Deputy Commissioner, Operations
Department of Public Safety
Jackson, Mississippi

I did this to secure weapon reciprocity between Puerto Rico and the State of Mississippi, as per the law of each entity.
Initially he did respond, but has not returned my last email and did not follow through on his promise.

So far, I have not traveled to Puerto Rico. I will not travel with out my weapon.

Until we change things in the minds of others who run these affairs, I am land locked.


With the passage of the Weapons Acts of 2020, Puerto Rico will now honor all state concealed carry permits once the NPPR Commissioner establishes memorandums of understanding (MOUs) with states and/or territories of the United States…

Here’s the Puerto Rico Concealed Carry Reciprocity Map. Mississippi being yellow means “Yes with restrictions,” which under States That Have Restricted Reciprocity with Puerto Rico” says “(permitless carry, at least 21 years old).”

You might want to tell Keith Davis and MS DPS “Thanks for nothing.”

As my shameless CYA disclaimer, I guess I have to add that I’m the last person in the world you want to take legal advice from, because when I don’t like gun laws, I’ve been known to endorse breaking them. Just publicly admitting that, where LE can (and does) read it, should be warning enough.

Item last, and tangentially related, I wish I’d remembered this when I wrote my article, but it’s been years and I didn’t, I call your attention to “How Gun Control ‘Worked’ in Jamaica” by longtime colleague Tina Iwalani Terry.

ATF Whistleblower’s Book Gives Unique Insights into Fast and Furious ‘Gunwalking’

In The Deadly Path, Forcelli reintroduces us to many of the other characters and scenarios we covered in our attempts to get corporate media and Congress to investigate for themselves. [More]

The guilty want this to be forgotten. This book can be a tool to renew interest in dragging their lethal actions back into the light– but only if you use it.

Whistleblower Answers Questions About ATF/DOJ Fast and Furious Malfeasance

Mike and I were not only ready to go with it (albeit unwilling to burn a source and post under a requested embargo), but after the mainstream press has been on it for days now, there was only one place hosting the letter (other stories only talked about it) from the attorney for the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association to Sen. Chuck Grassley and Rep. Darrell Issa detailing not just the setup for the grenade operation, but also, and importantly, about the retaliation his ATF agent-client was subjected to by DOJ management for testifying at a House Oversight Committee hearing. [More]

A name from earlier investigations of years past once more brings ATF’s criminal “gunwalker” plot to the front burner with a new book and an exclusive interview.

Hawaii’s Butterfly Knife Decision and ‘Spirit of Aloha’ Both Offensive to Freedom

We have two citizen disarmament cases wending their way through two courts, but they both rely on essentially the same thing: superstition relying on ancient barbaric belief systems that say the people exist to serve rulers rather than the government exists to serve the people. [More]

We are supposed to be beyond rule by kapu, where offenders are severely punished for offending the gods, which judges and politicians increasingly portray themselves to be when they presume to deny unalienable rights.

Special Circumstances Necessitate Saturday Post

I typically don’t post here on weekends because I’m working on articles, behind-the-scenes sausage-making, and spending time in pursuit of happiness with my family, but something came up I thought I need to address immediately, plus the LaPierre story broke after I’d knocked off work yesterday.

Danger, Will Robinson?

I’ve talked before about how this blog and advocacy media are really the only ways I have of sharing links to my articles (aside from asking readers, which has for the most part been historically unreliable). I hope regulars here will agree they get information and insights you won’t get from the “real reporters” who dominate public perceptions (otherwise, why keep coming back?). So I was surprised (and more than a little p!$$ed) to see this reply to my X announcement about my latest AmmoLand article on California Democrat gun-grabbers harassing the “law-abiding” while their criminal constituents get another pass:

Like the man asked, WTF?

I use both Malwarebytes and Webroot, and have never had a problem with AmmoLand (albeit some readers who haven’t figured out ad blockers are prone to grouse about the price of “free”). So I clicked the Bitly link to see what the grievance was, and the only thing that makes “sense” is:

The link may have been reported to Bitly by a member of the public.

That’s it? And I don’t suppose you’re going to tell us who snitched? It’s not like I haven’t had stuff suppressed based on troll complaints before.

Without defining an issue and proving it, URL shortening service and link management platform Bitly is willing to disparage reputations and cast suspicion and fear about visiting websites just on some anonymous person with an unknown agenda’s say-so…?

So is AmmoLand a risky place to go? Not according to Google’s Safe Browsing check (WoG comes up clean as well):

And drive away business? That seems actionable.

So what might be relevant to know about Bitly in trying to untangle this attack suppressing my work? Maybe it’s not about ideology at all?

The link they’re deeming unsafe, with the link shortener beginning “,” uses Shareaholic (“300,000+ forward-thinking businesses of all sizes rely on our software”), a COMPETITOR of Bitly.

And this may or may not mean something, but the Bitly CEO Toby Gabriner is based in San Francisco. Open Secrets shows he has donated to two candidates over the years, Josh Harder and Catherine Cortez Masto, both Democrats, and if you look at their links, both extremist gun-grabbers advancing Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown agenda.

Now it’s back to X to try to undo the damage.


We are working with Bitly to get these linked unblocked ASAP. [More]

I hope that means you’re going to sue their @$$es if they don’t issue a public apology for reputation damages and compensate for any monetary damages you can determine they’ve caused you and your 300,00 customers by scaring readers away from their content.

Wayne’s World

Former NRA chief Wayne LaPierre misspent gun rights group’s money and owes more than $4M, jury finds [More]

Some are saying being able to put all the blame on Wayne will now work in the Association’s favor in terms of all being forgiven and people coming back.

Not until the rubber stamp board and complicit top officers are replaced.

I’ve been asked to endorse the four “bullet vote” candidates. My response:

Only if they answer my questionnaire correctly.

Crickets. That was two-and-a-half weeks ago.

And this was long before that.

Minnesota ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban Includes ‘Fixed Magazine’ .22s Holding More Than 10 Rounds

There’s one other disqualifier though that should clear up ATF Director Steve Dettelbach’s inability to define what an “assault weapon” is, itself reminiscent of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson taking a pass on defining “woman.” He should have just said “A Marlin 70620 Model 60 .22 Long Rifle.” [More]

Man, they’re letting anything be a “weapon of war” these days…

Gun-Banners New ‘Shotline’ Resorts to Ghoulish AI Voices of ‘the Dead’ to Haunt Lawmakers

“Using AI technology, we re-created the voices of those shot and killed by guns so they can call our representatives in hopes of changing our country’s gun laws.” [More]

What do you call people who feed off the dead? Like the truism goes, garbage in, garbage out.

Cancellation of Maine ‘AR’ Safety Class Opens Questions as to Motives and Legality

That leaves a potential conflict, as duly enacted existing law, which mandates “The commissioner shall establish a program for training individuals in the safe handling of firearms,” does not add a proviso saying “except for firearms that Democrats don’t like.” And the truth about that is all of them, as the Fudds will find out when they’re no longer needed. [More]

Who knew “commonsense gun safety” meant no training? My Freedom of Access Act Request attempts to find out who’d behind that bit of idiocy.

And I just sent it out this morning:

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