This piece came out while I was away. [Read]
Len Savage was arrested after defending himself, and while the charges against him were dropped, he’s demanding an investigation into LE motives for why his attacker isn’t being prosecuted.
Notes from the Resistance
This piece came out while I was away. [Read]
Len Savage was arrested after defending himself, and while the charges against him were dropped, he’s demanding an investigation into LE motives for why his attacker isn’t being prosecuted.
It would be a “yuge” mistake. Knowing the truth about Kennedy’s historic support for citizen disarmament would take the fire out of a lot of gun-owning voters’ bellies. [More]
Stop me if you’ve heard about Trump’s advisors giving him crap advice before. Would you really vote to put someone who doesn’t trust you with guns a heartbeat away from the presidency?
Let incarcerated criminals vote for citizen disarmament, serve on juries, and run for office to stop “gun violence”! [More]
Democrats — and not just the “extreme” ones — are using inmates to secure control of the asylum.
With a history of personal nastiness combined with repeated demands to lay claim to the rights of his countrymen, it’s natural that the targets of Baldwin’s obsession would see the humor in his becoming victim of his own hubris. [More]
Or as Shakespeare wrote, “Hoist with his own petard…”
It should be a straightforward enough process and you’d think the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Department of Justice would be on the same page, instead of pointing fingers, abdicating responsibilities, and just plain getting things wrong, especially considering how they increasingly hold Federal Firearms Licensees to “zero tolerance standards” over paperwork glitches. [More]
It took fear of getting spanked by the court, but they finally, grudgingly agreed to an appeals process.
Tester demands they be disarmed when they go to the post office not even allowed to keep their lawfully owned guns securely stored in their vehicles … If it were up to Tester, we would not have the Bruen decision… [More]
Republican contenders Johnson and Sheehy can use both of these issues against him.
And what’s worse is that while Suozzi showed he perfectly understands the ultimate last resort provision against tyranny behind the Second Amendment, he actively works to undermine it in his quest for power over the lives of his countrymen. [More]
Suozzi’s idea of “gun violence prevention” is to disarm you and me and start an armed uprising.
As long as identity communities continue to reward corruption with power, they will continue to suffer the consequences that come from blaming others for their own poor choices. [More]
The problems are “systemic,” alright, but not in the way Democrat race hustlers would have us believe.
So it’s curious that those who demand the loudest for gun prohibitions infringing on the rights of “law-abiding citizens” are doing more than turning a blind eye on the millions of illegal aliens, many of them military-age men, that have been pouring across the border for years and are now surging in unprecedented numbers while the Biden administration waves them through. They’re incentivizing them to come. [More]
It’s almost like “gun safety” is a false front for useful idiots that masks a different motive altogether…
They’ll be back for more, and more, and more. Because they’ll take what they can get incrementally, but never lose sight of the goal that they want it all. [More]
Who thinks they’ll stop with this?
And yes, “the world does appear to be largely deaf” to the massacre, which is curious, especially since it is blacks being slaughtered wholesale. [More]
On the plus side, Giffords Law Center could give them an A++ rating for their “commonsense gun safety laws”!
“[b]ased on questions received from the public, [the “public” was AmmoLand News’ David Codrea] [More]
I appreciate the editorial insert.
I never could get those folks to acknowledge my stuff on their own.
With the “Long Line of Chicago, Illinois Leaders Found Guilty of Corruption,” Al Capone’s got to be looking up from the pit and wondering what the hell he did that was so wrong — aside from his choice of gang to be part of. [More]
Life in the clown world corruptocracy… except nobody’s laughing.
The prohibitionists want to sue dealers out of existence and are using spurious allegations parroted by their complicit media partners to add another con to their repertoire of rights swindles. [More]
Does anyone believe Steve Detttelbach’s ATF doesn’t welcome being sued and hasn’t been ordered to find a plausible way to take a dive?
So, if someone else does it you can catch it? What’s the agent of transmission, and how does it enter the body? Can we vaccinate against it? [More]
If what they say is true, shouldn’t we all be wearing face diapers or something?
Gun owners were quick to join in, pointing out the hypocrisy of gun-grabbers allegedly breaking gun laws they lobbied for and the delicious irony of the prohibitionists “hoist with their own petard.” [More]
I wonder if it’s a coincidence that the city backed down from participating in a highly publicized event just a few hours after I warned them the chief’s public admissions created a potential legal nightmare for them — and if similar warnings can be used to derail other “buybacks” where they’re incentivizing people with no safety training to handle and transport guns…
Frostback “Only Ones” are hours away. [More]
Most “child gun deaths” don’t occur on privileged white estates with swimming pools. But the manipulators behind the video know their target (Democrat) audience and are counting on them having more sympathy for a stereotypical adorable little blonde girl than for who the real victims of criminal violence are apt to be. [More]
Once more the gun-grabbers show us that the best way to appeal to frustrated white Democrat hag empathy is to show something bad happening to a privileged “Aryan.”
If you exclude African-American killers from the US crime statistics, our murder rate drops to the middle of the European pack. The left has no answer for this and for political reasons, cannot confront it with destroying a large base of their urban voting block. So they use gun control as a proposed patch to the problem except IT DOESN’T WORK. [More]
That gets back to the elephant in the room too many with influence have feared pointing out.
“We recognize that ‘good moral character’ is a spongy concept susceptible to abuse.” [More]
Like the definition of “pornography“? Or “woman“?
I wonder if a Second Amendment advocate who believes it is a bulwark against domestic tyranny could be disqualified…
And if that would be sufficient to bring a libel suit…
If Biden’s motion ultimately prevails, other categories of prohibited persons become vulnerable to challenge, as well as records required to be kept by Federal Firearms Licensees, which themselves have no historical counterpart. The possibilities for reclaiming rights seem boundless. [More]
It would be deliciously ironic if, in saving his own skin, this degenerate saved ours…
No dice, Special Counsel Weiss replied in its opposition to Biden’s motion… [More]
Does this mean Weiss suspects something– or knows– about the likelihood of the “Big Guy” continuing in office?
But “Come on down, and you’re on your own” is what the Farmington Police Department, New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence, and the “real reporters” at The Journal consider “gun safety,” and that’s what they’re urging everyone to take part in? And if someone gets hurt or worse due to this deliberately indifferent incentivized ignorance, have they run the chief’s admission by their respective legal departments to consider against the familiar civil complaint words “knew or should have known”? [More]
I wonder if the city attorney is willing to expose Farmington to the unsafe gun handling liability the chief just confessed to the media, along with all the other questionable legal practices ? Why not ask?
Denial of reality is a new lifestyle for those emerging from the Newthink mills of public education. [More]
This comment left under my latest AmmoLand article is concise and insightful, and well worth the moment of your time it will take to read the whole thing.
Realizing this is a critical part of a plan, what does that tell us about those cold intellects behind it?
So, “we’re” winning? If you listen to some “gun pundits,” this shows the tide is turning and gives gun owners cause to celebrate. The enthusiasm would be more credible if there were some believable numbers showing new gun ownership will translate into votes against Democrats, the party of citizen disarmament, in enough numbers to eject the gun-grabbers from power and replace them with Second Amendment stalwarts. [More]
Harvey Keitel’s NSFW “Well, let’s not start ******* **** *****’* ***** quite yet” line from Pulp Fiction comes to mind.
That “misuse” can be deliberate by activists gone wild or due to lax/incompetent security protocols. And it’s not like sensitive and supposedly secure government systems at the highest levels can’t be breached and hacked by anyone, from cyber criminals to foreign enemies. It’s not like names, addresses, and lists don’t have real-world street value, and it would be just like the prohibitionists to have their efforts actually increase violence and its incentives. [More]
Why do you need privacy if you’re not doing anything wrong?
They’re not only conflicted but hiding it. You don’t get more in-your-face corrupt than that. But don’t look for the Illinois Judicial Inquiry Board to care. [More]
What good is having your day in court when the judge is in bed with the offending politicians?
Of course, he’s not an antisemite. Musk had in mind groups like the Antidefamation League (ADL), which have done exactly that in terms of pushing dialectical hatred. [More]
The real antisemites and racists are the antihuman Cultural Marxists who demand disarming all of us.
ATF Claims Solvent Traps Were Always Unregistered Silencers… The ATF says that end caps by themselves are suppressors, even if an end cap is the only part an end-user has. The ATF clearly believes that a silencer does not have to be complete or functional before the owner crosses the line. Just the mere possession of a single part can send a person to prison if the ATF decides to prosecute. [More]
And some may be surprised with what they mean by “part.”
“The Justice Department will do everything in its power to find and hold accountable the gun traffickers who are arming the cartels.” [More]
Good one! And they’re headline whoring for the same reasons.
Why does Sir Wilfrid’s cross-examination of Frau Helm come to mind…?