We’re the Only Ones Remorseful Enough

A former Vermont trooper accused of stealing a $14,000 Rolex watch and other valuable items from the evidence locker will avoid prison under a plea deal reached Friday. “Your honor, words cannot describe the regret and remorse I feel in my heart,” Giancarlo DiGenova told a judge in court Friday. [More]

Regrets that he got caught, POS scumbag…

The nerve of these @$$holes… and the incompetence of those administering the evidence rooms.

It’s not just that they wouldn’t offer you and me such a deal — they wouldn’t have to.

[Via Steve T]

We’re the Only Ones Inappropriate Enough

A police officer in Wisconsin has been arrested on a felony sexual assault charge for his alleged inappropriate conduct toward a female student while working as a School Resource Officer (SRO). [More]

What a trust-betraying, self-serving weakling.

But he was allowed to have a gun there, and destroy your life if you had one.

[Via Steve T]

Hero Sandwich

Dramatic moment Good Samaritan tackles customer who ‘battered and spat at Indiana Subway worker over a sandwich’ – as hero is rewarded with free food for life [More]

And she didn’t even have to hand him a card.

Now watch the perp get a personal injury attorney, claim racism, and go after deep Subway pockets for rewarding vigilantism.

[Via bondmen]

Ludicrous BART Campaign Increases Dangers to Passengers with Cards Against Attackers

Amidst this backdrop, we’re supposed to believe passing cards to third parties won’t do more than aggravate an already insane situation? [More]

Being terrorized on the train by a cleaver-wielding maniac released by the system? No problem, just hand a “You Got Me?” card to a total stranger! And remember to keep voting Democrat to “feel” safe!

Any Chance for Lemonade?

Illegal Alien Deported 7 Times Arrested for Ohio Murder [More]

Would it be out of line to at least hope his victim was also a fellow criminal?

This is what this motherf***ing extortionist is threatening to keep inflicting on us until we meet his demands. He ought to be treated like the terrorist he is.

Everyone realizes he wouldn’t be president if that didn’t serve cartel interests, right?

[Via Michael G]

Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye

So… robots in disguise…?

At least we know whose side the citizen disarmanent lobby is on!

[Via WiscoDave]

It’s All in the Optics

Garland’s comments come in an election year when violent crime is a major campaign issue, and one that Biden’s opponent, former President Donald Trump has attacked him on.  [More]

By their motivation ye shall know them.

And guess what they deliberately don’t mention when they assure us violent crime is down.

[Via Jess]

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