Parroting the Narrative

It’s impossible not to notice, though. When certain issues come up, anybody deviating from a certain position is viciously attacked and “cancelled.” [More]

So I haven’t just been imagining stuff like “baseless” or “botched gun sting“…?

[Via bondmen]

The Guttenberg Press

Gun Safety advocate Fred Guttenberg calls Josh Hawley ‘a liar’ [Watch]

The first lie is that Fred advocates for gun safety. He advocates for citizen disarmament, and the MSNBC apparatchick daughter of a South Korean refugee welcomed into this country to enjoy its Constitutionally-mandated recognition of freedoms is overtly part of the team now undermining them.

It’s helpful seeing Fred take the mask off though and resort to logically fallacious ad hominem attacks. It puts the lie to his insistence with his 97percent partners that they’re all about dialog and coming together with gun owners. (And guess who else partners with them.)

I’m sorry for his horrible and unimaginable loss, but it’s not my fault. My natural human sympathy does not mean I will remain passive when he and other surviving family members attack my right to protect myself and my loved ones.

[Via Dan Gifford]

Why Not Just Hang Him and His Supporters and Be Done with It?

MSNBC Legal Analyst Declares Trump Could Be Charged With Manslaughter [More]

Noting Trump is an avatar, so could every J6 defendant, and probably everyone who has expressed doubt about the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s election.

Let’s cut to the chase: These neo-Soviets from the IDAK school of government want all opposition gulaged or exterminated.

They’ll just need your guns first.

[Via Michael G]

So Who’s ‘Ben’?

It’s unclear who’s behind the propaganda campaign… [More]

It hardly seems unfair to note which “side” is notorious for hoaxes designed to smear those they hate in the hair-trigger “minds” of the mob…

And it’s not like the mob isn’t showing us in “Comments” that they’re eager to pile on:

KSA – Meanwhile us republicans can vote democrat with no problem and that will make the difference.

Tom -I am republican and will vote democratic

Sure you guys are.

Meanwhile, Yahoo! News “real reporter” Elias Weiss ensures his place at the table by parroting the obligatory narrative:

… Dinesh D’Sousa’s discredited documentary 2000 Mules and the right-wing ecosystem of debunked ballot conspiracies that accompanies it … “I think it’s a pretty obvious attempt to intimidate people and promote completely baseless claims of election fraud”…

Note all he has to do is claim it. A unified “media” voice means he doesn’t have to prove it, not that his DSM employers would let him try…

Ganging Up

CNN Announces “Guns in America” Beat and Team – Led by CNN Guns and Security Correspondent Josh Campbell, the new unit will feature reporting and analysis from The Reload’s Stephen Gutowski, The Trace’s Jennifer Mascia and The Guardian’s Abené Clayton [More]

So basically three against one is considered a fair fight?

I’ve taken on more

It reminded me of another online fight.

A Date Which Will Live in Infamy

MSNBC: ‘9/11 Is Nothing Compared to January 6,’ Need ‘War Footing’ [More]

I’ll never forget the staffers plunging to their deaths, and the way the dome collapsed and crumbled.

If this isn’t justification to begin rounding up or just shooting white supremacist insurrectionist Nazi Trump deplorables, nothing is! Preferably by troops of color and as long as no one at MSNBC need personally go into harm’s way…

So….who’s leftist adulterer Strzok getting gumjobs from these days…?

[Via Michael G]

So Now What?

In addition to exposing the conscious malfeasance of the FBI brass, Durham also established the organizational structure of the whole Russia investigation from the FBI’s Operation Crossfire Hurricane through to the Mueller Inquiry. This information should prove useful in any future investigation when the real culprits are indicted on RICO charges. [More]

I guess the question on my mind is “Will they be?

Time and again we see cover-up upon cover-up that ought to bring a government down but instead gets buried, dismissed, forgotten, ridiculed, …

Change my mind.

[Via bondmen]

The Gaslighting Of The Masses

Never before have we been able to observe the application and effects of these powerful technologies in real-time on such a massive scale. [More]

I believe this is one reason why we who have been fighting the lies about the right to keep and bear arms for years, and who have seen the denial of reality and insistent substitution of lies coming from what we’ve been conditioned to accept as “authority figures” are better prepared than most to recognize when it’s being done in other areas.

And an age-old question comes to mind.

[Via bondmen]

To the Letter

Democrats press anti-gun policies [More]

Efforts such as this are vitally necessary to getting the word out and using the DSM’s resources to do it. I actually started writing on 2A issues after having my first two attempts published on the same day in two different papers, one being The Los Angeles Times, the other the South Bay’s The Daily Breeze. After seeing my stuff regularly getting selected, I decided to give advocacy writing a try.

I encourage anyone so inclined to try. The only advice I can give to increase your chances of getting published is: don’t try to cram too much in, avoid name-calling, stick to facts, and don’t exceed suggested word limits.

[Via Andy M]

False Premises

These 6 members of the Jan. 6 committee are up for reelection in 2022 [More]

They’re all in safe seats, so the DSM is trying to make it look like because their wins are guaranteed, what they’re doing is a popular and winning strategy.

The only political outcomes that really count here are what happened to traitors Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, and why.

[Via bondmen]

Giffords’ Rose Parade Publicity Spotlights Anti-Gun Media Saturation

They presume undermining “the security of a free State” by disarming their countrymen will result in safety, even though they can point to no such outcome after decades of trying. They also just gave Kelly’s political campaign a favorable-by-association media boost that will be seen by millions, but conveniently won’t set off Federal Election Commission in-kind contribution alarms. [More]

Astroturf groups get millions in free publicity to spread their lies, while the establishment media ignores, blocks, or shuts down the truth about the right to keep and bear arms every chance it gets.

What’s Everybody Mad at Me For? All I Did was Stab Them in the Back…

“If you stray from a party position, you are annihilated.” [More]

That’s not what did it.

You flat-out lied to people to get their support and then you betrayed them.

And your calculated excuse shows you’re still lying, which makes the photo AP used all the more telling.

Look for this quisling to find his place as yet another token DSM “conservative.” It looks from this like he’s auditioning and they’re testing how useful he can be…

[Via Dan Gifford]

What Else are ‘They’ Lying About and Why Should We Trust Them on Anything?

In COVID hearing, #Pfizer director admits: #vaccine was never tested on preventing transmission. “Get vaccinated for others” was always a lie. The only purpose of the #COVID passport: forcing people to get vaccinated. The world needs to know. Share this video! [Watch]

So mob participants and inciters like that moronic hatemonger Howard Stern wishing the unvaccinated dead and urging hospitals not to treat them are going to apologize and beg forgiveness?

Survey SAYS…

In the more detailed breakdown of the results, Lott found that the greatest movement in the views of respondents came in the “Strongly Support” and “Strongly Oppose” categories. “Strongly Support” fell by more than half when more specifics about “red flag” laws were included; plummeting from 34% with the first question, to 14% with the more detailed second question. “Strongly Oppose,” meanwhile, climbed from 18% to 29%. [More]

Great. Now, who’s going to tell the public, which gets its disinformation from lying Democrats and the DSM (but I repeat myself) while truths like this are buried, suppressed, demonetized, and ridiculed?

[Via Jess]

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